From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
Hey Folks: I was wondering if anyone has a clue about the possible whip length in a particular scene in Raiders? ...If you remember the scene where Indy throws Marion into the cart and very quickly rolls out some cracks. I'm starting to shop for a whip and would prefer having that kind of eventual response in the whip. Would you assume he used an 8 or an 8.5 footer in that scene?
As I said to Adam W...
"Sorry to use this kind of explanation. But you probably know what its like to see something and go "Wow..OK..that's what I want" .."
If I remember correctly, an intensive study was done on this whip by Sergei. I can't remember every last little detail about his findings, but he said that the whip was 8 feet long. If you go searching into the archives, you can probably still find Sergei's original post on this subject. Hope this helps you out....
I believe he used the width of the hat ribbon or the crown height of the hat, cant remember which, to measure the whip with, and it came out to just around 8 feet.
I believe he used the width of the hat ribbon or the crown height of the hat, cant remember which, to measure the whip with, and it came out to just around 8 feet.
Wouldn't it be easier to use a measuring tape?--or a ruler?--
Great analysis, Sergei. A bit on the overkill side, though You can clearly see where the thong ends. Knowing Ford is roughly 6 foot, just eye-balling it in comparison to him, it's obvious just by looking at it that it's an 8-footer. No doubt at all.
Sergei my friend , thanks for digging up that post! It answered my question in wonderful detail and discussion and it confirmed what size whip I intend to buy! I'm just starting the process and hope to order before Christmas. If it wasn't an inconvenience I'd sure like to pm on a few questions.
There are some fantastic whip makers out there and I know once Kangaroo starts flowing again, they'll all be back in production.
Not that my additions are going to much further Sergei's fantastic analysis, but I agree. I'm about Harrison's height, and I've got two 8 foot whips, (one Strain Lonestar, my baby, and a new 8', 12 plait cowhide Indy that I got from Adam Winrich at WWAC Ohio this weekend. Love it, Adam! Smoothest action on a cowhide whip I've ever seen! Pics to come soon!) When I'm doing a forward or just before the throw of a circus, the fall is laying about the same distance to the ground as the one in Sergei's pic.
However, I haven't really looked closely enough to see, but I think the close up of the whip that he pulls off his belt in that scene is a 10 footer. but all of the action is with an 8'. It just looks longer on screen because of the angle that they shot the fight from gives a forced perspective, (it's no coincidence that the camera is set about 45 degrees off center from the lines of motion in the scene. Dramatic tension and added frame depth.)
Gives the impression that Indy is laying that whip right up against the Egyptians, when those stunt guys were probably a good 2-3 foot away from Harrison's fall the whole time.
I'll shut up now. Man, I've been shooting too much video this weekend!
Originally this was posted by a member from Poland that used to frequent here. His handle name was, "The Other Jones". He maintained an excellent website in Polish and he distinguished himself by posting pictures that were seldom seen. I think in particular, this picture of the Cairo whip cracking, it was a scan from a magazine article. I think Ford was practicing some cracks prior to shooting.
I am glad to see that this picture is showing interest again. At the time of the posting I remember battles of the ribbon width on the fedora. Some said it was 1 1/2 inches, some said 1 5/8 inches and then there was the 1 3/4 inches camp. Just as crazy back then as it now. Some things never change. It's nice to do some detective work that dispells rumors, myths into facts. Did I tell you about the grey fedora debacle? )
Last edited by Sergei on Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
That's not a movie still, that's a black and white behind the scenes photo, (possibly publicity, but doubtful. Too spontaneous.) Someone snapped that with an SLR camera on set. Looks like Harrison is just warming up, (he was not at all well shooting those scenes, probably wanted to keep moving for fear that if he sat down, he wouldn't get up again.)
That IS a great pic though, Sergei. And I'm curious where you stumbled across it myself.
thefish wrote:That's not a movie still, that's a black and white behind the scenes photo, (possibly publicity, but doubtful. Too spontaneous.) Someone snapped that with an SLR camera on set.
Yeah, that's what I acctually ment...publicity photo not movie still. It's obviously not out of the movie and taken with a still camera.