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In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Indiana George
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Post by Indiana George »

Hello guys,
I'm new to the forum. I decided to go as indiana for halloween so i stated doing so homework and found some really great sites. I have to admit that I'v been totally bitten by the Indiana Jones bug. I'v tried hard to find an inexpensive hat like Indies but there's just no substitute. And believe me it wont be long till I get my Westen. I am having some trouble with wjat color his pants were verses his shirt, was the shirt lighter and does anyone have a scan of the colors and material? Well, just wanted to say Hi! You all seem like nice dudes.

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Post by J_Weaver »

Welcome George! :D

Indy's shirt was a stone color. His pants were khaki with a slight "pinkish" tint to them. I think if you just do some searching around the forums, you''ll probably find the answers your looking for.
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Post by GraveRobberGreg »

Welcome to COW! Now that the bug has found you there is no way to get it to leave. Your done for. First the hat then its the jacket and before long your looking for a whip. You should find everything for will ever need right here. The members of COW know there stuff.
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Re: Hello to all

Post by Glurrk »

Indiana George wrote:i stated doing so homework and found some really great sites.
Like this one? :wink:

Welcome to COW! :D :D :D
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Post by Spooky »

Welcome to the forum, George!

As far as inexpensive items ...
1- Adam Winrich makes an inexpensive whip which has received some very good reviews ("Indy on a budget").
2- Akubra makes a very good Fedora (most members here including myself prefer the Adventurebilt [AKA "AB"] but note that it is more expensive;
I recommend you steer clear of Pacific Dorfman Fedoras ... you will not be happy with it.
3- Leather Jackets are pretty expensive
(But as suggested by another member above - you can do a search for more info. in the Jacket forum)
4- Lots of Alternates for the Indy boot (Alden)
That should get you started, George.
I joined about 3 months ago - the people here are very friendly, helpful, and extremely knowledgeable.

Best Regards,
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Post by Harrison_Davies »

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Post by Flattery »

Hi there, George -- welcome. 8)

Spooky's given some good tips. When you have some time, I recommend that you dig through some of the old posts here for whatever you're looking for. I guarantee you'll come across several threads with loads of info.

But, as Spooky said, the people here are friendly and extremely knowledgeable -- so post whatever you want!

Looking forward to having you around. :wink:
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Post by Indiana George »

Thanks for being so cool everyone. I will say this, i spent the better part of three days going from store to store looking for Indy gear and have learned this. Nothing takes the place of the real thing. I will have to save I guess and buy it all from Westen. I am done going to stores to look for shirts and the right pants. I'm a little color blind to tans and greens I could wind up with the wrong thing altogether. I wonder how much it will cost to get the full gear. The shoes do not have to be the same. Im just venting here after spending tons of time and money and nothing to show but a cheap bomber jacket and a fuzzy hat from Halloween USA..lol

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

A wee bit color blind? Uh-oh. Then what you are wearing is JUST FINE. ;) (There, I think I just saved you a bunch of money.) ;)

I agree with pretty durn much everything above - just two notes:

1) I've heard his pants referred to as more of a 'taupe' color (grey/brown). I've got some taupe pants, and against the stone (a pale white/gray/clay color) shirt, the contrast seems just right. But a pinkish-khaki might do it as well...don't know, never seen one.

2) I'm a cheapy, until some money rolls in...so I'm on the cheap end of stuff. The suggestions above are great - but for Halloween, you don't need much.

Most people are NOT purist Indy fans who'd know the difference between two hats or jackets...you can probably get away with a lot of close-enoughs for Halloween. I didn't even have my wested last year, so I went 'Cairo style' (hat, shirt, whip, no jacket) and everyone knew immediately who I was.

That IOAB whip is a goldmine. Only last year this thing came on the scene, and I can't say enough good about it...and you won't believe the price. Go search on 'IOAB' in this forum and you'll see what we mean. It's the only whip under $100 (if you get less than 10') that has an Indy-ish handle and knots...you'll see what we mean. ;)

That DP is a cheap hat. It's the bottom end, you can't really get cheaper without searching thrift shops or getting one gifted to you. But it isn't an impossible hat. If you just want something NOW and cheap, you can do it, but bear in mind it will NEVER look just like 'the' hat. If you have the means, you WILL replace it, so it's up to you if you just want it for this Halloween or not. Confession: I have one, because I just haven't set aside the money for a hat. I shape the heck out of it, so the brim, top, and sides are close...but the back is too short. There just isn't enough material. And it may not last much longer. It is just a costume hat, not a dependable hat.

The most important thing is HAVE FUN and just get what you want. Halloween is a toughy, because it rushes the process. For many things, it's going to be pretty close to order it now, unless it is already waiting to ship. I ordered a Wested about this time last year, and got it on Nov 1. Arf! :)

Welcome to COW!

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Post by Jens »

Hello George - and welcome aboard. :D
The place to learn about IndyGear, make friends and ... well ... get addiced to the world of IndyGear 8)
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Post by Kt Templar »

Welcome. Nice people here!
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Post by Ken »

Welcome to the forum.

There are many different options for you depending on your budget. Some things like the pants and the shirt, if you want something accurate, are more limited to official vendors though things pop up from time to time (like the Dreadlock Walmart shirt run a while back - a gnerous member on the board here bought a bulk of shirt offered by Walmart that with a few minor adjustments were altered to look like the Raiders one). Of course there are not so accurate but close enough options as well and amny people here will go for these.

Whatever you decide in your gear choices simply have fun, immerse yourself in the hobby and I hope you enjoy getting to know everyone.

Ken :)
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Post by Indiana George »

Yea, I might look in hat shops taday and if All else fails, I'll order the one you guys recomended. Indiana Jerry, are you saying it took a full year to get your jacket? I'm glad I found something to emerse myself if for a while.
Well, Im off to the hat shops, maybe I'll get lucky.

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Oh, no, it only took a month. I just expected three weeks or so, and missed Halloween by a day. I ordered it in the end of Sept 04, and got in Nov 1 04.

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Post by DanielJones »

Greeting and a warm welcome to you George! You've taken the path of least resistance when it comes to your money. :wink: Always remember our watch word. "PICTURES'. :D Take care and have fun.


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Post by Indiana George »

Well, I went to three hats stores today and noone had a hat like Indies, close but no cigar. Some were shaped the same but the color was very dark brown, indies was a tad lighter I believe with a hint of red. I'm probably going to hit the internet. What hat would be a good starter hat around a hunded or a bit higher. I almost refuse to spend 260 on a hat. I cant wait to buy my jacket but first I'd like to see some leather samples. I did manage to fing a light tan safari shairt though. If anyone could post a close up of the right color pants that would be awsome. Thanks guys

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Post by Ken »

I would say Akubra, Adventurebillet or Keppler.

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Post by Richard~Buxton »

Welcome George. You will find all the info you need at this great place. 8)
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

If you don't need something right away, take your time, do a LOT of searching of old threads here, and I suggest you follow Ken's advice.

If you want something RIGHT AWAY...and you want to spend the LEAST amount of money, just buy the DP and realize it is only a costume hat, unless you really want to put a LOT of work into it, or just let it tide you over till another hat.

If you don't mind $100, though, the Akubra seems the way to go, and many people keep this as their one and only hat, and are very happy w/ it. You could spend that amount and not buy another hat for a long time, or ever, if you want just one.

Unless I'm wrong, all the other options are over $200...except...perhaps the AB Rabbit, w/ a COW member discount, I believe still gets you UNDER $200. (Fedora still offers discounts to COW members, right?)
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Post by Strider »

Welcome to COW, hope you survive the experience! And now, the usual disclaimer!

Avoid group hugs with Bink!
When talking to Jerry, just nod your head and say "uh huh". Saves a lot of time! :lol::wink:
Michaelson currently owns me, and he will own you too. Not to mention knowing stuff.
VP is cool.
Hemmingway Jones can tie stuff. :wink:
Fedora makes excellent hats.
After awhile, you will go batty.

I think that about covers it!!

Have fun whilst here.
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Post by Michaelson »

Strider wrote:Michaelson currently owns me, and he will own you too. Not to mention knowing stuff.
Have fun whilst here.
I do? :shock: :-k Well, my folks always said to only own the very best.... :wink: :lol:

High regards! Michaelson
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Strider wrote: Avoid group hugs with Bink!
Or, you could just give me your wallet up front, but what's the fun in that? :wink: Welcome aboard!

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Strider wrote:When talking to Jerry, just nod your head and say "uh huh". Saves a lot of time! :lol::wink:
Uh-huh...that's right...Momma always said this means people like me... :-$
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Post by Ken »

Akubra is certainly the cheapest REAL Indy hat and will deliver quickly. Just remember it comes open crown (unshaped) so you have to style it into the Indy hat yourself.

The Adventurebillet and the Keppler come pre-shaped, but are probably a bit more expensive than the Akubra (I cant remember the current prices of them all) and the Keppler will probably take longer. I have a Keppler myself a love it to bits. I also had to go this way as the Akubra's smallest size is 55cm and I really need a 53cm to fit my head.

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Post by VP »

Strider wrote:VP is cool.

Welcome to COW.
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Post by Indiana George »

Thanks for all the info guys.I s ther a real color difference in the two hats? The Akuba seems a bit darker than the Keepler or was that just the lighting in the pics? I'd like mine to be a coffee color and not too dark.

Im also considering buying a westen from this guy , its a 42, Im wondering if it'll be too big, he says it runs small for a 42.

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Post by Ken »

Color is a tricky and often debated subject and varies throughout the filsm due to different lighting (and different hats as well probably). Fortunatly its not something I ever got hung up on myself.


Akubra: Slight greenish tinge
Keppler: Slight brick red tinge

These are VERY slight differences. Your best bet is looking through pictures of other people's hats under different lighting conditions (or ideally see on in person)

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Post by Indiana George »

Humm. Then I'm probably going to get the Keppler fedora, is there a web site to best order it from?

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Post by VP »

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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

Sorry, I joined the party late, so a BIG WELCOME to ya,

...and where're the chips and dip at?

(now ain't that a set up for someone?)
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Post by prairiejones »

Welcome aboard, George. You'll find great advice here. Don't be afraid to ask.
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Post by Colby »

Indiana Jerry wrote:I didn't even have my wested last year, so I went 'Cairo style' (hat, shirt, whip, no jacket) and everyone knew immediately who I was.
Thats the way I am now since I can't afford a jacket at the moment! :lol:
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

VP wrote:
Strider wrote:VP is cool.

Welcome to COW.
You're not compensating for anything, are you? :wink:

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Post by prairiejones »

Great pics Tone.

Let's keep the side bye side and great example pics coming. It's the one thing everyone on this forum can use. Keep the info coming.

Plus, that way I don't feel like I'm posting to many pics of my Akubra and AB.
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Post by VP »

binkmeisterRick wrote:
VP wrote:
Strider wrote:VP is cool.

Welcome to COW.
You're not compensating for anything, are you? :wink:
Nah. I just showed the pic where it all started. First IndyMcFly asked how to do the Indy font, I made that example, then Neolithic added it to his sig, then I added it to my sig and then people started to quote it.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I was joking, VP. Or was I? :lol: :wink:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

binkmeisterRick wrote:I was joking, VP. Or was I? :lol: :wink:
I couldn't tell. Were you doing your Shrek voice when you said it?
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