Lucas walkthrough dvd........

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Michaelson, I believe you. All I had to do was look at it to tell it was gray.
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Post by Antone »

Welcome aboard John!

So the front pinch was put in with a machine? I'd always wondered since I never saw a front pinch like that before or since. Does that mean they had a machine just for pinching fedoras?

I'd love to hear more about the multi-stage blocking process that Steve mentioned; I think I remember hearing someone at HJ mentioning a strange rumor that they used one block, then a crown stretcher to get that crown shape. Any chance you could clear this one up as well?

This is fascinating stuff, thank you for filling us in. I know I'm not the only one who appreciates getting the inside scoop like this.

Oh, and I'm sure you'll be happy with your AB; my latest one is the best hat I've ever owned, Steve's stuff keeps getting better.


PS-Michaelson, I believed you too, for what it's worth.
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Post by Antone »

darthjones wrote:And one of the reasons I remember the hat so clearly is that I was blown away by the color and VERY uneven brim. According to Craig (and later Mr. Swales of HJ) the hat had been lightly sprayed with a diluted bleach. It caused the color to fade into a lighter, greener brown.
You hear that Hemingway? Wear it with pride, you've had the most screen accurate Raiders-style Fed all these years and didn't even know it! :lol: :wink:

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Post by Erri »

you know there was a famous question around here... "if there really were greys HJ in raiders, where are they?" :lol: I can't believe you have one. I really can't wait to see pictures of it! :D:D:D:D

I just saw your website John, another Italian-originated-American eh? :P Welcome on board goodfella :wink: :P

btw... Were you really so close to tornado??? :shock: :shock:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Michaelson wrote: I very much appreciate you taking the time to give credance to something I've posted for almost a decade now, and yet has never been considered a fact. You've just slammed that door shut, and it's more appreciated than you can EVER realize. :D :notworthy:

Thank you again.

HIGH regards!

Oh, I always believed you, too, Michaelson, though the bribe helped. :wink:

I just hope people don't start bashing darthjones now and debating it. :roll: I hope we can finally lay that one to rest!

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Post by indyguy »

welcome john nice to see you over here I'm also a RPF member since 1999.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Dang. You mean, now in every discussion that we have I can't say, "yeah, but is it brown or is it gray?" #-o
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Post by Michaelson »

SURE you can, Buff, old buddy. Just don't be surprised at all the odd looks you get....not that you don't already, but, er, well, you know what I mean. 8) :wink:

High regards! Michaelson
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

That's what I figured. #-o
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Post by Kaleponi Craig »

Welcome, DarthJones, and thank's so much for letting us know the truth about the gray Raiders hat. Many of us feel vindicated!. :rolling:

Looking forward to hearing more from you...KC
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Post by Strider »

Exciting news! It's definetely a good time to be a Club Obi-Wan member. See, this is the way we normally welcome people who've got information.

He came, he shared, we opined. It was fantastic. Welcome aboard, Darth Jones!
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Post by Ark Hunter »

Welcome! That is great to find out about the gray HJs. (never heard Michaelson's story on it though, not that I'd belive him :wink: :lol: JK)

So do you know anything about the bag straps or do you only know about the hats? :lol: (another long running argument you might be able to settle) The question is does it have groves down the sides or not.

Nice work on your web site. Tornados are quite beautiful and scary at the same time.

I'd certainly like a copy of that also. I could caputure the Indy parts and post them for download.
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Post by darthjones »

Hey, folks! Let's see - that gray Indy hat my friend has has indeed been located and I hope to photo. it for you soon. He doesn't live that close to me though.

But he needs me to stretch it out for him so maybe he'll make that extra effort.

As far as the bag strap goes, I think I saw a couple different kinds at ILM. I really can't remember. Most of them by far were just straps of leather with no details at all. I mean, the edges were beveled like any decent waist belt but no ridges or anything.

Does one of the films have ridges on the bag strap?

Hm. Something I never paid attention to.

I do remember tripping out on how light and flimsy the jackets seemed. That was weird.

And thanks for the compliments on my work! I went down to one of my galleries today and traded out some paintings. But it doesn't feel like work if I'm not actually painting. Strange profession for sure.
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Post by Mulceber »

Yes, supposedly, in Raiders, the strap had ridges along the sides of it. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Ark Hunter »

Yeah, I'll try to post a link and/or picture tonight of a replica strap that has it. I'm not sure I decribed it well as it's not on the sides/edges, but on the face of the strap. (just decoration) A groove inset about a 1/16"-1/8 in from each side of the strap.
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Post by raindog »

Welcome John,
Just had to say EXCELLENT artwork on your site. Love the tornados.
Do you work in oils or acrylic?

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Post by Strider »

darthjones wrote:I do remember tripping out on how light and flimsy the jackets seemed. That was weird.
That's authentic lamb for you. Drapes nicely, insanely light weight for leather, and feels comfy. Of course, it can get destroyed pretty easily, too. :lol:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Yeah, I'm three days late, but this bears repeating...
darthjones wrote:Also, the gray hat in the Clipper plane was indeed gray. Swales told me that they made gray and brown for Jones.
Allelujia. Thank you. :notworthy:

We usually say, "Welcome to COW!", but you've apparently been working this longer than almost anyone (Michaelson excepted, of course ;) ), so I guess we really just have to say Welcome home, John. ;)

(Hey, Bink, does this mean we can't keep pretending not to believe Michaelson? I was getting real good at slamming those doors... :twisted: )
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Post by Ark Hunter »

Oops. I forgot this was in the Fedoras section. Maybe I shouldn't have been asking about the strap... *wispers* here's a picture of repro straps with grooves. 8-[ :-$
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Post by darthjones »

Hey, Jeff. I work in oils. On a FEW occasions there is acrylic underneath to help negotiate a surface but otherwise its like painting with glue.

Had a fun day today - there was a B2 bomber circling over my town as it waited to fly over Dodger Stadium for opening day. VERY cool. I think I got 3 or 4 passes at about 5,000 feet. Awesome. Against rain clouds too.

And hmmm, those bag straps. I really don't have a clue. I for sure remember at least one bag that did NOT have grooves but I think the grooves look nicer anyway.

Hey, if its Raiders, its right :!:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Indiana Jerry wrote: (Hey, Bink, does this mean we can't keep pretending not to believe Michaelson? I was getting real good at slamming those doors... :twisted: )
You mean you were pretending?! :shock: :wink:
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Post by Erri »

darthjones wrote: And I have a gray HJ Jones but it is at a friend's house. I'll try and get that back if he hasn't lost it. :cry:

Will get on those other pics. this coming Wed. I think.
Maybe I've missed it but... have you found the gray hat? :)
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Post by Ark Hunter »

Yes, and what happend with the distribution of the DVD? Did any one have it sent to them?
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Post by Harrison_Davies »

Forgive me,

I'm relativley new to all this...oh dear how to say it....what is this DVD?

Awaits lightening bolts to strike me down....

BTW welcome John...who I also don't know sorry....
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Post by agent5 »

I was and still am VERY interested in this.
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Post by Erri »

Harrison_Davies wrote:Forgive me,

I'm relativley new to all this...oh dear how to say it....what is this DVD?

Awaits lightening bolts to strike me down....

BTW welcome John...who I also don't know sorry....
Steve's friend (and now our member under the nick of darthjones) owns a video that he took in the Lucas warehouse showing us all the props stored there (including indygear). It was put on DVD for Steve but he wasn't able to spread it to all of us (although I think he said he would have put a copy free with every hat he sells) so a member up to the challgenge proposed himself as official "spreader". There should be a thread about all this somewhere. I can suggest a VP's Classic (use the search button).

Correct me if I said something wrong.

Anyway... I wonder if darthjones could show us that grey Herbert Johnson. We're all very curious about the famous GREY HAT!!!!!
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Post by VP »

erri_wan wrote:I can suggest a VP's Classic (use the search button).
Noo, it's called a VP's Special.
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Post by Mike »

I was/am working on a distribution system for the Walkthrough DVD. I was waiting for all parties involved to get their copies to help with ordering/distribution. That has just happend today. Once I get the details worked out with the parties involved, an announcement will go up. (within the next couple of days.)
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Post by Wrightknife »

Thanks MM we are all awaiting a copy of this great resource. :clap: :notworthy:
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Post by agent5 »

Thabnks for the quick update, Mike.
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Post by Ark Hunter »

Good timing then. :D Thanks for the update.
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Post by darthjones »

Hey, gang! Haven't been out here much. Cool that y'all have the dvd coming soon. I'll be interested in your opinions down the road. It tends to focus a bit on my two favorite characters, Darth Vader and Indiana Jones, so I know some of you will cringe when I seem to overlook boxes labeled "Boba Fett" with the camera!

Anyway, the gray hat - it is still with a friend who seems to be in a very disfunctional relationship (i.e. the woman is needy and exacting with him, taking all his energy, so he does not call friends back because we will tell him to dump her but he won't do it, even though he is embarrassed not to, because he is still getting "some").

And I KNOW this dynamic sounds familiar to more than one of us, including myself!

Anyway, when that Bev. Hills bimbo is out of my way I still plan to photo the hat.

Dang it, she is standing in the way of research!!!!!

By the way - notice that the motorcycle chase from LC features a VERY tapered HJ? That whole chase sequence was filmed near ILM and added later after principal photog. was done. In the dvd you will see a Connery beard and mustache on a styro head because he had shaved at that point and they needed the shot.

Anyway, point being, the hat was THAT tapered after having been new perhaps only a year prior.
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Post by J_Weaver »

darthjones wrote:And I KNOW this dynamic sounds familiar to more than one of us, including myself!
Oh man, I got a big laugh out of that post! :lol:

Yup, I've had a few friend like that and brother, I don't understand it. :-k
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Post by Dutch_jones »

I ordered an Ab recently but i didnt post it can i get a copy too ?
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Post by Erri »

Dutch_jones wrote:I ordered an Ab recently but i didnt post it can i get a copy too ?
:lol: Well I hope I didn't put Steve in troubles with what I said before. I just remember that Steve said something like putting a copy of that DVD for COW new customers buying an AB but I really don't know if it was just a thought or a real vendor announcement! So please ask to Steve or look for the thread were we talked about it. Don't trust my memory!

By the way, congratulations on your new purchase Dirk :D:D:D :clap:
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Post by IndyTaz »

:shock: I just got my AB too bud...I am sure we can sign up somewhere;)


PS Welcome Darth...nice to have you here :)
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Post by Mike »

Alright, I was afraid this might happen. I'm going to close this thread down before everyone starts posting that they want one here. THIS IS NOT THE THREAD TO DO THAT.

Steve didn't have the capability to burn more copies of the DVD, thus his original thought to offer the DVDs as an extra would cause him a lot of hassle. Once he started getting bombarded with requests to get a copy, I offered to help out. I have burned a few, but DON'T ASK FOR A COPY YET.

I have been coordintating with a couple of other members to figure out copying and distribution in other parts of North America and Europe. Once I have finalized the process with them, I will be posting an announcement on a thread to order a copy.

I and the other members are doing this as a gesture to help out the whole of the board. Lets not make this a hassle for any of us PLEASE. I realize the demand for this is high, but lets all be patient and WORK together and if the process works smoothly this should see that we all get a copy. If this process becomes a cluster ---- like the journal, I will put a halt to it.

So let's all take a breath, wait for the announcement and sign up with the appropriate person.
