- First off, I'd definately have it made shorter than even the Raiders Reg. Still looks a little long to be a true Raiders jacket IMO, but then again, I am fairly high waisted/longlegged.
- Action Pleats. I think they are too deep compared to what I see on screen and my old pre-Wested Leather Concessionaires jacket. I'd see if Peter could make them more "shallow" and/or ask for the elastic to help them from staying so open...
*er ... lost my train of thought for a sec... dang Victoria's Secret Special

-The collar ... should be a little smaller IMO to be closer to Raiders. Not sure Peter would do this though.
- Size: I'd be tempted to go down to a size 40 from 42 to get an even tighter more snug fit, that I personally see when I watch Raiders
- Zipper facing. I'd lose it (again if P. would do it). I think the extra leather on the facing affects the overall and drape in just the slightest. Again, I am comparing it to my old jacket from the 80's.
- Sidestraps. So are sliders accurate to Raiders? I got D-rings. I want whats accurate to Raiders.
Things I'd keep the same...
Hide: As much as I appreciate the goat, and its what I'd get if I was really going to use it for serious adventure and/or dragging behind trucks, for my money you can't beat the Lamb for accuracy, drape and in my experience its plenty tough enough and also light enough to wear about 5 minutes in South America. Seriously, I think the Lamb is vastly underrated in terms of its endurance and longevity.
Color: When I watch the movie I see a dark jacket, and I was tempted to go for the dark brown, but seeing the authentic in person, in behind-the-scenes footage and stills, and at the Smithsonian, there is no doubt in my mine that the Authentic Brown is the way to go. I think sometimes pics on here with the flash make it look lighter than it really is. I see some pics of the dark brown and it just looks too dark IMO. *Ducks*

I am probably forgetting some things, but am taking notes for another purchase down the road. These are just my opinions of how I see it and I realize that others will disagree, but the point is what would you different on your jacket purchase or what will you do next time.