Since we're on the topic of Indyesqe treasures...

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Since we're on the topic of Indyesqe treasures...

Post by Michaelson »

...My son-in-law handed me a walking Liberty half dollar he had received in change while in town over the weekend. (Yep, they're still floating around!) It was dated 1936! He knew the significance of the date, and was reminded by my daughter where it should go. (grins) Needless to say, it's carried quite a bit now in my pocket. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Pyroxene »

Neat. Now, I have to find me something.
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Post by West »

What a coincidence, my mother recently went with my grandmother to the bank because apparently my grandfather had a safety deposit box there and hadn't mentioned it to any of us before he died. Well when the lady went back to get the box she had to have both my mother's and grandmother's help lifting it because it was full of coins. My grandfather had filled this box up with silver dollars, walking liberties, a few silver Mercurydimes, and about a dozen Indian nickels. When my father heard of this all he could do was laugh, because before my grandfather's death old grandpa had continuously lectured my father on how much an old nickel would be worth in the future.

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Post by Indiana Philip »

What a neat thing to do!! So you guys found an unexpected treasure. I have thought about doing something like that. I've got a '90 Riviera that I really love, but rarely use. I thought I might rent one of those mini storage things, put it on blocks, and over the years fill it up with all sorts of neat stuff (of course, some Indygear), and leave the key in my safety deposit box for my kids to find. After reading this post I might just do that.
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Post by Indiana Jess »

While working as an accounting clerk several years ago, a 1934 twenty dollar bill in excellent condition found it's way to my desk. Needless to say when I saw it, I made the swap. As far as other Indy type treasures ... well I do have a few skeleton's in my closet!
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Post by Michaelson »

...when are you going to bury those guys anyway? (grins) Regards. Michaelson
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Post by JPdesign »

I was given a silver certificate dollar in change at one point.
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Post by Indiana Joe »

JPdesign wrote:I was given a silver certificate dollar in change at one point.
When I worked at Disney World years ago, I would occasionally handle a drawer or two as overtime in between giving my tours. I had a whole collection of silver certificates in all denominations (I would buy them out of the tills) until one evening my roommate (at the time) had some friends over that I'd never met. I had to leave for a couple hours. When I came back--you guessed it--they were no longer in my sock drawer.

A valuable (literally) lesson learned, indeed. Since that time 12 years ago, I've never seen another 5, 10, or 20 silver certificate again.

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