Your Opinions on this Hat?

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Your Opinions on this Hat?

Post by Lukmas »

I just wanted your opinions on the following hat, of course i would buy another Hat Ribbon to replace the one shown:


Does anyone know where you can buy hat ribbons?

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Post by Michaelson »

As Indy hat? It's a 'Snowy River' style cowboy hat, and I'm afraid a wider hat band won't change it's profile, if that's what you're asking. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Lukmas »

So it would be no good, even with a little shaping?

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Post by Michaelson »

Major reblock is my opinion. Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Strider »

Question: Why go through all this when I could just get you a hat?

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Post by Lukmas »

I think i might Strider! You have the best offer i have found. (Id better get saving)!

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Post by Mola Ram »

The actual snowy river Akubra is a really good Indy Hat.
Ive worn mine for years.
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Post by Ken »

Definitly go with Strider's offer - if you get a cheap non-Indy hat after having it for a while and then comparing it to the films or browsing this site you will only end up replacing it anyway, trust me.

My first hat was a wool fedora I purchased while on holiday in Athens, Greece. After cutting, reshaping I got it to look vaguely like an Indy hat but it still didn't compare to the real thing - from there I went to Akubra which was excellent. I ended up replacing that too though as it was always a bit large (Akubra didn't go to my hat size 53cm) and got my Keppler which has done me well ever since!


My first hat (wool felt)


The slightly too large Akubra Federation regular





My current Keppler from various scenes and angles (which has just about survived filming)

Overall I am very happy with my Keppler. It has survived filming very well considering what has happened to it - its fallen out of moving vehicles, had rocks nad bricks land on it, its been swimming with me in Scottish rivers, jumped off waterfalls with me, been kicked and stepped on and also it went with me through the Sahara desert. It may not be doing so well these days in the taper department but its not doing too bad either.

All in all its a good hat. So my advice to you young master Luke is to get the best hat that fits your needs that you can possibly afford from the start.

Ken :)
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Post by J_Weaver »

Molorom wrote:The actual snowy river Akubra is a really good Indy Hat.
Ive worn mine for years.
I'm sure the Snowy River is a great hat since its an Akubra, but an Indy hat? Its seems to me that it would take a major overhaul to get a Snowy River even in the ballpark of an Indy fedora.
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Post by DanielJones »

The best bang for the buck in the inexpensive department would be the Akubra Federation. I think Indy McFly could attest to this.


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Post by DanielJones »

Indiana Ken: So is that a real shot of you at Machu Picchu, Peru or were you superimposed? If you were there I'd have to day you're the luckiest dog on the porch. :mrgreen: What a wonderful trip that would have been. BTW, the screen shots of your fan fim look great. Can't wait to see the finished product.


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Post by Ken »

Thats the real Machu Pichu. Thanks about the fan film.

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Post by The Aviator »

I my opinion save a little,and get a federation.

Seriously only £56 you said you had a budget of £50. Wait a while and get that.Ive got a federation and their excellent, superb for the money.

Go to

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I have a large group of pictures of Gearhead friends over the years that are printed and waiting for frames. The one of Ken from Machu Pichu is one of them.

Lukmas - Don't be penny wise and hat foolish. If you're going to do a fan-film, don't skimp on The Fedora. If you have the right size, I have one I would like to let you borrow. PM me and let me know what your fedora size is.

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Post by Ghos7a55assin »

Hey Luke,
Being another young member on COW, I think I can speak for IndyMcFly and Andiana as other young Gearheads, that saving up is THE best option. Those cheapies look good now, but when they are tapered and useless in about a weeks time, you'll realize you wasted 25 pounds on it. If your budget is 50 pounds, I would just save a little bit more and just get the akubra federation. It is the best value, and the cheapeast Indy-looking hat. Anything lower than the federation is not worth your time. I bought the crappy dorfman pacific and almost considered a Miller, but in the end, they couldn't stand up to the same quality as the Akubra, that is still serving me well today (which I've had for nearly 14 months now).
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Post by DanielJones »

Indiana Ken: Yes, you are the luckiest dog on the porch. Machu Picchu must seem bigger than it looks in the pictures. How many acres(or hectars) is the site? How was the hike up?


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Post by Farnham54 »

Unless your Andiana, and just happen to have a Leprechaun in your pocket at all times--You'll walk away from a summit with an AB! :D

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Post by Ken »

DanielJones wrote:Indiana Ken: Yes, you are the luckiest dog on the porch. Machu Picchu must seem bigger than it looks in the pictures. How many acres(or hectars) is the site? How was the hike up?


Machu Pichu is massive. The hike up on the Inca Trail was fantastic and one of the best experiences of my life. If you have the chance to do it, do it!!!

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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

Ghos7a55assin wrote:the Akubra, that is still serving me well today (which I've had for nearly 14 months now).
That's right! I met you at the Stampede last year and it's going on right now. I didn't realize it as new when I saw you. Did you get many people asking about it?

It was a dang fine lookin' lid for sure.
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Post by Mola Ram »

J_Weaver wrote:
Molorom wrote:The actual snowy river Akubra is a really good Indy Hat.
Ive worn mine for years.
I'm sure the Snowy River is a great hat since its an Akubra, but an Indy hat? Its seems to me that it would take a major overhaul to get a Snowy River even in the ballpark of an Indy fedora.
Dont have any recent pictures, But it looks Really raiders like right now.

Started out like this. (not my hat just a snowyriver i found of the same color) ... nadfsa.jpg

Before a reblock ... =whip2.jpg

Right after a reblock ... C-001X.jpg

Ill take some better pictures of it later on my cranium.


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