A Disneyland Adventure

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A Disneyland Adventure

Post by DanielJones »

Greetings all,

Here are some pics of me in some Indy gear at the Disneyland Parks. I even managed to get our boy a hat to get him started down the slipery slope. Enjoy. :)

http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ ... ey1004.jpg
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ ... ey1013.jpg
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ ... ey1032.jpg
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http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ ... ey2037.jpg
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ ... ey2048.jpg
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ ... ey2056.jpg

This is what happens when you stand in line too long at the Indiana Jones Adventure. :shock:
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ ... ey3027.jpg

And here I am about to make my escape. 8-[
http://i21.photobucket.com/albums/b278/ ... ey2054.jpg

Anyway we had a great time, even if my boots weren't made for walking all day. :cry: :wink:
It was even a treat to run into a fellow gearhead Indy McFly. 8-[ Fun was had by all and some of the Disneyland employees thought I worked there. :P What a hoot!
Hope to get to see others in their gear doing whatever adventure comes there way. Happy trails!


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Post by The real Henry »

Very nice pics !!
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Post by DanielJones »

Thank you sir! Glad you enjoyed them.


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Post by Indiana Williams »

when did you go to Disneyland?
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Post by DanielJones »

Jpevh: We went this last weekend. Friday, Saturday & Sunday. And Indy Mcfly made an appearance as well, at least on Friday. :)

To All: Oh, the Indy Straw worked great! There was enough of a breeze throughout the days that it helped keep the old grape cool. The Acid Test was a success! :tup:


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Post by Indiana Williams »

thats cool i was there a couple weeks ago(i hadnt been there in over 10 years.)so i got ride the indy ride for the first time,i loved it.lots of fun.
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Post by DanielJones »

Jpevh: Then you'll recognise the skull in the one picture. It's the first skull on the left in the spile room corodor. Glad you had such a great time! It's one of our favorite travel destinations. We have decided that we want to go at least twice a year and we want to hit all the Disneyland Parks around the world. Of course wearing the Indy gear to each park. :wink:


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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Fun pics! Tell us about the airplane pic. I don't remember seeing that at the park back in November. Where in the park was that?
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Post by DanielJones »

Greetings ITG! The airplane is in the Disneyland Californial Adventure side of the park. It is in the Condor Flats portion of the park right next to California Soarin'. Funny how that shot came about. It took a few tries to get the shot because this one Dutch couple kept asking me questions about the plane. Who had owned it? Was it still operational? I suppose they thought I worked there. LOL :D Anyway we had a great time there. Our boy totally loved the California Screamin' coaster. He was too sure at first but once he got on he couldn't ge enough. LOL :wink:


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Post by McFly »

Aw, we should have taken a picture together! lol

Good lookin' kid... that fedora looks good on him!

Nice pictures man, nice.

In Christ,
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Post by DanielJones »

Why, thank you Shane. The meeting and parting happened so fast we didn't have much time did we. Yeah, he's a good kid. It took a few different hats that they were selling there to find the one tha not only fit his head but looked good on him. We're getting started out right and early.
As far as pictures, maybe next time.

Cheers my friend!

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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

DJ, that would explain why I don't recognize the plane. I've never been to the California Adventure park. Is it worth going to?
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Post by BendingOak »

Danieljones, thats a nice looking family you got there. it's looked like you guys had fun and thats for sharing your trip with us.
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Post by Herr Jones »

DanielJones, nice pictures hope you all enjoyed it. People think I work there also even with my "close enoughs" - so I play along. I was there three weeks ago and was much too hot to wear my jacket even by nine at night. Nice jacket btw, seems like you got it just in time.

Indiana Texas-girl, California Adventure has about a handfull rides my girl and I like so I can't say if it's worth it or not. But if you can get someone who lives down here to get you tickets, should you decide to go, there are some decent So. Cal. deals, just my $0.02.
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Post by Jens »

Wow! :shock: Very nice pics, indeed.
Great atmosphere. One day I just have to visit one of these Disneylands.
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Post by DanielJones »

Thank you all for your kind comments. It is most appeciated. We had a great time and enjoyed all the rides and people watching. As far as the California Adventure park is concerned, I would only do it if I had either the park hopper tickets or the two fer deal on tickets. That way you get into both parks. It has some great rides like the California Screamin' & the Tower of Terror but mostly it is great to go there When Disneland proper is too crouded. Then you head over and go through the rides much faster. But don't get me wrong, it is a lot of fun there too. Would make a great day trip if you didn't want to deal with the huge crouds. A complete "good time" had by all.
To all that have been in the near past and to those going in the future pleas share your adventure. I think that is the wonderful thing about this forum, you get to share with an extended family. Again, thank you for your kind words.
We will be going back soon for another adventure. Just can't seem to stay away from the place. :D


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Post by Ark Hunter »

Wow! Where did you get the straw Fedora? It looks great. I couldn't tell it was straw in most of the pictures. The color looks good too.
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Post by Michaelson »

It's one from Peter's Brothers! Man, after seeing these photos, I've GOT to get my order in for one of these!!! ](*,) Regards! Michaelson
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Post by DanielJones »

Aw Michaelson you beat me to it. :x :) Yep, it be a Peters Bros. And for a mere 115 clams (that's with shipping included) you too can be a proud owner of a very comfortable Indy Straw. :wink: I got quite a few compliment this weekend about the hat. I must say I am quite happy with it. It is a must have for warmer climates.


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Post by DanielJones »

Indiana_Tone: He is actually my step son. We've been together long enough I may as well be his dad.:) Good kid all the way around. I think this was the best time he had there because he was tall enough for all of the really good rides. :wink: Thanks for the compliment friend.


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Post by Hemingway Jones »

What a lovely family, Dan. -And the gear is nice too!
I think the family pictures are my favorites of all that get posted around these parts. Especially when you see someone out with their children spending quality time. -Good stuff. :wink: :D
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Post by DanielJones »

Like I said before Hemingway, a gentleman and a scholar. Thank you sir. I thought I'd share their pics as well because they are part of the adventure. Thanks for the compliments on the family & the gear.


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Post by Strider »


Thanks so much for sharing! Looks like a fun time was had by all. I agree with HJ, you guys look like a big happy family. I'm envious :wink:. I hope one day I can spend time with my family like that.

Now, the questions! LOL.

What rides did y'all go on? How did you get that PB Indy Straw looking so good? Is that a Wested you're wearing, and if so, what type/style?

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Post by marco polo »

great pictures! maybe you can teach me how to post pictures sometime.
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Post by DanielJones »

Well Marco it is quite easy. I use Photobucket, http://photobucket.com/
It is free to sign up and a snap to use. You just up load your pictures from your computer to your photo album and then you copy & paste the URL under the photo to your post. Easy as that my friend. Happy photo posting. :D If there are easier ways I'm sure others will chime in and offer their two bits. This one seems the easiest method that VP & Hemingway had told me about. This is a very helpful community.


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Post by DanielJones »

Stryder: So many questions all at once. :shock: Well, we went on just about everything there. Just a few Fantacy Land rides were missed for the pleasure of Splash Mountain. They did a warm start for Space Mountain. It's even better than before. I believe that the official opening of that ride is July 15th. Of course we did the Indiana Jones Adventure several times, and did California Screamin' about seven time in one day. We are addicted to the speed rides. Even our boy cant get enough. Oh, the area that used to have the submarines is being woked on. They have the shields up around the area and everything. My guess is that they are going to put the Discovery Bay in there with the Nautilus. Disney Paris & Tokyo both have that particular attraction. There should be plenty of room for it there. Now all they have to do is replace the Autopia.

The PB straw has been hand molded for the past several weeks. It was a tad too tall to fit my face right out of the box( had the Abe Lincoln top hat thing going on), so I had to rearange the crown to a 'C' crown to get it to fit my face right. I think the crown its self is a bit too tall and doesnt work well with a center bash when one is trying to achieve the camel humps. Comes out too sharp and too tall. But hey, that's just on me. I'm sure someone else may get it to work for them.

The jacket is indeed a Wested. It's the one I got on e-bay for $185. It is a horsehide TOD. And yes I think it is brand new because there were no wear wrinkles in it yet. I looked like it came directly off of the hanger.
Thank you for the kind comments. We had a wonderful time.


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Post by Michaelson »

The straw prototype worked on my head when I tried it on last year at the shop, so it's yet another case of 'what works for one, may not work for another' . I WILL be ordering one this summer, Dan. You've convinced me now that this is the year. High regards! Michaelson
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Post by DanielJones »

Very good Michaelson! I hope to see the picturs soon. :wink: I definately would like to see how the center bash & the crown height work for you.


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Post by shadwell55 »

Whay kills me is that I went to Disneyworld two months before I got interested in gear. I wish I had paid more attention to the Indy store there, not so much for the jackets, etc, but for the little things I'd like to have to decorate my office.

You gave a great looking family. I want to get my kids a hat like that now.
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Post by Andiana »

OMG I was there Friday! What the HEC! Why didn't I see you guys!?!?!?! I was in "Cairo" style gear that day!

Hey, if anyone around here knows me (.......) then you know I go there at least every other week! Aww man.....
Looks like I still gotta wait for the QM summit to see fellow gear-heads at Disneyland.... :(

Pics look great! I really wish I could have met you there. I hope your kid enjoys the hat! DORFMANS ROCK!
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Post by Indiana_Tom »

Hey Dan, really nice pictures there. That rememinds me of my last visit to Disneyland Paris back in 2004. But unfortunately they only have this "Indiana Jones backwards" rollercoaster without any screenused cars, cool spiked-skull atmosphere... :cry:
I always wish they had some cool Indy vehicles or even a good Indystore there... Anyway, a nice place to visit.
Want more of these pictures like yours, DAn! :twisted:
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Post by Wrightknife »

Great Pics Daniel,

It looks like ya'll had a great time and enjoyed yourselves. I have never been to the Disneyland in Ca. I do have an interesting story about our trip to Disneyworld in Fl in 1998. I believe I will post the story on Lao Che's Table sometime soon. Thanks again for sharing your great vacation and family with us.
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Post by DanielJones »

Andiana: Sorry we missed you there. But, it is a big park. One of the guys I work with was there on Friday as well, but no sight of him, and we both were in the gate around 8:30am. I think we ran into IndyMcFly by accident over in Tomorrow Land. So we weren't the only two gear heads there. Too cool. We try to go at least twice a year. Our next adventure will be either in November or December to catch the Christmas decorations and parades. So maybe we'll run into you then. I take it you're a season pass holder? BTW, did you manage to go on Space Mountain Friday? They did a warm start before the official opening. Way cool! Much better ride than the original. Realy screws with the head in the beginning. Now since you go so much do you have any clue to what they are going to put in the lagoon where the subs where? I would be most interested to know. :wink:

Indiana_Tom: If you get a chance, the best ride is either in Disneyland in California or the one in Tokyo. The both use something that is akin to a troop transport or a 1 ton truck for the ride. But the theme in California is in southeast Asia while the one in Tokyo is set in South America. Have you been to the Discovery Bay portion of the Paris Park? How does the Nautilus look? Is it a ride or a walking tour? Also, how is the Hyperion Coaster ride? I know, so many questions. We have plans some day to hit all of the Disneyland parks in the world. :D

So far, the Indy store in California has the best trinkets. They carry a large variety of Dorfman hats and of course the paper thin Indy jackets. They look good, but I wouldnt wear one of those jackets for much more than going to the grocery store.
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Post by DanielJones »

Thank you all for your kind remarks! It is most appreciated. :D


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Post by Andiana »

I did go on Space Mountain Tuesday (I went back on Tuesday...again...) and it's called "Soft Opening". Frankly, I think taking about 3 years to 're-do' Space Mountain wasn't needed, since not much was done to the ride (except painting the track black, and the new que, and some effects). Still, it kicks butt!

- Yes, I am an annual passholder: been one since 1992 (since I was 2!).
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Post by Andiana »

DanielJones wrote: So far, the Indy store in California has the best trinkets. They carry a large variety of Dorfman hats and of course the paper thin Indy jackets. They look good, but I wouldnt wear one of those jackets for much more than going to the grocery store.
1.) The store in WDW has better stuff unfortunally, and there are TWO places to buy Indy related stuff. Also, the MAIN store is about twice more the size of the one here in CA

2.) I have one of the Jackets, and they aren't 'thin' at all. I don't know which one you are talking about, but I have one, and it's a little heavier than a 'Wested' probably (or a lot more).

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Post by Indiana_Tom »

DanielJones wrote:If you get a chance, the best ride is either in Disneyland in California or the one in Tokyo. The both use something that is akin to a troop transport or a 1 ton truck for the ride. But the theme in California is in southeast Asia while the one in Tokyo is set in South America. Have you been to the Discovery Bay portion of the Paris Park? How does the Nautilus look? Is it a ride or a walking tour? Also, how is the Hyperion Coaster ride? I know, so many questions. We have plans some day to hit all of the Disneyland parks in the world. :D
Dan, the Nautilus actually looks cool, you can walk through it (it's even under the "sea"). But it was very hot in there at this time :wink:
I did't see something called "Hyperion Coaster"... Can't remember... What exactly do you mean?
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Post by DanielJones »

Andiana: Thanks for the "Soft Opening" correction. I always hate to get my vernacular wrong. :oops: It did seem like it was quite a bit smoother since we had been on it last, which was just before it closed down.
We'll have to make one of our trips next year to WDW. Have to check the store out. Thanks for the update. The jackes I saw were in the DL store on Friday. I had held one and wasn't too impressed. It seemed more of a dress leather for a light blazer. I'm not sure how old yours is, or maybe it came from a better batch of leather. But my horse hide Wested is much thicker than what I had handeled my friend. Just an observation. Could have been the one jacket I handeled was the only thin one too. I didn't go around groping each one. :wink: Check it out the next time your there.

Indiana_Tom: The Hyperion , from what I've read and seen pictures of, looks like an air ship or a hot air baloon, but has a hydraulic coaster inside. It may have been something they were building at the time you were there. Here's a picture.


Thanks for the input of the Natilus.

Cheers my friends!

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Post by Canyon »

Daniel, this is the first time I've seen those pics, and I have to say, they are fantastic.

Gear looks great! :D
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Post by Andiana »

DanielJones wrote:Andiana: Thanks for the "Soft Opening" correction. I always hate to get my vernacular wrong. :oops: It did seem like it was quite a bit smoother since we had been on it last, which was just before it closed down.
We'll have to make one of our trips next year to WDW. Have to check the store out. Thanks for the update. The jackes I saw were in the DL store on Friday. I had held one and wasn't too impressed. It seemed more of a dress leather for a light blazer. I'm not sure how old yours is, or maybe it came from a better batch of leather. But my horse hide Wested is much thicker than what I had handeled my friend. Just an observation. Could have been the one jacket I handeled was the only thin one too. I didn't go around groping each one. :wink: Check it out the next time your there.
Hey, don't worry, no one really would know that it's called "Soft Opening" anyways lol!

That really seems weird about that jackets. Last time I was there (Tuesday) they were the regular kind. Oh well, like you said, maybe the one you examined was a faulty one :? .
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Post by DanielJones »

Canyon: Why thank you very much. I've seen one of your other posts in your gear, you do it justice. Glad to hear you and our other UK bretheren are doing ok. Always hate to see senceless things like that happen. Such is the way of the world though. So we enjoy our little adventures where we can find them and share them with our friends.

Andiana: Yeah, it was the first jacket on the rack that I handeled up front, and I had grabbed the sleeve. I guess if I had done a further inspection I may have found more substance. Of course I'm used to feeling a very dense leather. I have a custom motorcycle jacket that weighs around 10 pounds. It's pretty much bomb proof. I call it my Harley Flack Jacket. So my Wested is very light in compasison and the Disney one is a t-shirt weight in comparison. Like I said, I'm not used to light weight clothing.


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Post by Canyon »

DanielJones wrote:Canyon: Why thank you very much. I've seen one of your other posts in your gear, you do it justice. Glad to hear you and our other UK bretheren are doing ok. Always hate to see senceless things like that happen. Such is the way of the world though. So we enjoy our little adventures where we can find them and share them with our friends.
Thanks very much. :oops: That really means a lot to me. Thanks for your well wishes, also. :wink:
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Post by Dr._J »

Hey Dan,

The Submarine Voyage is being re-worked into a Finding Nemo Adventure. I know this because Michael Eisner told me. I had the pleasure of attending the Annual Homecoming Press Event. Lunch with Mike was part of our three-day event. It also entailed having breakfast with the Lead Imagineers. I got to sit with the woman who did Space Mountain. Andiana, if you had any idea what they had to go through, you would understand why it took so long. Can't wait to ride it!

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Post by Andiana »

You mean you ate with the devil? Wow. (lol j/k).

How were you able to eat with him? That's kinda cool. I would give anything to talk to the head(s) of DL!
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Post by Dr._J »


My good friend is a Freelance Journalist and Writer for several popular magazines. He is friends with the heads of P.R. for Disney. They put us up for three nights at the park and comped EVERYTHING! We visited Walt's apartment, we walked behind the buildings on Main Street, had unlimited access to free food and drink at the Press Center. It was incredible! The best part was the Gala Party they had in New Orleans Square the night before the Annual Homecoming event! They shut down the entire park except for invited guests. We got to walk down Main Street on a golden carpet amongst TONS of celebrities! People were looking at us like "who the heck are you?" :wink:

We were given all kinds of cool, collectibles for free and the food and cocktails (that's right, ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES) were flowing like the Rivers of America! They previewed the new fireworks show and had the Goo Goo Dolls playing on Tom Sawyer's island as well as a live band (and dancing Disney characters in Town Square.

Mr. Eisner (or the Devil, as you called him) came and spoke with us at our luncheon at the Rose Cafe (in the Grand Californian where we stayed). He didn't sit down and dine, but talked about Hong Kong Disney and upcoming rides and attractions. Apparently, he said too much because the Executives behind him were covering their eyes and shaking their heads.

In addition to meeing Mr. Eisner, we had a "round-robin" interview with top Disney Executives at the Golden Horseshoe. We sat at a table and every ten minutes new Execs would come to our table and answer questions. We met with the President of Disneyland and other "Top-Brass". It was very interesting!

For the Homecoming Celebration Ceremony we sat right up front in reserved seats and heard Mr. Eisner (again), Julie Andrews, Art Linkletter, Leann Rimes and Christina Aguillara. It was quite an event to say the least! One of the most memorable times of my life!

Regards, Dr. J
Last edited by Dr._J on Sun Jul 10, 2005 10:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Wow! Julie Andrews! Quite the legend!!!!!! Just that in itself would make my day. What a weekend!
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Post by DanielJones »

Dr._J: Impressive...Most impressive. You are certainly the luckiest dog on the porch my friend. And Art Linkletter to boot. Sounds like a wonderful time to be sure. Now that you say the Finding Nimo Adventure, that stands to reason. The screen walls are painted int he same Nemo Font. It's not what you know but who you know. Thankyou for the heads up. :D

Canyon: Not at all. It is well deserved. As far as the well wishes, Our hearts and prayers go out to the UK. Take care and be well.
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