So, I decided to start off with an Akubra and I'm extremely pleased. First of all, the customer service at Hats Direct is AMAZING! I ordered my hat late last Wednesday night, which I'd assume because of the time difference was regular hours there. So within 30 minutes of placing my order online I was already receiving emails asking me to double check my size, giving shaping instructions, and 10 minutes later I had a tracking number and a note that my hat was shipping out that very day! Remember this was VERY late Wednesday, and by Monday my new hat was already at my door! Wow!

So here are some pics of my new hat, with about half an hour of bashing on it. I'm sure it'll wear in a little more "Raiders looking" with time, but I'm really happy how easily this bashed in to the Raiders look without steam or even water...this is all bashed by hand only.
Okay, short story long...Here's the pics!
In the bushes...

And me wearing it...