Kilgour Trout wrote:Hey Hem

that is one terrific lid

Congratulations indeed! I can see why it's becoming your new favourite.
I was curious though...have you measured any of dimensions in comparison to your Raiders? I know the LC is a #60 block which is abit different from the Raiders but I wondered if there were any differences in the brim dimensions. Are you intending to do any adjustments on the bash or brim?
Kilgour, my friend,
Thank you for the positive comments. I have not done any measurements on the crown or brim, but you are certainly right that the block is slightly different than the Raiders block, as it would need to be. I honestly don't know what the crown or brim of a LC should be; I only know that, to my eye, this pretty much nails it.
As for the adjustments, well, I think if one were going for exactitude for the look of the hat as it appeared in the brief Venice Pier walking over the bridge with Elsa scenes, I could put a little more flip into the sides of the brim and pull the front down, to get that snap brim effect. I have that, but not to the extent of Indy's. This is something I will do by using bookends on either side of the hat, as I have described in another thread. I will put that curl in the side of the brim on the right side and leave the left as is, or it will look too much like wings. I don't want to be mistaken for "The Flying Nun!"
The front pinch of the Last Crusade hats varies. I like it just the way it is and will keep it this way. It is beautifully crafted and evokes that look perfectly.
Kilgour Trout wrote:
It just seems so funny that this week...I've been seriously considering exactly the same hat, style and bash for exactly the same purposes. Grey opens up so many other clothing options for work.
Every man must have a grey lid!
I couldn't agree more. This is exactly the reason why I got this hat.
IndyJens wrote:Wow Hem! That new hat looks fantastic on you!
Grey is a perfect colour for a Fedora, if you don't want the obvious "Indy"-look.
That hat suits you very well, Hem. Congratulations!
-- Jens
Thank you, Jens! I appreciate that.
And thank you, erri.