All Things Considered - 1st Wested

Discuss all of the intricacies of the jacket in full detail

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Herr Jones
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All Things Considered - 1st Wested

Post by Herr Jones »

Hello all,
I’m kinda new here in that I just registered but have been reading through many of the forums for quite some time. I recently placed my order with Wested and now have no fingernails left. After a long review of the discussions here on COW, these are the options I considered, including some of the ones Wested lists on their site. When I state screen accurate it’s from what I’ve read so please try not to bash the new guy if I’m wrong. The items with the asterisk are the changes I asked to be made. Many of the options may have been from your personal specification or alteration. So thanks to all who’ve shared their knowledge, specs., and experiences.

Jacket Style:
Temple of Doom, +1”
Last Crusade – a question was made as to if this has the length of Raiders or ToD

Hidden Treasures:
Back pleat elastic(free) – to keep them closed
D-rings (std./original) or rectangular rings (no-slip) on side straps
*X-box stitching on side straps
Extra inside pocket
Diary sized inside pocket(s) – LC std. I believe
Zippered inside pocket, metallic or nylon?
No hand-warmer pockets or sewn shut so they can be opened later.
Press studs on storm flap - LC std.
Facing removed from inside zipper – for screen accuracy
Zipper on US side
*Zipper down to bottom without pull showing at bottom
Smaller collar size or larger for that diso look if that’s your fancy.
1” added to the front to compensate for ride up
Tapered sleeves – I read they are already but more so
80’s fit – more snug?

Leather style:
Lambskin, Authentic brown ( So. Cal. weather) – chosen because what I’ve read this is what the types are best suited for (please correct me if I’m wrong)
*Lambskin – warm weather, least durable of all but have read many conflicting arguments, there’s been talk about shrinkage but I think more with this leather
Horeshide – not-so-warm weather, very durable (not sure where this fits but here I think)
Goatskin – kinda cold weather, very durable, a bit more water repellant
Cowhide – cold weather, thick

*Cotton body with satin sleeves, cotton breathes better for the warm temps here.
Cotton body & sleeves – screen accurate
Satin body & sleeves – can get very warm

There are probably more that the insane may have in mind; however, I’m not there . . . yet :shock: .
Last edited by Herr Jones on Wed Jun 01, 2005 2:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mr. Das »

A lot to think over, isn't it?

Your list pretty much covers everything. To answer some of your questions; The Last Crusade jacket has the length of the Raiders, but with a larger collar and with press studs. Wested doesn't do Nickel zips anymore and hasn't for about a year and a half, so you're outta luck there.

The back pleats bother some people. If you look at the archives, some back panels of the jackets have the back panel extending all the way to the sleeve, others are off by about a cm or two. It's not a big detail, but for some, it's an important detail.

Honestly, I wouldn't order a zipper on the inside pocket. Especially with a lamb jacket. A pocket itself affects the overall drape of the jacket, but a zipper drops it a bit more. I ordered a jacket with a zip and I never ended up using it.

If you don't want hand warmers b/c of the drape and ask not to have it there at all. Me, personally, I love the idea of hand warmers. When wearing my other jackets, I almost always accidently put my hands in the jacket side expecting the hand warmer. But then again, I live in Toronto, not California :)

If you want an 80s fit, just order the jacket based on your chest size. Wested already takes into consideration overall movement and stuff(If FLATHEAD reads this, he'll expand greatly on this idea ;)).
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Post by Zach R. »

I didn't want to start a new thread, but I was wondering if any of you suggest taking more measurements than just your chest and sleeves for that "perfect fit" and if so, which measurments should one take?
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Welcome aboard, dakine! The most important thing about your jacket is that YOU are happy with it. Everyone here has his or her preferences regarding how they want their jackets, hats, shirts, etc. As long as you are happy with what you get, then that's all that matters. Nobody here should bash you for your choices or for being a newbie, so kick back and relax a little. :wink:

I remember when I got my Wested. I asked tons of questions, did a lot of reading, pondered everything and made my choice and placed my order. Then I chewed my fingernails down wondering if the sleeves would be right, or the color, or the fit, etc. When I got it, it was perfect for me. I wore it about and let my opinions of my new jacket develop as I broke it in. (I got a Raiders in authentic goatskin, so you know. :wink: ) The more I wore it, the more I fell in love with it. Would I do anytning different if I got another Wested? Probably, but not much. They'd be little tweaky things which don't affect the wearability of the jacket I have now.

You did a LOT of homework on your jacket, so I'm sure it'll be fine. Now, just be patient (or TRY to be) and keep thinking about other things to take your mind off the wait! :wink:

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Post by J_Weaver »

Welcome dakine! :D

I think the diary sized inside pocket is standard on all jackets now. The extra 1" in the frant really depends on how you wear your jacket and how your built. I got the extra 1" on my Wested ToD goat; I've found that I didn't really need. Although the longer length works nice for most modern fashions and my everyday clothes. But don't worry, You could just order a jacket as is from Wested and it would be perfect. :)
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Post by Herr Jones »

Thanks all for nice welcome.

Mr. Das,
Yes it is a lot, I’ve spent many hours reading the posts. Thanks for clearing the length question up, that was my impression also. I just received an e-mail from Peter regarding not offering the nickel zips anymore, it was a false hope I was following.

Zach R.,
All I gave them is what they asked. I didn’t need any special alterations but maybe the more experienced can help you out.

As long as it fits well I’ll be happy. I was hoping for the nickel zip but knew it was a false hope and I apologized to Peter for bringing it up. I can only think of other things for a while even when I’m busy but it all leads back to getting THE jacket – ah the wait.

I’m slim so I didn’t think I needed the extra inch but you said ”the longer length works nice for most modern fashions and my everyday clothes.” What did you mean? I wear a button-up shirt mostly for work and have it (shirt) tucked in outside of work - mostly.

Quick question – Does it seem that the front of Indy’s jacket has a “V” shape at the bottom during the bar scene when zipped up or am I seeing things :?:

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Post by J_Weaver »


It really depends on what your everyday clothes are. My everyday clothes are bootcut jeans, a button up shirt ( usually untucked) or a t-shirt (short or long sleeve) and my boots. The I like the longer length of the ToD jacket with these type of clothes. ( the tail of my shirt doesn't hang out from under the jacket.) Of course, it all depends on what you feel comfortable with. So by all means get what you want. :)

Disclaimer: The preceding was just my personal opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. :wink:
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Post by Michaelson »

On the nickel zip, the only reason it was originally offered was because many folks wanted what was considered a 'screen accurate' version of the original Raiders jacket, but Peter informed us that the ORIGINAL jacket was supposed to be with a brass zip, but due to the quickness of the order, and fast pick up of the props/costume folks, they only had time to install aluminum zips, then painted them brass color. Needless to say, the paint wore off VERY quickly, leaving the aluminum zip quite prominent on screen. They also broke after just a couple of uses. Those darn aluminum zips were the first ones seen on screen in Raiders, but the majority of the jackets were made using brass zippers.

The next round of production jackets were made with brass zips, and have been ever since. It was found after a bit that the nickel versions weren't all that great in quality, and so the original brass zips were used exclusively, per original design and pattern, and the nickel discarded. So, a brass zip is really the way to go.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Herr Jones »

J_Weaver, thanks for clarifying what you meant for me.

Michaelson, thanks for the insight.

Now I’ll try to wait patiently 8-[ .
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sleeve tapering, etc.

Post by shadwell55 »

I was reading Canyon's pieces on Indy and women and noticed a pic she posted trom ToD. I know those jackets were off the general pattern, but the discussion around here has focused at times on tapered sleeves and this pic: ... oom/56.jpg

shows a nice view of the cuff, which looks pretty standard in terms of opening.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

dakine wrote:I just received an e-mail from Peter regarding not offering the nickel zips anymore, it was a false hope I was following.
That's too bad to hear. I love the nickel offering, especially since I rarely wear gold. Just about all I wear is silver jewelry. Not that any of you can relate. :wink:
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Post by antiquity collector »

You guys keep forgetting that the Aluminum zip IS available.

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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

I didn't realize that was a choice. That's good to know. How durable is an aluminum zipper? It probably wouldn't match the gold toned d rings that well (for me anyway). Or is Wested using black rectangular rings now?
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Post by Herr Jones »

I'm with you Indiana Texas-girl, I prefer "silver" over the "gold" tone though my jewelry wearing days :oops: have long since past. One of my other jackets has a nickel zip but the ribbon is black and easier to get so it seems.

I remember Peter saying that the aluminum is available antiquity collector and I'm not a screen accuracy guy just prefer the “silver color, none-the-less I’d be just as pleased with the brass zip.

Indiana Texas-girl being a machinist among others and working with aluminum it is very soft compared to brass and even nickel so I didn't go that route. It doesn't state on the sizing page where most of the options are but you can choose anodized black rectangular sliders when using the online order form.
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Post by Michaelson »

Indiana Texas-girl wrote:I didn't realize that was a choice. That's good to know. How durable is an aluminum zipper? It probably wouldn't match the gold toned d rings that well (for me anyway). Or is Wested using black rectangular rings now?

Not durable at all, according to Peter. I'm surprised he's still offering it as an option. That's a new one on me, AC. :-k Regards! Michaelson
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Post by antiquity collector »

I got a new jacket about 6 months ago with the aluminum. I did specify that I never zip up my jacket though. So it'll last for me.

It seems rather sturdy. You'd have to really srew it up to have it break.

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Post by Michaelson »

You mean like being drug behind a truck or something? :shock: :wink: Regards! Michaelson
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Post by antiquity collector »

Exactly. And who does that sort of thing anyway. :wink:

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Post by Michaelson »

Why, Indiana Ken, but he's a professional.... :D Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Herr Jones »

Well, I've got it!!! \:D/
Thank you Wested :notworthy:

Now to see what I forgot to tell them . . . my review to follow soon.
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Post by Herr Jones »

Upon opening the package the color was much more darker than I imagined from many of the pictures posted but as desired. Of the three extras I asked for:
*X-box stitching on side straps
*Nickel zipper 8 gage (not available)
*Zipper down to bottom without pull showing at bottom
An aluminum zipper was used instead of the nickel. The zip seems like it will do ok for me – I’ll probably not zip it up much. The d-rings are dark almost black to match the aluminum zip, courtesy of Wested. The x-box stitching and extending the zipper was overlooked so I didn’t get those. The shoulder barely hangs off not with almost no room to spare. The sleeve length 24” is good – a tad bit long not worried, the back measures 25”, I was hoping they were going to use the back length on the site for standard sizing and get a 24” back to match the 24” sleeve. As it is now it hangs 1” below my pocket which seems a little long for a Raiders style maybe I got a ToD. I’m hoping it’ll shrink just a bit. It could use half as much facing, but maybe to prevent that demon roll thing.
My girl told me what ever I get I’ll love it . . . and she was right. I’m not inclined to send it back for minor alterations. ... /alzip.jpg ... /front.jpg ... sidelt.jpg
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Post by Michaelson »

VERY nice looking jacket, my friend! :tup: High regards!! Michaelson
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Post by Feraud »

The jacket looks a bit longer for a 'Raiders' jacket. Looks more TOD to me and that is not a bad thing!
It looks good on ya!
btw, what kind of hat is that?
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Post by Lao Feng »

Congrats! Looks great on you!
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Post by Michaelson »

It will 'ride up with wear'. (grins) Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Herr Jones »

Thank you all for the nice compliments and reassurance. I'm not going to fret about the length just kinda got into that “screen accurate” mode of thinking. I think Wested does very well to cater to our various demands so hats off to them. Well I’ve got the jacket next . . . .
Feraud, I know this is not the Fedora section but got it at a local shop before I came across COW and the AB, it's from Golden Gate Hat Co., I reshaped the brim a bit and need to redo the bash.
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Post by Richard~Buxton »

Congrats on your Wested, wear it well. :D 8)
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Post by Lao Feng »

Lookin's really good! Congrats!
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