The heavy distressed had been on many adventures, traveled with me trough a few countrys and survived a Bushfire, too. I'm wearing it in the 5th year and they're my workingboots right know
I do wear the other pair not seldom but more for walk outs and stuff like this.
Although the newer boots are in much better condition and feel are much more practical (since the old are a size too large) I still like this dirty old pair of smelling boots best
Last edited by eaglecrow on Sun Jul 17, 2005 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Great pictures, I got my pair two months ago. They are not quite as distressed as your adventure pair yet. I think natural distressing is the way to go.
Your aldens just look like Indy's, I like them very much. If I remember correctly you once told me that your first pair got this weird color (I don't know exactly). But after all this time they were covered with dirt and dust; very indy-ish. Love 'em!
You know, the thing about Alden's is, if you took that old beat up pair, cleaned them and polished them, they'd look more or less like that pristine pair you have. It's gotten to the point that I hate when I have to clean and polish my boots, because they look brand-spakin new when I do it. That's ok though, as all it takes to get them scuffed up again is a few days in the life of Indiana Guybrush.
I like my aldens best after walking the #### out of em till they get dry. After this cleaning and treating with shoepolish. After you shined it, walk through some dry dirt and shine again with a scrap of cloth. The moc toe stitching looks perfect after it and the leather gets a very deep shine.
I'll post a picture at the end of the week when I'm going to clean my working boots.
Thanks for your comments. I might be the only guy in here but I love my boots allmost the same than my jacket and Adventurebuilt
Not really, it's quit awhile ago when I spend 2 weeks cleaning my aldens
Well, beeing serious, it took me a hour for every single boot in the first 2 years
Pagey, your new provile picture is amazing! Where did you made it?
And, by the way, how much did you had till you was ready to wear a piton-necktie?