Are these Indy's gloves?!?!

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Are these Indy's gloves?!?!

Post by Houdini »

Hey, I found this on Amazon. Are you guys aware of these? Are these the same gloves that Todd's Costumes offers? Anyway, they look a lot like Indy's gloves and they are Wells Lamont. Your thoughts. ... &n=1036592
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Gee...they sure look like them. I ordered a couple pair...let's see what happens.
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Post by Swindiana »

Good price and good look. The thumb cut is a little different, but hey.
Nice find! I only wish there were more of those type of gloves here in Sweden.

Give us a review when you get them, will ya? ;)

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

At least the thumb is a full panel all the way to the cuff, as opposed to a keystone. And they are at a normal glove price, not an 'Indy' price. ;)

And the trim matches...if the pic is accurate, this a lot closer than many current offerings (aside from those tailored for IndyGear fans).

I'll post back when I get them...

And yes, Houdini - GOOD FIND. :tup:

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Post by Redinight »

Nice find, I am tempted to try it. I have 4 pairs, 2 without trim, 1 med, 1 large, each one is different. This trim looks close!
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Post by Houdini »

Amazon also has these gloves in packs. 3 for 29.95 and 12 for 99.95 (so the price per glove is discounted). Yeah, you never know if the stock picture matches what you get, if it does, then I'd say this is a a very good, accessable and afordable match. Also, this may be the same glove Todd's Costumes offers because the model number he lists is Y0122 which IS a Driver model glove (just like the Amazon glove). Any Google search on that model number will confirm this -- Todd also used to list them as Drivers, but I guess he feels the model number is sufficient. The thumb on the Amazon glove matches Todd's and Indy's. It may look like it does not only because the stock photo has the glove "blow up" like a balloon (as if there is an invisible hand inside it). I am very excited about these gloves. If someone gets them please post pics and a review.
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Post by Pitfall Harry »

I'm thinking about getting a pair of these myself. They do look close and what a great find!

I want to see what they look like in person before purchasing them first.
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Post by Kt Templar »

They look pretty good but they only seem to come in large. Is there any where on the site to order in other sizes?
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Post by Indakin »

those do look good, but they are about 20 bucks with shipping. Not sure if i want to buy them.
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Post by Strider »

I saw all different kinds of Wells Lamonts on the way back from Idaho, including the Indy model. Too bad I was pretty much broke at the time. :(
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Indakin wrote:those do look good, but they are about 20 bucks with shipping. Not sure if i want to buy them.
Don't buy just one. :-$

I considered buying three, but until we know if they are as pictured or not, I stopped at two. Then the shipping is not such a big % of the overall pricetag.

Gloves I can use, but if they are fairly close, I also know I can pass them on to others. For now, one pair for me and one to hold onto for later is perfect. If I knew for sure ahead of time that they are as pictured, I'd get more, and then the shipping wouldn't matter.

They should be here in a couple weeks. I'll let you know.

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Post by Houdini »

Yeah, 8.00 for shipping for one pair is pricey, BUT it is also 8.00 shipping if you buy the pack of 12 gloves for 99.95. So, not only is the price per glove less, but the shipping is less (8 bucks divided by 12). So when Inidana Jerry gets his and confirms that they match the picture, I'm sure a bunch of us could go in for the 12 for 99.95 and then whoever gets the 12 can ship off the gloves to other members via Media Mail (there's a tag on the glove with text, so that's media, right? hehe) and then the price per glove would STILL be cheaper than buying one off Amazon. (Media mail is about 2 dollars). I would be willing to buy the 12 and ship off to whoever pays me for the cost of glove and shipping (8.33 (glove) + 0.67 (amazon shipping) + 2.00 (shipping from my house to you) = 11.00)!! Nice, eh?
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Post by Indakin »

i would consider getting a pair too, but there are lots of things im considering getting still lol so things add up.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Aw, rats.

My apologies, guys...took a while to figure out what happened to my order...I'd been so busy, even w/ Houdini's PM to check up on me, I forgot about this. Four weeks later I finally found the email from Amazon stuck in a spam filter...$^%$^%$&&*&! I bungled a digit on the credit card...*sigh*.

Put in the order again. Hopefully I'll have them in about a week or so.


P.S. I upped my order to three this time, and shipping was $10. Hmm.
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Post by Jack Flanders »

In my opinion, Todd's gloves are the closest that I've seen (he switches the fabric on the cuffs with a more accurate color as well). But if you don't have a preference for cuff color, barring a non-earth tone, then you might try asking Todd nicely if you can buy unaltered gloves for less than what you see on Amazon.
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Post by Indiana Blooze »

I recently purchased a pair of Wells-Lamont 1130's, $7 at Walmart, with the smooth palm (no padded strip). How close are these to the 1123's?
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Post by Erri »

Indiana Blooze wrote:I recently purchased a pair of Wells-Lamont 1130's, $7 at Walmart, with the smooth palm (no padded strip). How close are these to the 1123's?
According to the main website The closest substitute currently available is the #1130 style.

$7 is a good price. I paid mine £15
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Post by Indiana Blooze »

erri_wan wrote:
The closest substitute currently available is the #1130 style
I looked through about 30 pair of 1130's, amd only found 1 pair without the palm padding.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

I have good news, bad news, and good news. Really.

First, the good news - these gloves are constructed as seen in the picture - they are indeed the single panel thumb, not the 'keystone' thumb like in the newer gloves. No palm pad. I'll take a pic or two in a minute and post that.

Now, on to the bad news. While they are correct in construction, these do indeed have a dark brown trim piece on the cuff, darnit, as has become standard for their size larges. (Different color trim to indicate each size.) I don't recall which size has the MATCHING trim color, maybe medium? Regardless, the large size has a dark brown trim, and Gloves Online is only selling LARGE - no size choice. Blah. So it is not perfect.

But darnit, it's closer than we've gotten in a while, the only other time we've seen the WL glove in THIS model, we had to buy a gross of them. This way you can buy them singly, if you don't mind the shipping.

Which brings me to my last piece of good news - good for me, anyway. They apparently can't count. I ordered three, they sent me an invoice for three, put four in the envelope. So that just paid for the shipping right there. Basically got four w/ free shipping. Whee!

Since I've got a few, I'm going to try just yanking the trim off one to see how it looks, and maybe bleaching the trim on another. When all is said and done, they are just gloves, and I plan to use them in the workshop. You should see how perfectly distressed my other WLs are now...but they have that keystone thumb, so they are 'only' a great pair of workgloves. Shucks. ;)

(EDIT: Just came in from the garage, bleaching the trim does not work. The trim did not respond at ALL to bleach, whether I wet it first or did it dry. But I know the bleach worked, because those gloves went from yellow to grey around the cuff... ;) Guess I'll try removing it, and either trimming the perforation left by the stitching, or sewing on the trim from my other gloves - which is redundant w/ what Todd is doing, so if you are a stickler for the trim color, his is still a better idea until we get that much closer to the exact glove.)

Got to go soak them and run them through the dryer now and shrivel them up a bit...I typically am btwn and medium and large anyway... :D


P.S. There are NO product numbers on this, so far as I can tell, so I can't definitively say these are Y0122's or old stock 1130s/1123s or whatever. Yeah, they have the little inner tags on them, but the numbers on those NEVER matched any model number so far as I could tell. But there's no staple impressions or anything, which might be a good sign - maybe these ARE from a crate of Y0122s sold in bulk, and Gloves Online is just making a profit reselling individually...(legal or not).
Last edited by Indiana Jerry on Tue Apr 18, 2006 1:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

erri_wan wrote:
Indiana Blooze wrote:I recently purchased a pair of Wells-Lamont 1130's, $7 at Walmart, with the smooth palm (no padded strip). How close are these to the 1123's?
According to the main website The closest substitute currently available is the #1130 style.
That info is old and has been superseded. The work Agent5 and a few others did in the past year tracked down the Y0122 ( viewtopic.php?t=9942&highlight=Y0122 ), which looks to be pretty much DEAD-ON to the original construction of the 1123's. The 1130's USED to be very close, but deviated (evolved) over the years. Now they are very dissimilar, but to a non-gearhead they are pretty much identical. ;) (I may have that backwards, btw...the REAL history is in Agent5's thread above.)

But the point is, the Y0122 appears to be it. But how to get them in less than a gross?
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Ze pics...
Click for the BIG picture, in case you are looking for DETAILS... (you know who you are) ;)

Now to go wrinkle 'em up so they don't look so new... :twisted:
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Post by BendingOak »

Jerry, lend them to me. I'll roll some hose with then ( they won't be new any more). :wink: :D
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Re: indy

Post by Indiana Jerry »

BendingOak wrote:Jerry, lend them to me. I'll roll some hose with then ( they won't be new any more). :wink: :D
:lol: In your line of work, I doubt they'd last a week. ;) I've torn right through pairs of these before when I'm not careful...then I end up finishing the jobs w/ ducttape wrapped around the fingers.
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Post by Houdini »

Well, I'm glad my research paid off. So these are indeed what is in the stock photo (save for the trim). Awesome!! I'm thinking about ordering the 12 pack and maybe selling some off.

Thank you, Indiana Jerry for taking the plunge and ordering them!!
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

"Snakes! Why did it have to be a big wormy ball of icky slimy...oh, those are gloves. Nevermind."

Right out of the dryer...and none the worse for wear. Just more rumpled, which makes all the further wear/tear they get look a bit more honest, and not like a dirty NEW glove. ;)

Here's the same glove from the pics above, same last two shots (approx).
Not a HUGE difference, but note that the nice STRAIGHT lines of the fingers etc. are now kind of curly and they are a bit more rumpled. They're slightly tighter, too.

Houdini, I only got four, but there is quite a bit of variation in the of mine looks pebbled, another striated, a third light and soft, and the last one a shade darker and a bit more even. So if you get a dozen I'd be curious if they all looked alike or if they were just as random. (Oh, they all are matching pairs, though. Wells Lamont seems to take a single piece to make two gloves, so each pair looks mated.)
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Post by lonerthx »

I just found that these are available in other sizes direct from their website
Would be interesting to see what colour the trim is on the medium.

Anybody know what the actual size difference is between M and L? I'd like to know total length, width at the palm, and length of the fingers and thumb.
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Post by Michaelson »

They look pretty darn good to me!
Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Puppetboy »

Trim colors are blue, red, green, and dark brown. I'm not sure which sizes are which except the large is dark brown. None of them are tan.

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