
In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Post by crazylegsmurphy »


Sorry for all the posts today, I am bored at work...plus they are laying me off so I could care less if I slack! :D

So when I called the hat shop here in Cow Town (Calgary) looking for a hat brush, the lady told me that I could use an Acrylic Pot Scrubber. (not the one with the green and yellow)

So this got me thinking, "This city *****!" and then it got me thinking, "I wonder what are all the alternatives to hat brushes?"

In my research (on COW) I have noticed that there have been a few suggestions, from lint brushes, to shoe brushes, to tape.

Well, I am wondering...What are all the options available, what works the best, what is potentially damaging to the felt?

How often should I brush a hat?
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Post by Michaelson »

First, I hate to hear about the layoff, CLM. Never good news. I'm sure it will work out quickly.

In the brush question, I use a soft clothes brush that will not tear or otherwise damage the fibers of the felt I'm brushing. The softer the bristle, the better, in my opinion. I usually brush mine once a week, depending on how dusty it looks, or if it just plain appears duller color wise than usual.

Before brushing, I wipe the hat down with a damp (not wet) cotton washrag. You'd be amazed how much dirt this will remove. THEN I brush.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Band Director Jones »

I've only used a hat brush myself, though in a pinch I guess a shoe brush would do the same thing. It has short, tightly space bristles like a hat brush, so I gues it could work. To me, a lint brush or tape might effect the nap of the felt.

As to how often should you brush, I brush mine at least one a week or as needed (depending on how dirty it is). You should also brush it if you are going to store it or not wear it for a while.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Ya, it kinda *****...I was making PHAT cash here...(enough to buy two AB's, Two MKVII's, a Cotton Wested, and a TAG strap) now...back to starving artist! :D

I'll see if I can track down a clothes brush. Do they come in horse hair, is that the best?
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Post by Michaelson »

Mine came from a grocery store. (grins) I hear horsehair is best, though. Regards! Michaelson
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Post by CHAUVEL »

Sorry to hear of job loss, i still remember that feeling......., however re my hat brush i use a "waproo" shoe brush, but it's bristles are very soft more like a shaving brush, so that repeated use should remove dust and @#$% only and not felt. This particular brand is likely only available in australia , though i'm sure similar products exist at a shoe repair repair store near you regardless of country, cheers chauvel.
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hat brush

Post by jeboat »

You can get a horsehair hat brush, light or dark, for about $10.00 at noggintops.com.

It's a very good site to buy hats and associated products.

:D :D :D
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Post by Fedora »

I got my crown brushes and brim brushes from B and L. Think I paid 4.50 for one and 7.50 for the other. I bought two sets, one set for dark hats and one set for light colored hats. Horsehair. regards, Fedora
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:Ya, it kinda *****...I was making PHAT cash here...(enough to buy two AB's, Two MKVII's, a Cotton Wested, and a TAG strap) now...back to starving artist! :D
You an artist, too? I got let go in March, so I know what you're going through. I'm still hunting, but plenty of good opportunities have been showing themselves recently. What's more, we're moving east July 1! I just hope you don't have to pull off a move while unemployed! :shock: Hang in there!

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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Ha...no I actually just moved. Got a whole whack of new stuff that I have no idea how I am gonna pay for now! :D

Ahhh well....They don't call us "starving" for nothin.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Crazy Legs... when your finished looking for Hat brushes, can you send the finished product my way?
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Sir, did you just ask me for my hat? :)
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:Ha...no I actually just moved. Got a whole whack of new stuff that I have no idea how I am gonna pay for now! :D

Ahhh well....They don't call us "starving" for nothin.
Ah, who needs food, anyway? :lol: Hang in there, buddy. :wink:

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Post by Texas Raider »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:Sir, did you just ask me for my hat? :)

HA! Now THAT'S funny! Nice come-back C-Legs!

have a nice day.
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Post by Strider »

We have some brushes at the store I use on fur felt hats all the time, to good effect. Let me check with my boss and see what kind of brushes they are, and I will get back with you.

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