what do you carry in your mk vii?

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what do you carry in your mk vii?

Post by Mola Ram »

What do you uasualy always carry in your bag?
I used mine the first time 1 day ago and i carried
a book, gloves, belt, whip glasses,watch, knife,
another knife, knife stone, and a whip holder.
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Post by Gater »

as stated in a previous post, I used to use my Mark VI to bring my lunch to work, instead of a plastic grocery bag. Worked very well, and the pockets fit a frozen dinner perfectly
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

why do you carry a whip holder in your bag? what purpose could it possible serve in there?
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Post by Mola Ram »

:lol: well if your camping and decide to go swimming?
and you leave it in there when you are sleeping?
only use it when its dark?
I went camping 1 day ago and held
my whip most of the time. The holder
comes undone quite a bit.
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

well, if the holder's that useless, why do you take it with you?
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Post by Mola Ram »

you crack me up :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
good points....Im going to tandy leather soon
and will pick up some leather for a new
whip holder. The one i use has the same
type of snap as indys gun holster.
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Post by Farnham54 »

Hey Molorom--I am making mine out of Nylon Webbing, with a plastic clip. Sure it don't look like an Indy whip holder, but it's functional, adjustable, and won't come undone. And, if you get the nylon and buckle in black, it doesn't look half bad either.


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Post by MaryonRavenwood »

As Peter from Wested calls it, "Clobber." (all the stuff that ends up in your jacket pockets)
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Post by Swindiana »

I carry only "usable junk" myself. :)
Let's say it depends on what I'm doing and what the weather is. My wallet, Victorinox Swiss Champ time keeper and a Mag Lite are the basic things though. During summer it was great for carrying a couple of water bottles in there too.


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Post by Peacock's Eye »

Gloves, spare compass, small flashlight, small first aid kit, journal, spare batteries, light sticks, spare ammo, parachute cord, lighter, and Gorp.
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Post by Starman Jones »

As I have MS and spend most of my time either in a power wheel chair or an electric scooter, it is difficult to get anything from my pockets, so I use my WPG MKVII to carry my wallet, a cell phone, a digital camera, a mini-Mag flashlight, a Gerber knife, and a pair of Bushnell 8 X 22 small binoculars. Also sunglasses and reading glasses.
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Post by RonC »

Short answer: anything that'll fit! :D In reality, I usually carry a Swiss Army Knife, my Wells-Lamont 1130's, reading material, flashlight (torch, for my U.K. compadres!)...and whatever I feel is necessary for the moment.

...and Gary Indiana, sounds like you have a great set-up in your bag! Way to go!
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Post by Farnham54 »

I don't have a Genuine Mk VII, but I do have a green, army satchel thingy that I use as my "indy bag" untill funds permit the real thing.

I use mine at the moment as a toiletries kit; I have my shampoo, soap, etc. in it. Being in a dorm, we all share 1 bathroom, and being one who usually lets ppl go first into the shower, the place is usually drenched! With the strap, i can hang the bag on the towel hook and it doesn't get soaked, and it's really easy to go to and from the shower with it!


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Post by Swindiana »

I also sometimes carry around my list of army surplus sites, but then nothing else fits in my bag. :oops:

Seriously, great and interesting topic I must say!


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Post by RonC »

Farnham, if you can swing it financially, I highly recommend you get one of the original Mk. VII's from Sam out in Las Vegas before they're gone! Even the $14 bags are good! ($22, with shipping). I think they're probably the least-expensive ones we're going to see.
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Post by ob1al »

Interesting topic indeed - even if I am picking it up two months late!
I carry my gloves, mini-maglite, mobile phone, wallet, ciggies (sorry y'all), zippo in the lill compartment at the top (fits great!), car keys, lunch (on work days), compass, knife and whichever book I need / am reading.
However, it really comes into it's own when on vacation for tickets, passports, visas etc., first-aid stuff / medicine for the kids especially, nappies, wet-wipes.......the possibilities are endless! :lol:
But what would Indy have carried in his bag? An (semi) educated guess:-

gloves, glasses, lighter, passport & documents, spare ammo, penknife, the occassional glden idol and a good supply of pecards :shock: :-s

Sorry, couldn't resist that last item. :lol:


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Post by Indiana Joe »

Y'all may want to check this one out too http://www.indygear.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1666
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Post by Mulceber »

Medical equipment, a nice dagger I got at a renaissance festival (it's starting to rust a bit, very Indy) Sometimes my blank leather journal from Magnoli, an address book, and gloves. Wow, it sure is amazing how much that piles up when you write it out. Also, when I'm doing work outside, I carry screws, nails, a hammer, screwdriver, etc. -IJ
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Post by Lindiana »

usually carry lighter/matches, gloves, sketchbook/journal, small handled brush and dental tools for digging and brushing dirt off fossils.
pocketknife is; where else but in my pocket
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Everyone should have a topographical map and a compass.
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Post by Mulceber »

Renderking, I forgot to mention that I do carry a compass in it. I should start carrying one of the topographical maps. -IJ
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Post by RonC »

Renderking, you are correct!!! (says the old land navigation instructor)
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Post by Thefumegator »

My bag perfectly fits my Camera, a telephoto lens, and lots of film. I occasionally add to that my 1130's and a plastic bag if I have to shoot pictures in the rain.

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Post by Kris »

I searched for a topic like this, and I found it, ok

In my MKVII I carry:
Main compartiment
Pencils and a pen,
Batteris for my Dig Cam
Press badges
Microphone (optional)
Batteris for a filming camera (optional)
Some condoms
Some crappy but great memory penknife
An industrial roll measure tingie (3 metres)
My Cellphone
Lighter (non zippo)

Center Right
Wallet (don't try Bink, it's Empty)

Center Left
A roll of Ductape
Digital Camera (optional)
Mini Steady Cam (optional)
Mini Tripod

Small Center Pocket

Back Left
Bottle Opener

Back Right

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Post by Texas Jones »

I usually use my bag only for certain outings - I don't use it regularly since I have heard the use of the term "man-purse" a couple of times in here. I will say that it makes a GREAT dad diaper bag.

I used my bag a couple weeks ago to carry items when I went to Six Flags, and found out my wife had used it at some unkown time. How did I know that? From the...um..."feminine" product that fell out of it. Embarassing to say the least, and to top it off, my buddy turns to me and says, with a twinkle in his eye: "That explains your bad mood." What a funny guy. :?
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

I personally print out all of these "Whats in your MKVII" posts and see if I can jam them all in there! :D

I kid, I kid! :P
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Post by J_Weaver »

Texas Jones wrote: I used my bag a couple weeks ago to carry items when I went to Six Flags, and found out my wife had used it at some unkown time. How did I know that? From the...um..."feminine" product that fell out of it. Embarassing to say the least, and to top it off, my buddy turns to me and says, with a twinkle in his eye: "That explains your bad mood." What a funny guy. :?
Women, sometimes I'm glad I don't have one at the monemt. :wink:

Statement is actually a desperate plea to the women of COW :oops:
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Post by Texas Jones »

Not to get off topic, but looks like Indiana Tone got the crown heighth and reverse taper problem licked. Great avatar!
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mk vii

Post by Spooky »

ob1al wrote:...
But what would Indy have carried in his bag? An (semi) educated guess:-

gloves, glasses, lighter, passport & documents, spare ammo, penknife, the occassional glden idol and a good supply of pecards :shock: :-s

Sorry, couldn't resist that last item. :lol:


He also carried the sandbag ... well, he first grabbed it from Satipo's backpack ... then he put it in his mk vii (before entering the idol cave).
I think he would have also carried his notebook - and maybe ...
a snake-bite kit :lol: :lol:

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Post by Pandora »


just got my MK VII yesterday, at the moment it is drying from some distressing with different types of household chemicals, but I know what I'm gonna put in my bag:

Lighters (Zippo and an IMCO), cigarettes, my wallet, my 2 mobiles, kleenex, a knife, chewing gum, lip gloss (a lot of) and some other "female things" ...
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Post by Luisiana Jones »

a knife and other female things.... im scared of what those might be :wink:
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Post by Feraud »


Assorted magazines or newspaper clippings, wallet, keys, portable dictionary/thesaurus, map, moleskine, pens, loose change.
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Post by Erri »

Mobile, pocket, pens, klinex, half-litre bottle of water, keys, notebook, my watch (i hate to use it when it's hot!), sunglasses (if i dont have the hat with me) 8) and then it depents on the moment and where i'm going to... sometimes CD reader sometimes digital camera.
It's amazing how many things it can carry without loosing its wonderful stright (very english) shape :wink:
A great bag!
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Post by Nicht Storen »

I do not use my bag all the time either, but I just got back from vacation in Arizona and used the MK VII to hold all my toiletries. I wanted all that stuff with me in case the airline lost my checked bag.
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Post by Pandora »

It's intersting to see that not all of you carry the MK VII everywhere they go. I'm sure that I will take mine with me all the time.
And isn't it too good to put some shampoo in? :wink:
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Post by Relic Raider »

I'm the only one who keeps a roll of duct tape handy? :ducttape:
I'd like to take the oportunity and wish all and everyone a fun and safe Fourth of July weekend!

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Post by Pandora »

What are you doing with the duct tape? where do you need it for?

An I use this opportunity to thank relic raider for the great service when I ordered "Elsa's Zippo". It's the perfect thing to put in the MK VII.
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Post by Erri »

Indiana_Tone wrote:Let's not forget the two pairs of socks. Black pair and white pair. If you're climbing a Flying Wing, you wear the black; if you go horseback riding the same day, you can quickly throw on the white.

(Other topic.) :roll:
Ahahahahhahah :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: GOOD ONE

you're right! better to bring both or a lot of people somewhere on internet could open a topic about it and talk for ages and ages and ages without really getting a "solution" !

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Post by IndianaRedmon »

My Mark VII bag I normally carry on day hikes. However, I try and keep items which would possibly be used in the late 1930's era.

Back left pocket holds a Swiss Sigg canteen with its cup.

Back right pocket holds a British WWII Fliers Emergency Ration tin which has been repacked with modern high energy bars if needed.

Small pocket contains a 1941 Zippo, and a brass button compass attached to a cord so it will not get lost.

Main compartments will hold notebook, fountain pen sketching pencils.
Sometimes a sandwich, and a small tin with first aid supplies.

A rubberized canvas ground sheet I fold under the flap.
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Post by Mojave Jack »

I've been looking for a good compass that Indy might have carried, and came across Stanley London some time ago. I've always thought Indy would carry somehting similar to this:


Haven't picked one up yet, but when I do, it'll nver leave my MK VII :D
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mk vii contents

Post by Spooky »

Great looking compass ! Terrific idea ... thanks.

Always ...
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Post by Mojave Jack »

I just dumped mine out to see what was in it. Currently it contains:


- Tickets from the Queen Mary (didn't know they were in there until just now!)
- map of the UCR campus
- Pilot's flask (PrairieJones, you'll recognize that!)
- small notebook (That one, too, PJ; can I get a motivated Oorah?!)
- floss
- kleenex (OK, that's little girly, I know :oops:)
- highlighter
- pen
- lens cleaning thingys
- business card from Sir Winston's (also left from the Queen Mary trip a few weeks ago)
- and, most importantly, my pocket guide to all the In-N-Out Burger joints in the known universe! Never leave home without it!
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Post by Rev.Chuck »

Mojave, not to diss your choice in compass, but I believe he would have chosen the surveyors or engineers compass as an aid in his profession. :) Those are very cool I may have to pick one up myself. The plastic orienteering compass, I have now, lacks panache.

My shoulder bag is a bit bigger than the Mk but it contains, at the moment: Flashlight, leatherman, deck of cards(bridge), poker dice, regular dice, chamious, checkbooks, stamps, envelopes, riding glasses and case with spare lenses, second pair glasses, latest copy of Make, latest copy of Cycle World, todays paper, pad paper, lots of pens and pencils, pocket watch, lighter, fingernail clippers, business card book, toque, tape measure, q-tips, aspirin, small level, and a sharpie. I have had one in daily use since '95, this one for over two years.
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Post by Relic Raider »

Pandora wrote:What are you doing with the duct tape? where do you need it for?

An I use this opportunity to thank relic raider for the great service when I ordered "Elsa's Zippo". It's the perfect thing to put in the MK VII.
Duct tape has so many uses, I don't know where to start! maybe Kris can come up witha specific use. I just noticed he carried a roll of duct tape, too!
I'm glad you like your clover Zippo, or would that be clobber Zippo? :wink:

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mk vii

Post by Spooky »

Rev.Chuck wrote:Mojave, not to diss your choice in compass, but I believe he would have chosen the surveyors or engineers compass as an aid in his profession. :) Those are very cool I may have to pick one up myself ...
Did you notice the British prismatic?
Indy did seem to have some British gear:
(or, are all these early 20th Cent. British repros?)

Definitely got to pick up one of these compasses.
Wanted some more opinions first ... thoughts/comments?
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Post by Relic Raider »

A surveyor's compass, also known as transit compass, is not very suitable for use while on the move. A transit is usually used on a tripod, otherwise you can't take advantage of its high degree of accuracy. For orienteering and marching, a transit is a poor choice, because its needle isn't very well dampened and will keep swinging unless you hold still for a long time. A transit also has a very fine resolution and the markings clutter the dial. A good marching compass, maybe the best, from Indy's era would be the Bezard. You can google "Bezard" and find plenty information. Marching compasses or compasses made for orienteering have dampened needles and clearly legible markings, which makes those compasses suitable for use on the fly. Silva, Suunto , and Brunton are good brands. Stanley London compasses are made in India and nice display items rather than accurate tools.

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Post by Andiana »

I CURRENTLY contain in my MK VII (as of now):

- Glasses (and glasses container)
- Small Bottle of glasses cleaner, and a cloth
- An old Disneyland brochure from about 8 months ago (.....heh...)
- the goldish little "Indiana Jones" pin taken from my old Dorfman (Disney) fed
- A throw away camera
- my wallet (probably shouldn't keep it in there...)
- cell phone (it's shiny!)
- screw driver (about 6 inches long...just in case of ...something...)
- smal notepad and pen(s)

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Post by Erri »

Mojave Jack wrote: - kleenex (OK, that's little girly, I know :oops:)
What's so girlish? :-s Men dont use kleenex in California? :lol:

Hey spooky, where did you find that avatar??? Reminds me of the film "Watership Down"
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Post by VancouverVic »

1. Olympus digital camera
2. 3 Dixon Ticonderoga no. 2 pencils
3. 1 pencel sharpener
4. 1 Moleskine squared notebook
5. 1 500 ml Nalgene water bottle
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Post by rebelgtp »

hello all i'm new here so i thought i would share whats in my bag...

- leather journal (pen and pencil inside)
- old swiss army knife
- hankerchief
- simmons 10X25 mini binochulars
- my glasses
- mini maglight
- red and blue lenses for maglight
- compass
- matches in tin
- zippo
- and a bunch of leaves, twigs and dirt that work its way in there from the 3 weeks i just spent in the rain forest :shock:
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