I’m kinda new here in that I just registered but have been reading through many of the forums for quite some time. I recently placed my order with Wested and now have no fingernails left. After a long review of the discussions here on COW, these are the options I considered, including some of the ones Wested lists on their site. When I state screen accurate it’s from what I’ve read so please try not to bash the new guy if I’m wrong. The items with the asterisk are the changes I asked to be made. Many of the options may have been from your personal specification or alteration. So thanks to all who’ve shared their knowledge, specs., and experiences.
Jacket Style:
Temple of Doom, +1”
Last Crusade – a question was made as to if this has the length of Raiders or ToD
Hidden Treasures:
Back pleat elastic(free) – to keep them closed
D-rings (std./original) or rectangular rings (no-slip) on side straps
*X-box stitching on side straps
Extra inside pocket
Diary sized inside pocket(s) – LC std. I believe
Zippered inside pocket, metallic or nylon?
No hand-warmer pockets or sewn shut so they can be opened later.
Press studs on storm flap - LC std.
Facing removed from inside zipper – for screen accuracy
Zipper on US side
*Zipper down to bottom without pull showing at bottom
Smaller collar size or larger for that diso look if that’s your fancy.
1” added to the front to compensate for ride up
Tapered sleeves – I read they are already but more so
80’s fit – more snug?
Leather style:
Lambskin, Authentic brown ( So. Cal. weather) – chosen because what I’ve read this is what the types are best suited for (please correct me if I’m wrong)
*Lambskin – warm weather, least durable of all but have read many conflicting arguments, there’s been talk about shrinkage but I think more with this leather
Horeshide – not-so-warm weather, very durable (not sure where this fits but here I think)
Goatskin – kinda cold weather, very durable, a bit more water repellant
Cowhide – cold weather, thick
*Cotton body with satin sleeves, cotton breathes better for the warm temps here.
Cotton body & sleeves – screen accurate
Satin body & sleeves – can get very warm
There are probably more that the insane may have in mind; however, I’m not there . . . yet