Gloves yet again

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Gloves yet again

Post by Texas Jones »

I was in Wal-Mart today and saw that they have a huge amount of Wells Lamont 1130's in stock WITHOUT the extra leather palm padding. Just the good ol' fashioned gloves we have sought after before. Check it out next time you're in the store.

I also notice that the faded glory shirt is back - the same one used by the Deadlocks to alter into a pretty darn good Indy shirt.

Isn't Wallly World great?
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Does the thumbpiece go all the way down to the wrist? Or is it a separate thumb sticking out of the glove?

The Faded Glory shirt are BACK??? Wow, thanks for the heads up!

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Post by Colby »

Indiana Jerry wrote: The Faded Glory shirt are BACK??? Wow, thanks for the heads up!
\:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ \:D/ *gets in car and heads out to Walmart*
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Hang on a minute...are you sure THE shirt is there? Admittedly, their website might not be up to date, but it usually carries whatever the stores have.

I find LOT of Faded Glory, but the only one that is the right color has velcro tabs for the pockets...

It would be cool to see them again...did you buy any?
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Post by J_Weaver »

I was in my local Walmart a few days ago and looked around for the Faded Glory shirt. The only one I was able to find had what I would call inverted pleats on the pockets. I don't know if thats the right term or not. :oops:

Well here's the shirt I'm talkinmg about: ... id=3765993
As you can see the pocket pleats are "reversed" from how they need to be.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

And only in Navy Blue...hmm...
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Post by ArizonaBones »

Texas, is that the shirt you found? Don't want to snag the wrong shirts from Wally...
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Post by Colby »

I just got back from walmart (I seriously drove there) and I only saw the ones with the inverted pleats like said above. They had every color of the rainbow except sidewalk!!!! That was dissapointing. :(
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

ArizonaBones wrote:Texas, is that the shirt you found? Don't want to snag the wrong shirts from Wally...
I'm sure TJ wouldn't have thought that was the Indy shirt. :roll:

So I'm wondering if he saw the one that is the right color, but just didn't notice the pockets had velcro flaps, or just saw a "Faded Glory" sign, or possibly really has found the shirts in THAT Walmart, but they aren't online.

I can't imagine they just found a box in the back and started selling them if that's the case, so possibly the website is lagging behind the stores.
Last edited by Indiana Jerry on Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Colby wrote:I just got back from walmart (I seriously drove there) and I only saw the ones with the inverted pleats like said above. They had every color of the rainbow except sidewalk!!!! That was dissapointing. :(
But at least we know you are ready to jump into your fireboots at a moment's notice to help COW out. ;)

I haven't even left my CHAIR between your two posts! Good hussle! :D
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Post by Indiana Williams »

Colby wrote:I just got back from walmart (I seriously drove there) and I only saw the ones with the inverted pleats like said above. They had every color of the rainbow except sidewalk!!!! That was dissapointing. :(
What about the gloves?, did you check them out? Do they have suede on the palm of the glove and how much were they?
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Post by Colby »

Hah I'll be part of the Walmart first response team! By the way I did see the gloves so those are verified although I did see a suede palm on the ones I found. Maybe I didn't look hard enough.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Colby wrote:Hah I'll be part of the Walmart first response team! By the way I did see the gloves so those are verified although I did see a suede palm on the ones I found. Maybe I didn't look hard enough.
Rats...I thought Walmart's were supposed to be pretty consistent. Did TJ just walk into a magical one? :)
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Post by Colby »

By the way the gloves were $9.95 U.S.
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Post by Indiana Williams »

Colby wrote:By the way the gloves were $9.95 U.S.
Thanks Colby, Ill have to go check them out at my local Walmart.
- Joe
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Post by Colby »

If only Texas were closer I would drive across the state to buy a pair of gloves and five shirts. :( Also I took off in the rain that hurricane Rita brought so I'm dedicated! It was an adventure! :lol:
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Post by Texas Jones »

Okay boys and girls....

As I said, the gloves DO NOT have the suede palm. Trust me, they are the 1130's we have talked about before. There were about 20 or so on the pegs. They did have the suede palm ones as well, but not as many.

The shirt is a Faded Glory Twill shirt just like the one Deadlock altered, and I can say that because I was even wearing the Deadlock shirt when I went. The cotton twill did "feel" a little different though, but not much (must be the "twill" rather than the other type of cotton they used on the last batch of shirts). They had alot of sidewalk colors in addition to green, blue, and a pinkish orange color. No, there were not any pleats or velcro (come on, give me some credit! :) )

Geez, I wish I brought my camera! #-o This Wal Mart is on hwy 66 in Rowlett near my house, perhaps it IS the magical Wal-Mart! I'll get a stock number on the shirt next time I go.
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Post by Texas Jones »

I checked the website and those shirts are definately not the shirt I saw on the rack. I will head out to Walmart tomorrow and get back to you all.
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Post by Colby »

I believe you about seeing the shirt and the gloves! I just wish my walmart had them too. :( Maybe they haven't gotten them in yet or something here.
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Post by Feraud »

Thanks for the heads up. I have two of the Walmart shirts. They are super comfortable to wear. I should take a ride to our local Wmart and see what they have in stock.
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Post by J_Weaver »

Texas Jones wrote:Geez, I wish I brought my camera! #-o This Wal Mart is on hwy 66 in Rowlett near my house, perhaps it IS the magical Wal-Mart! I'll get a stock number on the shirt next time I go.
Sorry if I came across like I was saying that you were wrong, not my intention at all. :oops:

Texas, it looks like you are lucky. Apparently your Walmart has gotten some of the old shirts. The new ones that I've seen (not the ones with velcro) are the same as the old ones, except that the pocket are "reversed" from how they were before. And then there are the "velcro" shirts, but their not even close. Anyway, it looks like Faded Glory has changed the design of their shirt. :(
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Right, TJ, we're not disbelieving you, we are disbelieving our luck, and envious of yours! Sounds like you found the magical Indy-Mart after all... ;)

...hopefully these will make it to their web page as well.


P.S. No camera necessary, we believe you. Just wanted you to confirm what you saw. Thanks! :)
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Post by Texas Jones »

Right, TJ, we're not disbelieving you, we are disbelieving our luck, and envious of yours!
I know you all aren't disbelieving my comments, I was only joking about the camera part. None of you are coming across bad at all...I'm really just kidding around. I guess I am lucky to find these...but I really would like everyone else to benefit from this...not just the gearers in Rowlett, Texas! I will get a stock number for the shirts tomorrow. If anyone really wants the gloves, I don't mind picking up some pairs and sending them out too. Just shoot me a pm if you'd like. Talk to you all tomorrow.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Which thumb is it, the 'keystone' thumb (sewn all the way around the base of the thumb in a circle) or the thumbpiece that continues unbroken back to the wrist?
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Post by Vannevar »

Indiana Jerry wrote:Which thumb is it, the 'keystone' thumb (sewn all the way around the base of the thumb in a circle) or the thumbpiece that continues unbroken back to the wrist?
is the suede palm better or worse?
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Post by Michaelson »

Bear in mind, there are two places to look for gloves at your local Wal-Mart....the garden center, and the men's wear area where they sell underwear and work clothes. They do NOT place the same gloves in the two areas.

Just a tip from one who regularily prowls the hallowed aisles of Wally World for our 'stuff'. :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
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Vannevar wrote:
Indiana Jerry wrote:Which thumb is it, the 'keystone' thumb (sewn all the way around the base of the thumb in a circle) or the thumbpiece that continues unbroken back to the wrist?
is the suede palm better or worse?
For Indy purposes, worse. It might be great from the standpoint of a comfy glove, but Indy didn't have them.

I took a pair of those and removed the suede pad, and they look a lot closer, but there is still this dotted line of holes in the palm in the outline of the suede patch...*sigh* :roll: Not real visible, but the holes will NEVER close up or disappear completely. (Todd told me this was true a year ago, and time has borne his words out as correct. He is SO smart. ;))
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Post by Colby »

Michaelson wrote:Bear in mind, there are two places to look for gloves at your local Wal-Mart....the garden center, and the men's wear area where they sell underwear and work clothes. They do NOT place the same gloves in the two areas.

Just a tip from one who regularily prowls the hallowed aisles of Wally World for our 'stuff'. :wink:

Regards! Michaelson
I didn't even think about that! I just assumed they carried all the same gloves in that one area as others. I would head out again and check but I'm busy waiting for AB pics. :D
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Re: Gloves yet again

Post by Ken »

Texas Jones wrote:I was in Wal-Mart today and saw that they have a huge amount of Wells Lamont 1130's in stock WITHOUT the extra leather palm padding. Just the good ol' fashioned gloves we have sought after before. Check it out next time you're in the store.

I also notice that the faded glory shirt is back - the same one used by the Deadlocks to alter into a pretty darn good Indy shirt.

Isn't Wallly World great?
In the words of a Wall strett stock broker, "Buy, Buy , Buy!!"

Seriously sounds like with things nowadays you have to buy them when you see them, stockpile and not trust in things lasting

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Re: Gloves yet again

Post by Richard~Buxton »

Texas Jones wrote:Isn't Wallly World great?

I agree, I'm going their next year with the Grisworlds! :)
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Post by Texas Jones »


The shirt I saw does actually have the inverted pleats on the pockets. Oops! I missed that. Seems to me you could still alter them to be a pretty good Indy shirt.

As far as the gloves, they probably had a box of the old kind of 1130s hiding in the back or something like that. So, I asked the clerk to check to see if they have more. He came back and said he "thinks" all the ones in the back have the reinforced palm. I'm sorry - I didn't take a good look at the thumb.
I agree, I'm going their next year with the Grisworlds!
I hope that after you slow-mo run to the front of the store (with Vangelis playing in the background) the store is open! (As he pulls out the airsoft and makes the cart guy take him inside to see gloves)
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Post by Feraud »

Went to Walmart yesterday. The shirt is not the original 'Faded Glory' that was being altered with pleats. This one is a bit heavier and has an inverted pleat on the pocket. Nice shirt tho'. I bought one.

The place did not have any 1130's in stock.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Texas Jones wrote:The shirt I saw does actually have the inverted pleats on the pockets. Oops! I missed that. Seems to me you could still alter them to be a pretty good Indy shirt.
I agree. I believe several of the other 'close enough' shirts on the IndyGear main page had the split/inverted-pleat. And if a mod is being done anyway, sewing a pleat over it would make it invisible anyway.

Thanks for reporting in, TJ! :)
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Post by Colby »

I got back from Walmart again after work and I looked in the gardening section and I didn't see any wells lamont gloves at all that were leather. I tried looking around for accurate pants incase somehow an accurate pair of pants popped up in walmart like the shirt suddenly did. I haven't had any luck though. :( Then again I've always been extremely hazy on the true color of the pants.
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Post by Calico Jack »

I picked up the gloves with the leather a few days ago, and actually removed it today, just trimming the thread holding it with an exacto-knife. After rubbing in some color, you don't even see the stitch marks (thanks Todd for the great distressing tutorial). They didn't have any sans palm grips, maybe they do now, but I'm happy with mine.

I also picked up the faded glory shirt last week, but they only had mediums, which fits me well (as it very form fitting, what I usually wear) but I'm actually going to Baton Rouge tommorow to find a large or XL to fit my Indy costume better.
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Post by Feraud »

Colby wrote:I tried looking around for accurate pants incase somehow an accurate pair of pants popped up in walmart like the shirt suddenly did. I haven't had any luck though. :( Then again I've always been extremely hazy on the true color of the pants.
Check these out for Indy pants color reference. They are Westeds.
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Post by Colby »

Thanks! I may try to get the exact shade with a program I have then print out a color swatch. That way I have something to compare colors with when I'm looking around. Although, I'm not sure about the light differences between walmarts lighting and outside. May not be too different.
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Post by Texas Raider »

Wal-mart actually carries an excellent pair of taupe pants. They just need to have pocket flaps added (cheap). The color is great! And they are only 19 bucks (or is that 14?)-can't remember (cheap). :wink:

have a nice day.
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Post by J_Weaver »

Texas Raider wrote:Wal-mart actually carries an excellent pair of taupe pants. They just need to have pocket flaps added (cheap). The color is great! And they are only 19 bucks (or is that 14?)-can't remember (cheap). :wink:
I'll have to check that out. :) Also, if you can get them too long, you can cut the excess off and use it for the pocket flaps.
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Post by agent5 »

Texas, can you PLEASE check out the thumb on the gloves when you get a chance?


If the thumb is like the pic above, I'd like 2-3 pairs, please and can pay you immediately. If the thumb has any extra leather support then I'm not interested as it would not make it the screen accurate pair but the pair in between the screen accurate pair and the pair with the leather palm.

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Post by Colby »

Texas Raider wrote:Wal-mart actually carries an excellent pair of taupe pants. They just need to have pocket flaps added (cheap). The color is great! And they are only 19 bucks (or is that 14?)-can't remember (cheap). :wink:

have a nice day.
Do you have the exact brand name of the pants so I can keep an eye out for them?
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Post by Texas Raider »

Agent5, yup, I'll check 'em out and pick 'em up for ya if they got 'em. I'll get detailed info. on the pants too. Yeah, the thing to do is get 'em long(they are cuffed anyway, I believe) and get 'em altered and use the extra for pocket flaps. I do it all the time.

have a nice day.
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Post by agent5 »

Thanks a bunch, TR. I take a Mediums but if there is no M, I'll take Larges.
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Post by belloq »

Remember, I think the 1130 has the correct straight thumb but does not have the correct straight index finger. (Both seams go all way to the opening.) Close but not perfect.
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Post by Calico Jack »

I looked for the twill pants and found 'em. They're pleated (not sure if that's right) but the color is really top-notch, and they feel great, too.

Who'd have thought that Wal-Mart would yield so many treasures?
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Post by J_Weaver »

Pics? They sound interesting, what brand are they?

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Post by Colby »

If you can get me a price, brandname, and maybe even a picture I'll most likely buy a pair by the end of the day. :lol:
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

belloq wrote:Remember, I think the 1130 has the correct straight thumb but does not have the correct straight index finger. (Both seams go all way to the opening.) Close but not perfect.
I think the 1123 had the correct thumb. The thumb on the 1130 was close but not exactly correct. People settled for the 1130 as the 1123 was no longer available and they were going for absurd prices like $75-$100 and up on ebay.

BJs Wholesale Warehouse has a four pack of Mid West gloves that are almost identical to the 1130 for $19.95. Four pairs of gloves of any kind for twenty bucks is a good deal. The fact that they are very Indyish is even better.

It was never really determined which gloves were actually used in the movie. The story goes that Harrison Ford needed a pair of gloves for the scene and just borrowed a used pair from one of the grips. Both Wells Lamont and Mid West supplied gloves for the grips back in those days, so it could have been a pair from either company.
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Post by agent5 »

I had both pairs and the 1123's were the false pair. The 1130's were a match to the screen caps. I have no idea what number they were back in the day, but it was more than easy to see that the 1123's weren't the gloves when you had them on your hands and looked over framexframe's of the film.
I've since spoken to a few others who also had the 1123's and once the dvd's came out they quickly sold them as they weren't screen accurate but it was also too late to get the 1130's in the old style as they had since changed the thumb and later the palm on the 1130's.
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Post by Texas Raider »

the 1130's are not screen accurate because of the thumb. If there was anything stock close, it was the gloves TAG was offering at one time. I forget the number Y102 something or other(sorry). The Midwest gloves are closest IMO right now (stock). Todds makes the best one you can get right now. I'm still looking for the old/new style 1130's. The pants are Wrangler brand, I'll get the exact model today.

have a nice day.
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