Gray, Brown, no wait... (NOT Again!)

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Gray, Brown, no wait... (NOT Again!)

Post by Dalexs »

I know, I know, this subject is very taboo, and has more or less been settled by darthjones.
BUT, if you have the time, go get a copy of The Sting. (1973)

It was on AMC last night and it's one of my favorite movies.
Hats galore and lots of cool vintage stuff all around. But I digress.

Robert Redford wears a light/medium gray fedora pretty much through 95% of the movie.

Throughout the film, you see him tracking through 1 long shot, and you very noticably see his hat look brown,
(just like Fedoras Gray) and he will step into new light, and sure enough, its still the light gray.

The first time it's really noticable is when he is in the car with Robert Shaw (Lonnegan), you'd swear he's wearing a brown hat.
He steps out of the car (again, 1 shot) the hat is the same gray he's been wearing all along.

This happens all throughout the movie, if you pay attention.

Now, why do I bring it up tou ask?
First, its a great flick, everyone should watch it.
Second, it really shows how lighting can be very deceptive.

Thats all. Enjoy.

Last edited by Dalexs on Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Michaelson »

That's what my AB seaplane gray hat does all the time. :wink:

You need to buy the DVD of the Sting, old friend. You could watch it anytime you wanted then. I did. 8)

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Dalexs »

There's alot fo DVDs I need to buy!
I'd forgotten what a great flick it is.
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Post by Michaelson »

It's one of the films in my top 5 favorite list.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by agent5 »

I know, I know, this subject is very taboo
Only to you guys. Seriously. I find no reason the rest of us cannot still discuss it till we're blue in the face or dead and have the mods allow it.

Thanks Dalexs for that tip. I'll be checking it out again next time it's on tv. :tup:

Oh...and, I'll never think this settled at all until we see the actual hat. Makes sense to me.
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Post by Dutch_jones »

yeah why can't Indy have a formal hat too:P maybe it is that he wears a formal hat inside a plane , or at the end of raiders :P lol sorry
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Post by IndianaGuybrush »

I have a funny story about The Sting. I have it on DVD and convinced a bunch of friendks of mine to watch it when we were all in college. There were maybe 5 of us there watching it, and only me and one other had seen it before. The movie starts off and it's in black and white... the other guys turn to me and ask "This is a black and white movie?" and me and the other guy who'd seen it just scratch our heads and shrug. I honestly couldn't remember. We watched the whole movie in black and white until the very end when someone nudged the DVD player... turned out the cables were loose. The really odd part is to this day I prefer the movie in B&W, it just fits the tone better.
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Post by J_Weaver »

:lol: Great story!

Dalexs, I noticed the same thing. That movie is full of great looking hats! Most of them had some pretty wide ribbons too. :)
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

I picked it up on DVD, since Michaelson mentioned it over at another site.
I forgot what a great film it is, but AMC is out there to remind us, daily.
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Post by VP »

IndianaGuybrush wrote:I have a funny story about The Sting. I have it on DVD and convinced a bunch of friendks of mine to watch it when we were all in college. There were maybe 5 of us there watching it, and only me and one other had seen it before. The movie starts off and it's in black and white... the other guys turn to me and ask "This is a black and white movie?" and me and the other guy who'd seen it just scratch our heads and shrug. I honestly couldn't remember. We watched the whole movie in black and white until the very end when someone nudged the DVD player... turned out the cables were loose. The really odd part is to this day I prefer the movie in B&W, it just fits the tone better.
Wanha, you told that to us when we were talking about watching Raiders in B&W. Apparently Minnesota Jones has already deleted it. :evil:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

agent5 wrote:
I know, I know, this subject is very taboo
Only to you guys. Seriously. I find no reason the rest of us cannot still discuss it till we're blue in the face or dead and have the mods allow it.
Hmm...maybe 'controversial' is more what he meant. Even the mention that it is taboo elicits a response. ;)
agent5 wrote:Oh...and, I'll never think this settled at all until we see the actual hat. Makes sense to me.
I've been ruminating on this since I read it are a couple thoughts. These are meant with all due respect, and please note the lack of flames and winky smilies (below, anyway).

Really, what would be the end-all-be-all proof, do you suppose? Seeing the hat...? Nope, it has to be specific, or else it might not be really from ROTLA, or not really grey. Okay, so a pic of both a grey AND a brown from ROTLA, including tags, provenance, and Noodleman and Swales testimony, perhaps even firsthand to you...


I'm only asking pointedly because darthjones (did I get the name right?) has stated that he was told by Swales that there were both grey and brown supplied for ROTLA, and that he OWNED one of the greys at one point. Short of the pics and provenance, this sounds pretty compelling - testimony from Swales taken firsthand, as well as witnessing the hat himself.

Seeing pictures would be great, too - seriously, to see a color pic of HF during ROTLA production, holding both the hats with a 'hmm' look on his face would be FANTASTIC and I'd like to see it too - but short of this, haven't we gotten enough testimony from someone who doesn't come across as a loon that there WERE grey hats?

Actually, something DJ said struck a chord w/ me, too...remember that statement that if there WERE grey hats, why haven't we seen any? DJ I believe mentioned that he HAD one, but didn't think it was or would be worth much, which was part of why he let it go...well, gosh, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah, you've got a hat, you liked the movie but it was only used for one or two quick 10-second scenes, and it's not the color everyone identifies w/ Indy. If they only needed a couple of these for that, chances are they are gone/lost or someone has it but has no clue anymore what it was used for.

So, I agree that it would still be nice to see more data on the grey hat, but can you really still call this 'unsettled'? How about 'probable, but we'd still like to see a pic'?
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Post by Dalexs »

Nice going Jerry, way to steer away from controversy!
No wonder we hate having this subject brought up. :wink:
(And I should know better>
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Post by Michaelson »

And to add, there were TWO conversations with Swales where he stated this information...and I was the other individual who had it with him and reported same.....again, and again, and again...... :roll:

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Dalexs wrote:Nice going Jerry, way to steer away from controversy!
No wonder we hate having this subject brought up. :wink:
(And I should know better>
hahaha...just what I was thinking when you started this thread. ;) Yeah, we both fell for it. But note that it was less controversial this time...maybe in a few more months this will even be a topic that doesn't bring out cries of 'heresy!' anymore. O:)
Michaelson wrote:And to add, there were TWO conversations with Swales where he stated this information...and I was the other individual who had it with him and reported same.....again, and again, and again......
Ooh...sorry to bring up a sore subject again. We keep rubbing salt in that one, don't we? :twisted:

(Oh, hey, look, Angels & Demons in the same post...almost like a Dan Brown kind of post...oh, sorry...forget I mentioned him...)
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Post by IndyBlues »

AND, can we call her "Nadoolman", instead of "NOODLEman"?? I'm pretty sure most do it as a joke, but doesn't she deserve some respect since she was part of putting together the very outfit we all hold in such high regard?? She should be like a patron saint around here, lol.
Don't mean to come off so touchy about it, just something that always irked me.
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

At some point it becomes an argument of the absurd; what will it take to satisfy a skeptic. I think Jerry shows this wonderfully.

There are individuals whose statements I trust. When two or more of these individuals verify a fact, it is compelling testimony.
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