This is incredible news, Steve! Awesome, awesome, awesome. I know Optimo had similar contacts and they were planning on sending him a hat a while back but I have no idea if they did or not.
I've have heard HF say himself that he does not use the internet and doesn't like it and from what I can tell, he does not seem fond of wearing hats, especially those who make him look exactly like Indy. Not that he doesn't already, but can you see the comments he'd get by walking around in that hat?
And you think some of US get comments while wearing the gear!
I doubt he'd wear the hat in public but they seem so close to putting this thing together that I think if the hat makes it to him you honestly have a good shot at it being the next Indy hat. HJ cannot put out anything close to your work. It'd just be a shame if they went with them again.
I was thinking that you can possibly help this happen by leaving a small note in the brim that states the reasons WHY you make the hats. Because HJ no longer puts out the quality they once did, you stepped up for the fans to get a true, quality Indy hat. That will leave a place for the Indygear address if he decides to use it, but according to what he said in an interview a couple of months ago, that is most likely doubtful. never know.
I'd be very hesitant to leave anything about Indy 4 as he may think it a ploy just to get them to use your hats. I'd just say that being such a big fan of the films that you couldn't pass up the opportunity to pass on your work to the person who made the hat so famous. It's being true without kissing his arse.
One thing I do know from talking to the Optimo crowd who have met Ford is that he LOVES good art and craftsmanship so I think the hat will speak volumes to him. Well...I hope it does for you, man.