Basically, I wanted my Wested shirt to have more of an MBA original/ToD colour than the lighter Raiders version of the Wested original.

I got some "Sahara 32" dye made by a company called Nitor. The dye itself was very easy to use since it was in powder form within a small bag that you only had to throw in the washing machine with the fabric you wanted to dye. This, and some household NaCl. I also threw an old towel in there with the shirt to soak up some of the dye since I didn't want it too dark.

The shade came out fine, though it had a yellow colour to it that looked... well... right off!

My choices now stood between making it darker using grey, or making it darker with just a hint of brown. I found the "Khaki brown" by the same maker, but this time the dyeing process was a little different since the dye was kind of a liquid jell within a small plastic container. The container had a corner you were supposed to cut open, and this also allowed me to pour out some of the content I didn't need, I wanted it light. (Same towel accompanied the shirt in the washer again.) So... Out from the machine.... Looking very good... Excellent! Wait! Who spilled his blood all over my shirt?

It was about know I realized why dying it by hand is better. (Dalexs is a wise man.) The dye had somehow intensified itself in small spots all over the shirt, despite me following the instructions like a nitpick on picknick. (?)
Desolving the dye in a bucket and soaking the shirt would probably have made for a better result.
I then got some remover, by the same company again, and tried my best to completely take out all of the dye, including the stains. Twice.
The stains were still fully there, but the brown was gone though the yellow held on tightly. (It looked so ugly I didn't ever bother shooting a picture.)
I was slightly distressed, but nothing compared to how my shirt felt.
Are you guys still reading? Wait, this story ends happily.
So... Yeah. I contacted "Nitor", as it were, telling a lovely lady about my problems.
-Well... That is not suppose to happen, she agreed. Send us the shirt and we will fix it for you.
Said and done. I sent the shirt away with some descriptions of what I wanted it to look like, including links to Indy in ToD, MBA shots from Indygear and a nice couple of shots of SJ's.
It arrived today!

The lady didn't say much of what they actually did to it, but they did manage to take all the colour out. They then used 5 grams of the "Khaki brown" mentioned, plus a small dash of Antracit at 40 degrees.
Long story, I know. But thanks for letting me show how happy I am with how it finally turned out. You gotta hand it to the professionals!
