I can see clearly now... authentic Indy frames are back.

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I can see clearly now... authentic Indy frames are back.

Post by Mike »

... or more precisely, never left.

A short time ago, I was contacted by email regarding the Indy glasses as listed on the main site. We had thought that our sources for these specs had dried up as Berkshire Chase and Frames Direct stopped carrying these and some began to try and find similar glasses elsewhere.

Well the person who contacted me was from the Algha Group, Ltd, the original makers of not only Indy's glasses, but Henry Jones, Sr.'s as well. In previous threads, I'd wondered why the etchings in my frames were different from what others claimed and stated so. Well it turns out that "as Algha Group we are the sole manufacturer for these frames worldwide and we have been manufacturing these frames in our London based operation since 1932."

The main site refers to Berkshire Chase as the producers of these frames when in fact they are only agents for Algha in the USA, Frames direct being another distributor. This information will be updated on the main site shortly to reflect the newfound information. We will also be spotlighting the frames (both Henry Jr.'s and Sr.'s) on the main site recalling the history of the frames when I get it from the company.

I was also told by my contact we can indeed still order these frames from Algha directly at http://www.algha.com. While I didn't see the exact pair on their site, there is a section to contact the company. If you tell them you've heard the news from IG, I'm sure they'll be more than happy to help out. I also look forward to them joining the board as a vendor sometime soon.

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Post by agent5 »

Thank, Mike. This is great news. I was always upset that I never got a pair of the original glasses. I guess now's my chance. :D
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Post by Ken »

This is how I got my glasses:


Peter at Algha (yes another Peter) was exceptionally friendly and I would definitly recommend dealing with him.

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Post by Michaelson »

Peter Viner was the man who sent Mike the email, so I'm betting it's the same man, Ken. :D

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Mike »

Yep, Peter (another one :wink: ) is who contacted me. Didn't mean to step on toes Ken, I was unaware of the other post. I wonder if it was through your legwork that he was alerted to the site!

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Post by Ken »

No problem. I think I was the first person to stumble across algha (dont think he had had (m)any requests for Raiders accurate frames before). I know that he said to me it would be ok to mention to other like minded individuals about Algha and that he would deal directly.

This was all a year ago or more now. It would be great to see him here as a vendor. Since he manufactured for BOIC its getting back to the true source. I think it also works out particularly well for UK gearheads as we save on both shipping and customs that would have to be paid by ordering from Berkshire chase.

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Post by Zach R. »

Great news!

Too bad I don't wear glasses.
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Post by HJJr »

Is it possible to share Peter's direct email address since he's joining as a vendor?

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Post by Flash Gordon »

Just curious...does one just order the frames and then take them to an optician to have lenses fitted?

I only need glasses for reading, and have been using cheap drug store glasses. It sure would be nice to have a real pair...especially now that we can get Indy's again!
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Post by Ken »

Flash Gordon wrote:Just curious...does one just order the frames and then take them to an optician to have lenses fitted?

I only need glasses for reading, and have been using cheap drug store glasses. It sure would be nice to have a real pair...especially now that we can get Indy's again!
Yes you can.

I know in the UK it is possible (though as I found out, difficult) to have the glasses ordered through your optician and do it that way. But I ended up ordering the frames directly (which incidentally come with non prescription lenses - so if you just want the look but dont need glasses do this) and then you can take these to your optician and ask them to put the lenses in.

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Post by VP »

Zach R. wrote:Too bad I don't wear glasses.
You could get sunglasses. :P
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Post by Mike »

Ken is right. The frames come with non-prescription lenses (I think mine said "saville row" on them when I got them) and then can be replaced by an optician of your choice.
HJJr wrote:Is it possible to share Peter's direct email address since he's joining as a vendor?.
Let's wait on that for now to make sure he does sign up or if he tells me that it is alright. I'd hate to give out information prematurely if there's another account he'd like us to use, or if he'd prefer not to contact him directly.
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Post by Pyroxene »

This is fantastic news, Mike. I have held on to my pair of BOICs like it was the grail itself.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

HJJr wrote:Is it possible to share Peter's direct email address since he's joining as a vendor?

If you click on the link to a past thread that Ken gave, then scroll down amost midway, he had posted the email and website for algha.
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Post by Mr. Das »

Indiana Ken wrote:
Flash Gordon wrote:Just curious...does one just order the frames and then take them to an optician to have lenses fitted?

I only need glasses for reading, and have been using cheap drug store glasses. It sure would be nice to have a real pair...especially now that we can get Indy's again!
Yes you can.

I know in the UK it is possible (though as I found out, difficult) to have the glasses ordered through your optician and do it that way. But I ended up ordering the frames directly (which incidentally come with non prescription lenses - so if you just want the look but dont need glasses do this) and then you can take these to your optician and ask them to put the lenses in.

I ordered a pair of glasses from the net and I had no idea what my perscription was, let alone the other details. When it arrived, I just went to my optician and had them fitted. I remember watching an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine got new lenses in about an hour....not true. :lol: I had to hate a few days while he ordered the lenses and fitted them to my frames.

It's also interesting that you mention "If you just want the look but dont need the glasses". I get a lot of comments on my glasses. But what I find really odd is that some people ask if they're perscription(these are people who've never seen me before). I kinda have a weird look in my face before I answer them. But I guess there are some people that just use glasses as a fashion.
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Post by Texas Raider »

Yep, and they're called "fashion glasses". Women use them a lot.

have a nice day.
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Post by Mike »

Just a quick update, a few of you sharper-eyed members might have noticed a familiar sounding new member to the boards. Algha has just joined the boards and will be looking to answer questions on this thread and help out where needed.

Please allow them time to join in and then feel free to welcome them and/or ask any pertinent questions.

Welcome aboard algha savile row!

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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Mr. Das wrote:I remember watching an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine got new lenses in about an hour....not true. :lol:
:-k I thought that Seinfeld was a half hour show? #-o
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Post by Mr. Das »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:
Mr. Das wrote:I remember watching an episode of Seinfeld where Elaine got new lenses in about an hour....not true. :lol:
:-k I thought that Seinfeld was a half hour show? #-o
I think you're confusing Seinfeld with the only real-time show on tv, 24. I know, it can be easily confusing. :lol:

And welcome aboard Alpha!
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Post by Flash Gordon »

So, if I want to buy these glasses, (which I do) how do I go about it?

I assume I go their website.

But what's the model number and how much do they cost?

Also, I think I need a slightly longer temple piece. Not having worn real glasses, only the dime store kind, I'm not sure what exactly to ask for.

Any help would be appreciated.
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Post by Indiana_Tom »

I just wrote them an email and this is what came back:

We still make the Indy frame which is as follows Model Panto metal colour Gold or Silver with chestnut covering round the rims .Curl sides with plastic cover on part Sizes 41/43/45/47/49/51 (one eye across the middle) Sides 160/165/170mm Long

Price £101. gbp (152 euro)
Frame /case/shipping
Payment by Credit card we will exchange at no cost


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Post by Flash Gordon »

Indiana Tom,

Thanks for the info! :)
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Post by Indiana_Tom »

No problem :wink:
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Another source?

Post by parsa »

I'm not sure if this company really has the frames with the acetate on the site, but that what the picture shows.

http://www.eyeglassesandcontacts.com/Vi ... 4&PageNo=1
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Post by Indiana Legones »

So...how did this end? Flash, did you ever get the glasses?? are they really identical to Indy's? Where did you write to? Do they ship to Mexico??

I need to change my glasses and I am looking to buy one pair for June!


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