I recently saw a thread here about some pants from Wal-Mart -- they're Wrangler brand, I think called "Authentic Hero Khakis." They look very close -- pleated fronts, nice green color that's close to taupe. And, they were only $14.97. The problem: no pocket flaps in back. Someone here recommended buying them longer than needed, then taking them to a tailor who could create pocket flaps from the extra length. I couldn't find any that were enough longer to provide the extra material, so I got two pair -- one to wear and the other to sacrifice for the flaps. I liked the job the tailor did so much that I then went back to Wal-Mart and got another pair -- the tailor used the "sacrificial" pair I already had for the the extra material for the pocket flaps for the new pair. So, I now have two pair of close-enough pants for regular, knock around wear. They're fairly heavy duty material, and the color is very close to the Wested trousers I already had. They have that "built-in" crease down the pant leg, but as I wash them, it's becoming less noticeable.
In any event, these provided two good pair of pants I can wear without worrying as much about them as I do with my Wested trousers. And even with having to buy the extra pair of pants to provide the material for the pocket flaps, the cost wasn't too high -- two pair of wearable pants with flaps for a total cost of about $45, or about $22.50 per pair of wearable pants. (Well, plus the cost charged by the tailor -- don't remember how much that was, but it wasn't bad.) Plus, I still have the "sacrificial" pants, and there's enough material there that I could get several more pair of pants and have pocket flaps made -- or, I could have the tailor make the sacrificial pants into Indy shorts!!

Er, nah . . .
I like my Wested trousers, but I can wear these close-enough pants all the time, launder them (instead of having them dry-cleaned), and I don't have to worry about damaging them as much.
As for shirts, I have two of the Cabela's shirts in stone. I bought replacement buttons at a fabric store and had the tailor replace the dark buttons that come on the shirt with something closer in color to the shirt itself.
I am, however, going to keep my eye on Indy Magnoli's site for the new cotton fabrics he's adding to his trouser line. When he finds the right combination of weight, durability and color, I may order a pair. And I'm still considering the Indy Magnoli tailored shirt as well. I have a WPG shirt, which balloons around my middle -- may see what the tailor can do there -- and I also have a Wested shirt, which is a bit snug around the middle -- hard to win!!