From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"
So my friend was just asking about my whip (specs like how long and stuff) and I said : "Well, it's an 8 foot 12 _____ .... um something bullwhip..."
See, I've never actually said 'Plait" in my life out loud, so I never new how to pronouce it! It's probably a simple grammer thing (hey, I got straight A's in English this year..) but is it pronounced "Plate" or "Ply"???
Oh, yup... Pagey is probably right. My dad says it's an English word which is basically the same as braid, and that it's pronounced platt.
I knew that 16 years of putting up with the "Queen's" English, (including colour, flavour, tyres, and aluminium) and the way things are "in South Africa" would pay off some time.
But isn't the color "taupe" supposed to be said "tope" ?
According to Webster's, the preferred pronunciation is plate, just like a dinner plate. The second is plat, which rhymes with flat but with a p. So, both answers are correct. I have always said plat.
The second word is tope. You say it like toe or tow and put a p sound on the end of it.
As it pertains to whipmaking, it has always been my understanding that you pronounce "Plait" as Plat rhyming with flat. It is a british/australian word when it is used for whipmaking, as in america it was always just called braid.
I remember when I started out I kept saying plait like plate, as in dinner plate, but after my four day class with Jim Hurlbutt I got pretty much straightened out on my pronunciation, except for every now and then when I say one thing and mean my mother
PS: fo' shizzle: (pronounced with a little 'i' but big ups when used in the right context )
I brought the flash cards with me to this weekend's St. Louis Whip-nic (which was a blast!) and some people really dug the slang, including Paul Nolan of Midwest Whips. Someone needs to come up with a slang word for plait, such as 'plaz-atzles' or something. Example: Yo, peep that whip on Ebay, with 12 plaz-atzles it is crazy crunk, mos def. Translation: Check out that undoubtedly nice-looking 12-plait whip on Ebay. Peace up, A-town down