Well, I followed a link that was embedded in this chain, and ended up with not one, but two lambswool rolled collared cardigans from Lands End. One came from a domestic USA store/warehouse, a dark green one since they did't carry a brown, so that was going to get me by, and then I found one from the UK Lands End store (online) in a nice brown.
My brown one has literally been around the world. It was made in China (both of them were, actually), shipped to the UK Lands End store, then sold and shipped to me in Arizona. I think I need Indy Magnoli to make a passport for it.
I picked up a brown 100% Pashima scarf (on that infamous auction site with the help from a fellow COW member's simple key phrase words), so now I feel pretty well set to have my MotB set up, even though I still have not seen that episode.
Thanks to the folks on this thread and the other one linked to this for the leads, information, and pictures. You all on here are helpful, friendly, and I dare say AWESOME. Thanks for sharing.