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Post by Ken »

Can anyone suggest a good Indy gun belt substitute - basically looking for something like the NH offering but a more economic version. Suitable belts can be hard to find around this neck of the woods. Any ideas?

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Post by Michaelson »

Your location (Scotland) kind of hobbles us over here in the U. S., as we've found suitable substitutes at stores such as Wal-Mart and Old Navy. If you can locate such a store in your area (I'd bet Old Navy has a presense in the U.K.), you can find a decent substitute to hold you until you can get either a Keppler or a NH. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Ken »

Thanks Michaelson - I have never heard of 'Old Navy' before - we have a few army surplus stores but thats about it. Wal-Mart really seems to be a pretty extensive store... we really dont have anything on the same level over here.

Cheers :)

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Post by Michaelson »

Old Navy is a fashion type store that mainly specializes in clothing over here. I'm not sure HOW far reaching they are, but then one never knows about companies like that. Hope you find something! High regards. Michaelson
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Post by geordie jones »

indiana ken,
I got a leather shop to make mine. I thought scotland would have had a few good leather shops knocking around.
If you want I can post a pic.
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Post by Captain D »

Indiana Ken,

Hello again, I have a Noel Howard Gun-Belt with a wip-holder attached to it that I purchased roughly 2 years ago. I also have a Webley gun holster with it as well from International Military Anitques (Last Crusade style holster).

I really enjoy these items, but I don't use them like I do the Jacket, shirt, pants, and MKV II bag. If you would want a Noel Howard gunbelt with a whip holder attached, as well as the Webley holster, I would be willing to sell them to you. Let me know whats up if you are interested.
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Post by IndianaBlues »

P'raps Old Navy is like The Officer's Club over here...or could try an Army & Navy or other Army surplus stores....
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Speaking of Army/Navy stores, has anyone noticed the ones in your area closing? Alex Fogg (Jones In Germany) and I were trying to find all the ones in the Boston area and they all seemed to have closed. Is this a national trend?
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Post by rick5150 »


I have noticed the same thing! We had several very local to me that are no longer there (now that I need them). I do not know if it is a coincidence of not, but the popularity of the Goodwill/Salvation Army stores has been increasing. There are three within five miles of me. I picked up an L.L. Bean field shirt for $5.00.

There are a lot of military shirts and pants in these stores as well. I am still waiting for the vintage A-2 horsehide flight jacket. There supposed to be a big Army/Navy store in Nashua, but I have not found it yet.
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