You've put to much Pecards on your jacket?

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You've put to much Pecards on your jacket?

Post by Michaelson »

In a conversation with our man at Pecard, the way to pull the tackiness out of a leather jacket that has had to much product applied is quite easy. All you need to do is hang your jacket up on a hanger, apply low heat from your hair dryer to the sections of leather needing attention, and as the oil in the product liquifies, wipe it off with a clean cotton rag (such as an old clean tee shirt). This will pull the excess dressing out, and your jacket will not be as tacky as it was. A little tid bit of information to sock back should you have the need. (grins) Regards. Michaelson
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Post by rick5150 »

Great. Now you tell me :cry:

I over-oiled the A-2 jacket that I am restoring. It sure is soft and pliable now though. Problem is, that if you pinch it between your fingers, you get oily fingers. I just used (what I thought was) ingenuity and brushed Fullers Earth onto the jacket to absorb the oil. Then I brushed the Fuller's Earth off. Worked okay and took the shine away too :)
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Post by Indiana Joe »

Thanks guys!

I've starting using Pecards for the first time on some older leather items and I was wondering if I overdid it when they became tacky after a few applications. Now I know what to do!


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It works, too

Post by Michaelson »

Just apply the low heat from your dryer, and once you feel the leather getting warm, just wipe that rag across the area you're working. It's amazing how well it works. The product remains in the leather, but the excess liquifies and is easily removed with the rag. Like I said, something to file back for future reference. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by INDIANA_7 »

That's great info,cause my jacket was starting to turn into fly paper!. :lol:

Best regards,
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Too Much Pecards?

Post by Indiana Philip »

You know you put too much Pecards on your jacket when you miss the coat hook and it sticks to the wall. :D
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Post by Bogie1943 »

Thank god someone found the way, I always hate when my jacket is so tacky and later when some of the conditioner dries up and leaves an off white residue in the grain of the leather, I always hate that residue, maybe this will solve my problem.
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It will

Post by Michaelson »

Trust me. (where have I heard that before? (grins)) Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Bogie1943 »

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Post by prettybigguy »

I'm taking my lambtouch to Illinois next week so I applied Pecards as a precautionary measure against snow and I think I overdid it. the jacket felt slimy for about a day but then i remembered this thread! The hair dryer method worked great, Thanx Michaelson! :)
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