Screenused temple of doom fedora with pics

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Here's to hoping we all don't scare him away or start attacking him from the get go.

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Post by Strider »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Here's to hoping we all don't scare him away or start attacking him from the get go.

You read my mind! Please, when the man starts posting, I think it would be in our best interests if we all read what he has to say with an open mind and an open heart before we whip out the "50 pound gun". :wink:

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

You got a 50 pound gun? Man, all they gave me was a quarter pounder. Without cheese. :wink:

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Post by Texas Raider »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:I wuz ah...I wuz ah...I wuz ah, born this way. What's your excuse? #-o

that's the cool thing, I don't NEED an excuse. I don't need excused for anything.

I just think it's funny that everyone is freaking out about if someone mentioned COW to somebody else. Who cares! So he said he belonged to a forum of Indy fans. WHO CARES! Is this forum some elite,untouchable group that's going to litigate over every little mention of their PUBLIC forum? Do we really worry about what someone is going to mention or "wrongfully represent" about this place? Pleeeeezzz! It's an Indiana Jones fan club for crikey sakes! Why is everyone so uptight?! :? You're making the guy that contacted him get all worried and upset wondering if he misrepresented this website! With all due respect-ya need to kinda get over yourselves! :wink:

have a nice day.
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Post by agent5 »

It's an Indiana Jones fan club for crikey sakes! Why is everyone so uptight?!
I've been asking that question since I've first joined this site so many years ago. However, if you wanna stay, you simply MUST get used to it or leave. Those are your options in a nutshell.

This site is probably more conservative that our President and it's just something you have to get used to. It's like an acquired taste, if you will. There are soooooooooooooooo many things I see here that I just have to shake my head at :roll: , but Raiders is my hobby and this place has been very good to me over the years in terms of my hobby. In short, I need this place and I had to get used to the ultra conservative views shared by the majority of this 'family orientated site'. I too spoke out like you are now and I'm telling you it will do NO good. No good. If you try to speak out about things like this, you will be shut down. Period.

It honestly used to bother me quite a bit but now I am totally used to it. I know if you frequent other forums, it's totally different in almost all aspects. Bottom line is it's a different forum, NOT this one. Just have to get used to it if you wanna stick around.

DO NOT get me wrong. I do love this place and have made alot of good friends and connections over the years of my networking. It's just that my views don't totally match those views of the majority here which is fine. After all, it's that way everywhere you go.

So, if Indy is REALLY your thing, then I'd just start getting used to the dry sarcasm around here. If you can get past the idiocyncracies and focus on your hobby, you can have alot of fun.

Now, what color was that Clipper hat again? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Michaelson »

Without going into any particular details, as it really doesn't affect the operation one way or the other knowing, we walk quite a fine line here in our pursuits of the hobby. What we have to be TOTALLY aware of as administrators and the like is that we are subject to the law, whether we like it or not, and have just missed taking a bullet three times in the history of the site in libel lawsuits from vendors due to something posted by members.

You can argue it's a free 'country' all you want, but there are laws that govern what goes on in public forums, and many folks ignore that. For instance, you can yell scream and holler all you want about the quality of a a vendors item, that's your right as an ower of said item, but if you say something like 'I returned the item, and personally believe it was returned to stock, then shipped to someone else as a new item', you've crossed that line. The action you accused the vendor of is against U. S. Federal Law, especially if the item had crossed State lines, and a credit card was now have accused a vendor of credit card fraud. The vendor can not only sue the poster for public slander, but the site the post was placed on.

So, yes, we CAN appear to be a bit of a 'nervous nelly' to folks at times, but we have cause, and past experience with things going 'south' when folks think they have free range to say anything they want. You do, and you don't, and, like I said above, it's a fine line when you do it in your own name, but another thing all together when you do it in another's name.

There's method behind the madness....and it's not only because we want the site to be family friendly.....

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Post by Feraud »

I think one of the reasons folks did not want the COW community mentioned is because we do not want to seem like some elite, untouchable group to litigate over anything! In order to have people who are more "in the know" than us share information with the world you do not want them to think there is a group of people who will comment on every item to the point of arguing the semantics of a "wrongly" worded ad! Did I read correct that someone thought the author of the auction description should be fired for how he worded it? Isn't that at bit extreme considering 99.999% on earth would not know the difference between a 'bash' and a 'brim'?

Discussion is always good but nitpicking by "gifted amateurs" can be a dead end. We lose what makes us an Indiana Jones fan club when we take our discussions, which sometimes border on the extreme(not that this is a bad thing) and step out as "Representatives of...". I want to add that this is not what Strider did! :)

We should not want camps of Indy folks arguing "Trekkers" versus "Trekkies"... :wink:

We all truly have better things to do. :)
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Post by Michaelson »

Feraud wrote:.... as "Representatives of...". I want to add that this is not what Strider did! :)

Totally agree. To clarify my post above, it appeared a good opportunity to let folks know there are other considerations that we have to weigh daily in the operation of the site....and as Feraud says, this is NOT what Strider was suggesting, and I hope my post did not imply that he did.

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Post by Fedoraman »

Michaelson - thanks for the top notch explaination. Could the site really be liable for one person's accusations?
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Post by Michaelson »

Yes, or at least share in the litigation as a secondary.
One situation several years back actually involved a minor, and because he was using his parents PC at home to post these kind of accusations of fraud, even his parents were mentioned as being part of a lawsuit as they were legally liable for anything the minor was doing. So, with that said, youngsters, keep that in mind when you're out there posting in cyberspace. :shock: Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Fedoraman »

I had an "introductory" law class for my BS a few years ago and that sounds about right. Litigation can get out of hand VERY quickly. I don't know what a vedor would hope to accomplish by filing against the site - unless you guys get some kind of compensation, the best they could hope for would be shutting it down.

Which would make no sense at all to me as they would be killing a source of potential income by the "free" advertising by word of mouth or post as it were, here.

Oh well, better safe than sorry in the long run...
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Post by Michaelson »

Shut down would be our biggest concern, and it would be a domino effect, as to paraphrase agent5's remarks, we're a pretty tame site compared to other Indy sites. If they shut us down, they'd go after the more openly vocal sites with a vengence, and needless to say, the Indy hobby would suffer, not only from our loss, but the loss of all the locations regardless of topic or use, and all to be able to check a box and be able to say they saved the good name of this vendor or that.

Sort of the old 'cut off thy nose to spite thy face' in my opinion, but it's happened 3 times to us now, so there must be SOME kind of compensation for SOMEBODY, and it sure ain't us fans! :roll:

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Post by Feraud »

Fedoraman wrote:Which would make no sense at all to me as they would be killing a source of potential income by the "free" advertising by word of mouth or post as it were, here.

Oh well, better safe than sorry in the long run...
Yes. I am sure you know how people frequently make rash decisions in anger! :?

There are enough posts to clarify why one should not claim to represent COW.
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Post by Skippy »

Never really thought about COW as being Conservative, or not, but based on my membership of numerous movie prop message boards public & private, it is certainly the most super polite & friendly I've come across 8)

Trust me, you can find some message boards out there that come across like an extreme right wing totalitarian slave camp! :shock:
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Post by Michaelson »

FRIENDLY??!!! SMILE when you say that, pilgrim!!!


:lol: :wink:

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Post by J_Weaver »

Yes indeed, this is the most friendly forum I've been involved in. :D I'm a member of another forum, that can be somewhat hostile at time. If you post someting controversial, you better have some good data to back you up. :shock:
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Post by agent5 »

If you post someting controversial, you better have some good data to back you up.
I would think that's how it should be nomatter where you are.
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Post by J_Weaver »

Thats true agent5. I guess what I meant to say was that opinions aren't to welcome. Its either facts or buzz off, if you know what I mean. :wink:
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Post by Texas Raider »

Jerry Springer society, litigation nation!! :shock: Man that's sad :cry: - we should be ashamed of ourselves!

have a nice day.
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Post by Texas Raider »

Now, what color was that Clipper hat again? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

frosty heather brown , dark brown ribbon. :wink:(but you already knew that)

have a nice day.
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Post by Zach R. »

BTW, Tone, your eyes are looking pretty bloodshot, I think you need some sleep.
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Post by Zach R. »

Okay, step away from the,no,no put the keyboard down. :shock:
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Post by Dre »

so...any new info on the hat this top9ic is actually about?
is it genuine?
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Post by Michaelson »

Texas Raider wrote:Jerry Springer society, litigation nation!! :shock: Man that's sad :cry: - we should be ashamed of ourselves!
Amen to THAT, Brother!! :roll: High regards! Michaelson
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

Feraud wrote:In order to have people who are more "in the know" than us share information with the world you do not want them to think there is a group of people who will comment on every item to the point of arguing the semantics of a "wrongly" worded ad! Did I read correct that someone thought the author of the auction description should be fired for how he worded it? Isn't that at bit extreme considering 99.999% on earth would not know the difference between a 'bash' and a 'brim'?
Yes, Feraud. I wrote that.

If this was an individual placing an add on ebay, I wouldn't give it a second thought. But, it is not. It is a vendor that I would think enlisted the help of an advertising professional.

If someone is going to claim to be a professional, then they need to perform like it. I am not exaggerating, but I could have written a better ad than that when I was in the sixth grade.

There are still two lines of thought on the wording of this ad. First, it is poorly written. On a professionally prepared website, this should not be the case.

The second scenario, is that it was written in a vague manner deliberately to protect the seller from civil liabilty if the item is proven to be a fake. If I was a buyer interested in this item, I would hope that it would be the former, and not the latter.

Feraud, if you are willing to accept mediocrity, you are certainly free to do so. If you think that I am joking about my standards of professionalism, there is someone on this forum that worked for me in the past, ask him.
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Post by ScreenUsed »

OK guys, sorry to not answer questions right away, I created an account on the forum so I can answer questions directly and it took about 5 days for it to be approved. I have received many emails about the fedora, including the email from Strider. It’s not too difficult to figure out which forum, this is the best known forum for the Indy trilogy. I have been here reading about the Indy jacket that was just up for auction and shared similar feelings about it’s authenticity – but eventually never came to a conclusion one way or the other.

The fedora we recently sold is one of the most important pieces we have dealt with. First, let me explain that we are not just a fly-by-night operation, but we are a business dealing in screen used pieces only. We do not buy or sell replicas of any kind – though we personally have no problem with replicas. That said, in order to maintain the value and authenticity of the piece, I can’t provide 100% of the information that you would like to see. I will try to provide as much as I can, because you guys as a group are probably the most knowledgeable regarding the fedora, whip, jacket, and other key pieces from the Indy trilogy. Getting your input is interesting for me, even though we don’t have possession of the fedora any more. We did have the fedora in our hands – however only for a couple of days since we already had a couple of potential buyers. It is now in a private collection, where it will most likely not be publicly shown.

As for the question of why so many screen captures? Well, it was not to “sell” people on it being authentic, it was just that as I went through the movie scene by scene, the excitement was somewhat overwhelming that I captured about twice as many shots as shown on the website. We are VERY meticulous about the pieces we sell. Again, since this was one of the most important pieces we have had, we spent about 2 days going through the movie – frame by frame. The intention was that we hoped to find the exact hat in maybe one scene somewhere. It turned up more often than we could have hoped for. There are only so many ways that the ribbon can fall when they made the hats. When I started comparing the creases, folds, and shadows around that ribbon, I got goose bumps. Just to put things in perspective, we have dealt with other pieces of similar significance like Vader helmets, Tie Fighter helmets, Stormtrooper helmets, again all screen used, so we understand the importance of making sure it is real. Just as more information about how we do business, we research key pieces meticulously, so with something this important, we would never just say “Hey it’s a real Indy hat, we have docs”. As proof of that, take a look at couple of other pieces that we have sold where we did similar research:

Blade II complete costume (take a look at the details on the vest): ... ory_id=530

The Crow complete costume (note jacket details): ... ory_id=479

Blade Runner – Deckard’s shirt (tough to see in the pics, but it is THE shirt): ... ory_id=623

OK, “impeccable documentation” – guess I opened up a can of worms there. I definitely can not provide scans of the documentation – sorry, but as you guys understand, with real pieces, who it came from is EXTREMELY important. This is as far as I can take it – the documentation was from a high level museum curator, and it documents that they received the fedora from a high level individual at the studio. Sorry, I can’t provide names or positions, though they are laid out in the document. There are just way too many fake props/wardrobe showing up, it’s not worth someone having the information about the story of this particular fedora to copy.

As for the wording in the description of the fedora, we are definitely not trying to hide or protect anything. It was worded specifically for high end collectors of screen used pieces, not the general public. In a screen used movie prop forum, we recently discussed the difference between “screen matched”, “screen used”, “production made”, etc., and that is why the sentence about it being “screen matching” as opposed to “screen used”. Let me clarify the discussion – “screen used” is a piece used during filming based on authenticity, source of the pieces, etc – but you can’t EXACTLY match it on screen in a scene. This is what the majority of screen used pieces are that are out there. Now, “screen matched” is not only a screen used piece but you have been able to match up a mark, scratch, fold, pattern, wrinkle, or something that 100% matches in a certain scene or many scenes in the movie. Does that help? Just as you guys have taken Indy props and wardrobe to a detailed level, a bunch of collectors in the screen used movie forum are defining how to describe pieces in more exact terms. There are several Indy hats that have been made public in auctions or elsewhere – however to my knowledge none of them have been shown to be screen matching. If their source was good (Harrison Ford giving one to the Smithsonian) then it is a “screen used” piece until someone can match it exactly on screen as we have on this one. The wording was on purpose – I will gladly refund the new owner if this hat was ever to be proved not authentic. I would love to have it in my personal collection.

You will notice that we did not provide pictures of the inside of the hat. Again, that was on purpose so that it could not be copied since it has very significant wear and features. However, I can answer some questions that will hopefully help a little. On the inside leather band, there is a very faint (mostly worn away) gold cursive writing that says “Herbert Johnson”, what looks like an address, then on a third line “London” and what looks like “WI” or “W1”. “Made in England” is stamped into the inner band in gold. On another part of the band it has “I J” stamped into the band with the number “1” written next to that. There is no liner or anything in the hat – just the plain felt. I did not notice a size stamped anywhere, however the underside is VERY worn and dirty and we were definitely not going to touch any of that.

Now I have a couple of questions that hopefully you guys can help me with. Why is it mentioned that this would be “the worst of the Indy hats”? Geez, we were excited to get any Indy hat – personally I could care less which one it is as long as it’s one of the real screen used ones.

Also mentioned is the “badly tapered plane hat”. I’m sure the thing can be bent and shaped in tons of directions – we have left it as is the way we received it. There is no telling what happened with it over the years. But I would assume the taper would not change much, if at all. What scenes would I look at to see this difference in the taper? I’m looking at a straight on shot of Indy in the plane on my website and I don’t see a large amount of taper one way or another. What would “badly” tapered mean – straight 90 degrees up from the brim or too much angle?

You guys do take this to the Nth degree, which is very interesting, so I look forward to the discussion. Because like I said, having this thing in front of you is easy to get goose bumps when looking at it from different angles and comparing on screen – even without reading the documentation.

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Post by Indiana Wayne »

Welcome ScreenUsed!
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Post by Marc »

First of all: welcome aboard and thank you very much for taking the time to reply to this post. It is highly appreciated by this writer and I bet by many others.

Regarding the "worst of all Indy hats": as one of our members (3000 bucks) just found out the other day, "Willie" crushed the rear of the crown of this particular hat, short time before the cockpit scene. As a result of that, the hat became terribly tapered:


while the Fedora(s) used in Raiders (which is the most popular around here) is COMPLETELY straight sided. While a tapered crown on its own isn't neither good nor bad, it is most hatet amongs the Raiders Fedora fans in here, as it is mostly a result of a bad hat block shape on which the hat was made and / or a result of that the hat didn't hold up to the elements, was steamed too much in the attempt to shape it just a little better, has shrunk over the years etc. An untapered hat is sort of the non plus ultra and that's why anything tapered just isn't popular :)


Last edited by Marc on Wed Aug 10, 2005 10:37 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Michaelson »

Sorry it took so long to get you in. We're operating with rotating staff at this time. Several are taking well deserved vacations. (grins)
Please add my welcome as well! High regards! Michaelson
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Post by Mike »

Welcome aboard ScreenUsed, and thanks for putting up with our scrutiny! We can all relate to how wording can be misconstrued and glad you're able to clarify. Heck the plaque for the "screen-used" hat and jacket at the Smithsonian states that they were from all three Indy movies when clearly they are Last Crusade items.

Now on to more important issues... next time you get a screen used prop, post it here first!! ... I'll start counting my pennies. :wink:

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Post by J_Weaver »

Welcome to COW, ScreenUsed, and thanks for posting! :D

I'll try to answer your questions. For starters, most of us here prefer the straight sided Raiders style fedora. The taper issue really doesn't matter much at first, but the more you hange around the more the little details will start jumping out at you. :wink:

Taper starts with angles over 90 degrees. A 90 degree turn from the brim is good, because it means straight sides.

Anyway, I hope you'll hang aroundand post often! :D
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Thank you for your informative and interesting post and welcome to the forum. I have learned a lot from what you have posted.
ScreenUsed wrote:Now I have a couple of questions that hopefully you guys can help me with. Why is it mentioned that this would be “the worst of the Indy hats”? Geez, we were excited to get any Indy hat – personally I could care less which one it is as long as it’s one of the real screen used ones.
Since, I believe it was me who made that statement, "The worst of the Indy Hats." Actually, what I said was, "I think that it is funny that it purports to be the worst hat of the Indy Trilogy: the dreaded tapered plane hat of TOD." And what I meant was, like you, I would be thrilled to have any screen-used or screen-mtached, or any hat that Harrison might have touched for that matter, but the plane hat from TOD is the least admired hat from the entire trilogy because it is so tapered and so far from the ideal hat as shown in the original film. So I was pointing out the irony of acquiring a hat from the trilogy and it being the ugliest of these in the opinions of a majority of the members here, though no one would refuse such an item either! I made that comment in good humor.

The taper in the hat is evidenced on screen and had something to do with the block shape and the possible effect of the hat being crushed before being hurredly returned to Mr. Ford's head. The hat, in general in TOD has a slight taper, or / \ shape, compare to the hat in Raiders, which was straight-sided. Please see MK's great page for comparison shots from Raiders.

When we speak of the taper of this hat, we weren't speaking of anything that happened to it after the film; we were speaking of how it looks in the actual scene.

If you want to compare two hats within TOD, compare the plane hat to the hat Indy is wearing on the rope bridge (Which is a very fine looking hat).

You didn't happen to have taken any measurements did you? Say, the crown height, the brim, the ribbon size, or the circumference of the sweatband to get an idea of the size?

Thanks again for your thoughtful response. I hope you will stick around because I think you would be a great addition to this site.

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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Welocme aboard, ScreenUsed! I think your post was very informative and well put. You'll find that many of us here DO look at everything with a fine-toothed electron microscope, so any time a "real" Indy prop turns up for sale, it gets scrutinized heavily. That said, there have been some obvious frauds out there, but having seen things on your website before, I figured there was a good chance this hat was an authentic one. I was just waiting to hear from you in response to many of our questions before solidifying my opinions.

I would love to own that hat, even if it IS trom ToD. It has everything to do with its provedance, not so much its shape. I understand completely keeping specific information confidential, but I think you provided us with much information which authenticates it. I agree, though, that if you get any more Indy props that you should post them here first. Even with keeping your sources secret, there's a lot folks around here can do to help prove and strengthen it's authenticity.

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Post by Indywannabe »

Very Welcome to our board screenused, and thanks for posting this :D

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Post by Wrightknife »

Welcome Screen Used! Thanks for taking time to post your reply. As everyone else said: We hope you stay around for our reference...and in case you have anymore "interesting" items. =P~

Thanks again.
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Post by Skippy »

Welcome to the board ScreenUsed & thank you for taking the time to discuss this with us :)
As for the wording in the description of the fedora, we are definitely not trying to hide or protect anything. It was worded specifically for high end collectors of screen used pieces, not the general public. In a screen used movie prop forum, we recently discussed the difference between “screen matched”, “screen used”, “production made”, etc., and that is why the sentence about it being “screen matching” as opposed to “screen used”. Let me clarify the discussion – “screen used” is a piece used during filming based on authenticity, source of the pieces, etc – but you can’t EXACTLY match it on screen in a scene. This is what the majority of screen used pieces are that are out there. Now, “screen matched” is not only a screen used piece but you have been able to match up a mark, scratch, fold, pattern, wrinkle, or something that 100% matches in a certain scene or many scenes in the movie. Does that help? Just as you guys have taken Indy props and wardrobe to a detailed level, a bunch of collectors in the screen used movie forum are defining how to describe pieces in more exact terms.
It was me that raised the point about the matching comments & having read your explaination & knowing what it's like on other replica movie prop forums with naming & describing things, what you say makes perfect sense now :roll: as does your reasons for the number of screen captures to support the screen matching title.

Interesting about the hand written 1 inside the hat. Given that LF possibly just went & got the HJ hats used/left over from the Raiders wardrobe, could that hat have been the original Raiders hat re-cycled as well? :shock:

Very interesting info about the missing liner too 8)
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Post by Canyon »

Screenused, welcome to Club Obi Wan.

Thank you for your post. It was both interesting and informative.

Please excuse the group's skeptasism. As you can see, when someone claims to have a 'screen-used' item, the board do analyise things with a fine tooth-comb, but as you can appreciate, this is only natural. :wink:

Would it be okay if I asked how much the ToD hat went for in the end? :)
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Post by IndianaRedmon »

Welcome to COW Screenused
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »


First, I would like to say, welcome to COW.

Second, like Skippy, I was very skeptical of the wording used in your ad. I think that I wrote the most scathing opinion of the ad. Who knew that such a simple explanation would cause it to make sense. I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong, and in this case, I was. Hey, it's a first for me! (Just kidding)

Thanks for the info about the hat. We are always eager to get new information about anything concerning screen used Indiana Jones items, even if they are screen matched. :wink:
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Post by Fedora »

Welcome aboard!!
Interesting about the hand written 1 inside the hat. Given that LF possibly just went & got the HJ hats used/left over from the Raiders wardrobe, could that hat have been the original Raiders hat re-cycled as well?
Now this got my attention. I think Dakota brought this up once when we were discussing this cockpit fedora on an older thread. I think Dakota threw in the conjecture, "what if this was the Raider hat, shrunk and tapered over time as hats are apt to do"
When I read your post about the "1" being there, my first idea was, perhaps this is the original hat!! I think it is very possible. (if you disregard the bow!)

Could you tell us the color of the sweat? Same as the current HJs? Can you tell us the width of the ribbon? Those answers would be interesting to me. regards, Fedora
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Post by J_Weaver »

Fedora wrote:Welcome aboard!!
When I read your post about the "1" being there, my first idea was, perhaps this is the original hat!! I think it is very possible. (if you disregard the bow!)
Heck, it could even be a replacement bow. I'm sure the original bow was pretty well shot by the time Raiders was finished.
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Post by Fedora »

Heck, it could even be a replacement bow.
Yeah, I guess so, but what bothers me would be is how similiar it looks to the LC bow, and other TOD fedoras in the film. As we know, the person that made the bow for Ford's Raiders fedora, and even the stunt hats that I have seen on film, did not make the other bows. Totally different bowmaker, and stylist, I might add. Fedora
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Fedora wrote: When I read your post about the "1" being there, my first idea was, perhaps this is the original hat!! I think it is very possible. (if you disregard the bow!)
That could definitely explain the taper in TOD if they didn't do a reblock.

screenused, welcome-thanks for clarifying the issues on the hat.
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Post by ScreenUsed »

Thanks for the welcomes and the comments. As for posting pieces here first, that is a possibility, but not in most cases with something this significant. I have several high end collectors that I have worked with over the years and have become friends with. When I know they would want a piece like this I offer it to them first - and as in this case it was sold before it hit the website. If it was something I was unsure of it's authenticity, then I would most likely come to you guys first. Anything else that we get in I'll post for you guys also - don't worry, I'm sure there will be more over the years. We have been fortunate to have many contacts for original Star Wars and Indy pieces.

As for measurements, sorry I can't provide that. I knew it would be asked, and to preserve the value of the piece I just can't throw that information out. Regarding the sales price, for privacy reasons I don't want to give out the exact amount, but I can say that it sold for more than the Indy jacket that was in the Profiles auction last week.

A question came up regarding the "color of the sweat"? OK, I'm not a hat expert, but I'm guessing that is the sweat band on the inside? If so, it's like a tan leather. I have no idea how it would compare to the current HJ hats - I have never really looked at any of the hats that can be purchased today. If you have a picture of the inside of a recent one, I can tell you if it's similar.

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Post by Strider »


Glad to see you've been able to post. Your thoughts and insights were very interesting, and shed a great deal of light on several issues. Firstly, welcome aboard. Secondly, thank you ever so much for joining our ranks to add your comments to our discussion. I certainly appreciate it.
ScreenUsed wrote:On the inside leather band, there is a very faint (mostly worn away) gold cursive writing that says “Herbert Johnson”, what looks like an address, then on a third line “London” and what looks like “WI” or “W1”. “Made in England” is stamped into the inner band in gold. On another part of the band it has “I J” stamped into the band with the number “1” written next to that.
Interesting! :-k This would seem to raise issue to the idea we have held for some time that Stetson provided the hats for Temple of Doom. It would also seem to raise questions about Baron Hats' claim to have made the fedoras for the film. Perhaps this is a Herbie J left over from Raiders that was used? It sure is some food for thought.

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Post by ScreenUsed »

Not to stir up too much here, but I was able to hold in my hands and inspect a screen used Raiders fedora at one time also. I know that the writing for Herbert Johnson and the address were definitely different - block letters versus the cursive in this hat. So that tells me they may have been different between the two movies.

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Post by Texas Raider »

My suggestion about the #1 would be that it was numbered either to be certain that that particular hat was used in certain scenes for continuity OR it means that it was Harrison Fords, I J for(obviously) Indiana Jones and 1 for Harrison Ford. Other numbers could have been for stunt men.

Welcome, Screenused! Watch out!, pretty soon these guys are gonna be askin' about a certain GREY hat- (they think Harrison Ford wore it in a couple scenes):wink:

have a nice day.
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Post by ScreenUsed »

I'd love to see one of the grey hats in person. I have always wondered about those also - unless they REALLY changed the color on film for those scenes - especially when he is walking down the steps at the end of the movie. But that's another topic I assume. I'm sure there are other discussions about that I should go search and read.

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Post by Fedora »

If so, it's like a tan leather
Thank you!! Just as I suspected!! Fedora
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Post by agent5 »

Thanks for taking the time to join and post with us here. I have a few screen used pieces from Raiders and always have a great interest in any Indy props, costumes, or production material that comes to light. I think it's great to have someone like you on board to give some of the members here who aren't so familiar with collecting movie props some insight into the subject. Now, I'm no expert but I have a pretty good handle on it.

I thought your pictures of the TOD hat were most convincing. I know it would be incredibly hard to match and duplicate every single neuance shown in those screen caps. I am incredibly puzzled by your response here though:
As for measurements, sorry I can't provide that. I knew it would be asked, and to preserve the value of the piece I just can't throw that information out.
I'm trying to figure a reasonable excuse as to why giving this inforamation can alter the integrity of the piece in any way, shape or form? How would giving out the measurements of the hat be of any consequence to either the seller or buyer? What can be done with this information, from your standpoint, that would give you a reason not to give it out? I'm not trying to pry into your information, just trying to understand is all.
See, I've had problems of late with a couple of 'authintic prop dealers' from the UK who are also members of the MPA and I was quite discusted by their business practices. For example, I purchased an item and the seller did not want to disclose the provenance because he said the person/company who sold him the item still had more items to sell to him and he did not want to give up his source, his bread and butter. However, as I see it, I PAID for this information when I purchased the prop. He gave me the yada-yada about how they were a legitimate company and that they were on the up and up but that, to me, is definitley NOT provenance in the least. Perhaps you can give me some advice in this matter. What is your take on this and the rules your company follows? Do you agree that the backround info on the prop is part of the sale?

I did see that you have a pice of the temple wall from Raiders listed in your private collection gallery. Is this yours or another fans? I know that was from a guy in New Mexico initially, who's son worked on the film. I got a nice piece from him and was told that I was a couple weeks too late in buying the temple wall piece on your site, another incredible temple wall piece, as well as a hand from the catacombs in Raiders and what was supposedly left of Tohts melted head, or at least a test of it. He sold those 4 pieces for only $1200, which as I can see is more than what one of the wall pieces resold for on ebay only weeks after the initial sale.
I'm still kicking myself over missing all of that.

Here is a pic you requested of another hat made for the trilogy. This is the front, interior of a fedora purchased from HJ for use in Last Crusade. Glad to have you here and we hope to see more of you in the future as well as any props from the trilogy you'd be willing to share with us.
Last edited by agent5 on Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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