Raiders of the Doom Crusade (My pics)

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Raiders of the Doom Crusade (My pics)

Post by Capt_Zak »

I picked up a $30.00 jacket today at Burlington Coat Factory and that completed my Indy Impression for now. I will eventually top of my impression with a Wested and an AB fedora. But for now I have these items hanging in my Indy inspired reading room. I like to call this my "Raiders of the Doom Crusade" because I took my favorite aspects of Indy's costume from each movie. It's not 100% screen accurate but will be eventually. Just thought I'd share it with you fellow gearheads.

Here is a breakdown of what I have put together:


Wal-mart Fedora
Burlington Coat Factory Jacket
LL Bean dress chinos (sepia)
Cabela's safari shirt (stone)
Gunbelt (Todd's delux)
Whip holder (Todd's)
Holster (Todd's basic) ***I also have a Repro Webley holster I swap out***
Whip (ebay) ***Will soon spray it the correct color***
WPG bag & strap
Thinsulate leather gloves
web belt w/ brass coated buckle
Tanaka airsoft S&W revolver
Staff of Ra headpiece (ebay)
Chippewa Toe cap boots (even though you can't see them)
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Post by Indakin »

nice start captin! I have the same pants, holster, and i had your whip too in 8 foot 12 plait. It was pretty decent once i got some flicks out of it. Are you planning to actually use your whip, or just have it for a belt prop? If you plan to use it, be careful what you spray it with, not spray paint! Im not sure what it would do to spray it with a nulife leather spray, you should talk to a whip dealer. I ended up selling my whip though and bought a winrich ioab. Your head piece and pistol are good too i need those still. My only suggestion is lose the green tee shirt and show some indy chest! :junior: But i hear how the cabellas can irritate so maybe not. GL keep us posted.
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Post by Rusty Jones »

great looking budget gear, certainly ahead of what I started out with ;c)
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My Indy Gear

Post by Capt_Zak »

I plan on using Nu-life on the whip. I have done it before with good results. The whip is just a prop anyway. As for the t-shirt...I forgot to take it off when I got dressed. Just call me an idiot! :D
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Post by Indakin »

IDIOT! ....sorry i didnt mean it ....If its jsut a prop and you hav done it before then go for it![/b]
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Post by Strider »

Actually, if you ask Indiana Gater, he'll recommend keeping a t-shirt on when wearing a Cabela's, and frankly, so do I. :wink:

That hat is an Adventurebilt? Glad you were able to put such a fine outfit together on the cheap. You get the Indiana Jerry award.
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Post by Capt_Zak »

Strider wrote:That hat is an Adventurebilt? Glad you were able to put such a fine outfit together on the cheap. You get the Indiana Jerry award.
No, the hat in the picture is a $15.00 Wal-mart fedora. I will eventually pick up an AB. As soon as the funds allow.
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Post by Gater »

Strider wrote:Actually, if you ask Indiana Gater, he'll recommend keeping a t-shirt on when wearing a Cabela's, and frankly, so do I. :wink:
well, I would only neccesitate the undershirt when in the cold of Canadian winter, really...unless you like chaffing! :shock:
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Post by Indakin »

at least it matches your bag. And yes, red nipples are no fun, i learned that surfing without a rash gaurd.
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Post by Kodiak »

I have three of the Cabelas, one of the kind Capt. Zak has, and two of the "deluxe" version or whatever they call it. I really like them, but the deluxe holds sweat really bad. My jacket is similar, but it cost $80 from JC Penny's or some mall store. Where did you get those Chippewas, Capt?
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Post by Capt_Zak »

Kodiak wrote:Where did you get those Chippewas, Capt?
I have had them for about 5 years. I bought them from Sportsmans Guide.
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Post by Rev.Chuck »

I thought that was what the otherwise useless round bandaids were for.
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Post by Indakin »

yea i love those sepia pants, i wear them at home all weekend. Even better was i told my parents they were for dressy ocassions and they eneded up buying them lol :twisted: They said they look great on my and would buy another if i want. Little do they they buy from llbean all the time.
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Budget gear.

Post by Capt_Zak »

Indiana_Tone wrote:Have to say that I would not blink twice if I saw this gear at a Summit. Great job on the budget gear, Capt_Zak. (Okay, not a fan of that fedora, but the rest is excellent! Alright, no green t-shirt, either. :D BUT! Otherwise, it's some great stuff! You've filled in the rest of the gear with some legit - some non-legit - stuff that looks great together.) As for the LL Bean Sepia Trousers....that's convinced me that anyone on a true budget, and trying to get as accurate as possible, may be missing out if they don't pick up at least a pair of these while they're in stock. LL Bean doesn't have colors like this out often. At least -

"That's the rumah" - Doc Holliday.
Thanks Indiana Tone. The fedora really isn't that bad. The pic is a bit dark and my head is at a funny angle. It could use a little hat stiffener but for $15.00 who's complaining. I will be picking up an AB once the tax return shows up. I saw an AB in person last weekend at "Reenactorfest 2006" here in Chicago and it was BEAUTIFUL! And as far as the LL Bean Sepia chinos...I love em. Comfy, fashionable, they're great. I ordered a pair of the khaki & British Khaki as well. Great pants!
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Post by Canyon »

Capt_Zak, your gear looks pretty fantastic! :D

Would love to see more pics! :wink: :)
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Your Dwindling Empire...

Post by Capt_Zak »

My sincerest apologies Indiana Tone in regards to your Empire. But you will not regret the LL Bean chinos. :lol:
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Post by Indakin »

i just ordered a pair of the dark brown khaki llbean chinos. My dad had some already and i thought the color looked really good. Some shots in raiders look better withe the sepia, and some look more dark brown khaki. If they arent good ill jsut wear them for regular dress.
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Post by Kt Templar »

Indiana_Tone wrote:I already have three pairs of the Dark Khaki LLBeans. (Read Dark Khaki as "normal" khaki for other pants. They are not really that dark but a good tan shade of khaki.) I like the pants. Problem is I ordered them a bit long and the taylor wasn't listening when I said leave room in the hem in case I change my mind. They were cut, hemmed, and now a bit too short. GAH! Doesn't change the fact that LL Bean makes a sturdy pair of pants. The Sepia seem much closer than the dark khakis so I'm giving a couple of them a shot!
That's ok Tone, just get them shortened to hotpants for your Indiana Lara costume. ;)
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Post by Indakin »

Just got my Dark Brown Khaki chinos from llbean today, and they are great. I got them a 1/4 of an inch shorter this time and they look more the length of the raiders pants. Im glad i ahve both these and the sepia color, because differnt scenes look like differnt pants. I think ill be wearing the Dark khaki mostly though. Ill post pics of everything when my jacket comes in the next week.
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Post by Indakin »

yea my sepia took at least a week surprisingly. My dark khakis came in like 2 days, rediculously fast. I like both alot now.
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Post by Rusty Jones »

I'd like to see comparason pics of the two colors... ;c) if you got the time
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Post by Indakin »

oh come on rustyyyyyy.... lol Well i think there is a comparison in a post, i saw it myself before. Id like to take a comparison with the jacket on and full gear. Ill try to do something later, but ill be seeing old harry burning a wall down, if you get what i mean. :wink:

Update: Rusty here is your dang picture! First one is with flash 2nd isnt. They were taken in a dim room, and the jacket is authentic goat. I did no color touch ups.

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Sepia Chinos

Post by Capt_Zak »

I think the Sepia chinos look best with the jacket. The khaki are just too light. (Just my opinion.)
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Post by Indakin »

yea with the flash the dark khaki look way too light, but they arent so bad in person. The sepia do look great with teh flash though, so who knows, i got 2 and they are both comfy.

By the way, just saw firewall finally, and didnt really like it completely. It was going great until the ending. I thought they built up the plot too much to make it seem like there was some big twist but then it just ended up being a fight to the death in the end with no major twists. I thought Ford did great, and will def still have it for indy 4, just thought the story could ahve been better.
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Post by Rusty Jones »

MorgonKenbur wrote:oh come on rustyyyyyy.... lol Well i think there is a comparison in a post, i saw it myself before. Id like to take a comparison with the jacket on and full gear. Ill try to do something later, but ill be seeing old harry burning a wall down, if you get what i mean. :wink:

Update: Rusty here is your dang picture! First one is with flash 2nd isnt. They were taken in a dim room, and the jacket is authentic goat. I did no color touch ups.

Finally! ;c) heh thanks man, I apriciate it, I think I dig the sepia a bit better...

but both look nice, and I agree with you on firewall, I really thought it was a bad movie, but it was 2 hours of Harrison Ford whupping up on some guys that messed with him, so it was still enjoyable for me ;c)
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Post by Luisiana Jones »

Good looking there! Great example of how to get an Indy look without having to spend millions of $ :wink:
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Post by BendingOak »

tone , love the way your Ab looks in that shot. can you post another from the front?
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Post by BendingOak »

sorry didn't mean to change subjects, I just love that view of you lid. I can't get into the whole pleated pants look.
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