Problems making contact with Peter

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Problems making contact with Peter

Post by Redbeard »

I didn't want to bring this up here, but I decided I have to do it because I don't know how to solve this without your help. Let me start from the beginning: Peter agreed to come to our Summit but couldn't make it because his mother passed. He said he would dontate either a shirt or a trouser on his own free will. So we had our tombola and Indy Jens won the "Peter Price". After that I wasn't able to make contact with Peter anymore. I sent a number of email on both the company's and his account, I made calls but he never was in and foremost I wrote him a letter containing the DVD and our Poster signed by us all who attended the Summit. He never got back at me. I don't know what to do anymore and to be honest I feel a little daft with all that. What do you folks think about this? Could he be so busy that he couldn't make one call in three months? To be honest I would apreciate it, if somebod y else could take care of this. Perhaps somebody who has had good contact to Peter before or a London resident. Could this have to do with the events in London?

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Post by Texas Raider »

What time of day did you call him? Just curious, whenever I've called him, I try to call at about 10 a.m. his time, and I pretty much always get him. He answers the phone.

have a nice day.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Well, Red, since he gave you the summit items of his own free will and took time out of his schedule to meet all of you, I would think that he's just plain busy. I wouldn't neccessarily take it as a personal insult that he hasn't gotten back to you. Yet I can understand just wanting a basic reply from him. See how things pan out...

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Post by JAN »

He is simply not hidding... anymore.. :P

"The guy from Germany is on the phone again"
"Dann, hang on Mr. lucas, I need to take care of a business in Germany :wink:

Best regards


Edited.. :oops:
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Post by Swindiana »

I know for a fact that they have had issues with their email spam filter and what not, so that could be a reason why you din't get a reply through there. I had to use an hotmail account instead of my regular one to get through, that might be worth a shot, at least to see if they have gotten your previous messages or not.

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Post by Pandora »

I always asked Gemma by email with my gmx-account. It worked very well and she always replied quickly (within a few minutes sometimes). Maybe you could write an email to her (if you haven't before) and she can ask Peter.
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Post by Michaelson »

I heard from him Monday, and he's currently tied up with a new space movie called 'sunshine'. No further details, but he's in the middle of a movie production, so that's why he's been in and out so much lately. Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Michaelson wrote:I heard from him Monday, and he's currently tied up with a new space movie called 'sunshine'. No further details, but he's in the middle of a movie production, so that's why he's been in and out so much lately. Regards! Michaelson
I think that is the sequel to "Blue Harvest." :wink:
Peter is on his own schedule, but he catches up with everyone eventually.
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Post by agent5 »

When Peter and Co. get a new movie, everything else seems to pretty much go on the back burner since I'm sure they have very, very tight deadlines to meet. I'd just be a little patient and I'm sure you'll get a response.

On a side note, I had a conversation with Peter a couple of years ago while placing a jacket order and I asked him an off the cuff question about a small tidbit he had there and he said he'd be willing to share it with me. I was taken aback and sent him a color illustration that I had drawn of Indy in his jacket to show my deepest appreciation of his generosity. He did tell me he received the pic and thanked me for it, telling me it was on his desk at work. Cool.

Only now, 2+ years later, I haven't gotten the tidbit we spoke about. When placing my 4th jacket order from him I asked about it but was told Peter wasn't in the shop and to call back. I never did and never got what we had discussed. Now, I feel kind of odd sending him a mail or calling him asking for this. :( Feels kind of out of place.

I'm sure it's something he'd just overlooked as I know for a fact they're very busy most of the time. He seems like a very, very nice gentleman and I doubt very highly he wanted to screw me on purpose. So, I'd just keep sending mails or keep calling and I'm sure you'll get what you need.
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Post by Ken »

Agent 5 I think I have seen that picture on his desk

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Post by Gobler »

Hmm working on a film you say? I was going to order my jacket in two weeks time. Would it be wiser to wait until the film was finished?

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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Gobler wrote:Hmm working on a film you say? I was going to order my jacket in two weeks time. Would it be wiser to wait until the film was finished?


I personally wouldn't think so. The longer you wait, the more people that will have their order in line in front of you. I am assuming that you would be hoping to have it by the time that the QM summit rolls around.
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Post by Pandora »

I don't know much about wested but I think they have enough staff to do the daily work and to produce the jackets. I think Peter is more involved in the design-stuff so the sooner you place your order the faster you'll get your jacket.
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Post by Gobler »

I was hoping to have it for my B-day in Sep. I have heard the turn around time varies from two weeks to up to five. Also since the summer is slower the jackets are finished quicker. What to do, should I order it NOW?
:D :?

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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Hope to have it for a b-day in September? Yeah, I would be ordering it as we type.
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Post by J_Weaver »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:Hope to have it for a b-day in September? Yeah, I would be ordering it as we type.
Yea, me too.

In fact 1 year ago today I ordered my Wested. It was November before I got it. :( But it was due to the great goat shortage of 04. :wink:
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

:-k J Weaver, any idea why the goats were shorter that year?
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Post by J_Weaver »

Bufflehead Jones wrote::-k J Weaver, any idea why the goats were shorter that year?
Maybe they drank too much coffee? I've always heard that it will stunt your growth. #-o :wink:

Seriously though, Peter was having a hard time getting good skins. He also said that it is kind of hard to find a goatskin big enough to do a one piece back panel for a 46L.
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Post by Ken »

Peter is a good guy. Have faith

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Post by Dre »

on a side note - the goat is fantastic right now - got a goatskin jacket a few days ago and it's very supple n great to look at.

J_Weaver: Jesus that's a long time to wait for the jacket! i was tearing my hair out in anticipation and i got mine within a month. there a list somewhere of ALL the movies wested has worked on? there's a few on their site, but i imagine that isnt a very extensive list? or is this the sort of thing they wouldnt want widely known
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

J_Weaver wrote: Maybe they drank too much coffee? I've always heard that it will stunt your growth. #-o :wink:
It'll certainly put a curl in your moustache. Just ask Michaelson!

I remember waiting to recieve my Wested goatskin. Every day seemed like months, but the wait was well worth it! And we have to remember that Peter supplies all kinds of stuff for movies, so when the studios call, they butt to the front of the line! :wink:

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Post by PETER »

Just popped on line to see if all is OK and find this.
I been waiting for the name and address of the winner so I can post whatever they wanted.
I have found an email saying it was a student from Berlin but that is it.
Give me the details and I will send it Monday
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Post by Michaelson »

Peter, you better check your personal email account at home. I'm getting return messages stating your mailbox is full, and no further emails can be posted until you clean it out. I'm getting the same message regarding the account as well. Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Jens »

Ahem, well ... I'm afraid, it was me who caused some of that trouble ...
I'm the winner of the Wested-gift for the European Summit. Unfortunatly I was on that excavation the last six weeks, so I couldn't read all this.
Redbeard was so kind to take care of this and he informed me by phone. Thank you, Red.

And ... THANK YOU, Peter (and your team). The shirt (I've chosen as present) arrived and I really love it! Very nice, I've already worn it and it looks and feels great. Thank you very much.

-- Jens
Last edited by Jens on Fri Sep 16, 2005 11:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Redbeard »

And they lived happily ever after.... :D

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