Man Purse Pockets

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Man Purse Pockets

Post by crazylegsmurphy »


Ok so I am skipping work today because I am sick, but I'm actually not as sick as I should be, or thought I would be...anyway. I figured I would take this day to make some pockets for my MKVII.

I have a bunch of canvas, dye, and some fancy brass buttons and I would like to make a few small pouches to fit into the back pockets of the MKVII. I'm doing this because I have been losing things out of the top, and it just bugs me.

So, my question is. Anyone have any ideas on how to make these (design wise). Should I sew them to look like mini-MKVII's, or should I just keep them plain, front and back?

What would you do? :)
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

I wanted to clear up that I am not actually modifying the original MKVII. The pockets I want to make will be designed to slide in and out of the two pockets in the back.

The point is to allow for more security for important things, (passports, money, PDA's, etc.)

I am using canvas, dye, and the same type of thread to get them to look as close to the bag as I can. So, if you have any ideas on what might look the coolest, then I would love to hear it.
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Post by rick5150 »

I am not sure how to make pockets and such as I cannot even sew a ribbon onto my hat. Maybe you can add velcro to the section you want to secure or the bag flap itself. It has two-sided tape, so it sould not damage the bag much if you want to remove it.

I wouldn't keep change in the MKVII. (I cannot even keep that in my pockets never mind the MKVII.) I have had my last full bottle of water drop 45 feet onto the rocks while climbing. I had both of my hands full and could only watch it fall :evil: . I was just glad it was not my GPS. I now carry the GPS in a vest pocket that I can secure for the very reason that it is too valuable to lose. I may go the velcro route myself.

Velcro. Very dangerous. YOU go first.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

ClintonHammond wrote:If it's a change purse yer looking for, I suggest you keep yer eyes open at fairs and such for leather workers... I found a REALLY good one for 2 bucks that works wonderfully.

Out of canvas? I'd make 'em zippered tops.

What about making them look like smaller versions of the Raiders 'sand-bag' with draw-strings at the top?
I thought about doing the sandbag idea, but I decided I wanted something with a little more structure. I figured doing them in canvas would keep the bag from bulging out if I loaded it with, say, $320.00 in change.

I also thought about Zippered tops, but I didn't want them to look too out of place. I may still go with Zippers if the buttons prove to not be secure enough.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

rick5150 wrote: I am not sure how to make pockets and such as I cannot even sew a ribbon onto my hat. Maybe you can add velcro to the section you want to secure or the bag flap itself. It has two-sided tape, so it sould not damage the bag much if you want to remove it.

I wouldn't keep change in the MKVII. (I cannot even keep that in my pockets never mind the MKVII.) I have had my last full bottle of water drop 45 feet onto the rocks while climbing. I had both of my hands full and could only watch it fall :evil: . I was just glad it was not my GPS. I now carry the GPS in a vest pocket that I can secure for the very reason that it is too valuable to lose. I may go the velcro route myself.

Velcro. Very dangerous. YOU go first.
Well, like I said, I actually have canvas..and I can sew pretty ok, so there is no real issue there. I'm just not sure if it would look too cheesy to make them look like mini-MKVII's or should I go with something a little more simple?

I would like to design them so they look like they come with the bag. Something that has that WWII style to it.
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Post by rick5150 »

Good point. Glad I did not do it first :lol: You can always sew it, but then it is not removable without leaving marks. It would retain its original appearance. Mostly. I wouldn't add interior pockets because it would take up valuable interior space; for me anyways. I have leanred to use the snap while climbing. If it was good enough for the soldiers, it is good enough for me. Ahhh, hindsight.

I would like to design them so they look like they come with the bag. Something that has that WWII style to it.
I have some canvas ammo pouches and such that would fit. In fact, I may have one left I can send you. I bought it to attach my camera to my belt, but I bought a smaller camera and it is tough to get it out due to it's small size. Let me know if you are interested and I can shoot a picture of it tonight or tomorrow. It will definitely match as it is from the same era nad made of a similar material... I am sure they are all over ebay as well. That is where I got mine.
Last edited by rick5150 on Thu Jun 09, 2005 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

I am also considering lining them with something like a good plastic or something. I was hiking with my other MKVII a few weeks ago and it got me thinking that it would **** if your maps, wallet, and such got soaked. If it was lined, then it might stay dry in there....

Waterproofing them might work the same though.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

rick5150 wrote:Good point. Glad I did not do it first :lol: You can always sew it, but then it is not removable without leaving marks. It would retain its original appearance. Mostly. I wouldn't add interior pockets because it would take up valuable interior space; for me anyways. I have leanred to use the snap while climbing. If it was good enough for the soldiers, it is good enough for me. Ahhh, hindsight.
Maybe I'm not explaining it...

Nothing would be sewing onto, or into the actual MKVII. These pockets would basically be like adding a top to the pocket, without actually sewing in a flap. The canvas is thin, so sliding them in wouldn't take up any space.

It's basically the same idea as putting a plastic sandwich bag in the back pockets, but not looking so budget. :)
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Post by rick5150 »

Like these?

They are removable...
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Post by Nicht Storen »

Little ammo pouches was what I was thinking too. It would keep with the same look of the period yet still be functional. Little MK VII would look cheesy to me.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Ya, exaclty like ammo pouches. Only much more skinny.

Now we are getting somewhere. The thing that needs to be figured out is how to make it so the flap doesn't go too deep into the pocket if you know what I mean.

You don't really want to have to slide the ammo pouch all the way out, just to get to the button. You think a short flap on top would look as good?
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

Because of the deluge, I've been putting my movie camera in a big ziplock bag and putting that in the MKVII. Why not just do that? Also, there's the string that came with the bags (the one that goes around the disk) - you could threat that throughgrommets or somethign should you decide to put in removable canvas pcokets. If they fell out, they wouldn't fall too far.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

have some canvas ammo pouches and such that would fit. In fact, I may have one left I can send you. I bought it to attach my camera to my belt, but I bought a smaller camera and it is tough to get it out due to it's small size. Let me know if you are interested and I can shoot a picture of it tonight or tomorrow. It will definitely match as it is from the same era nad made of a similar material... I am sure they are all over ebay as well. That is where I got mine.
Thanks for the offer! The reason I came here though, and am asking all your guys' advice it that if they work, and are something that we all agree look cool enough, I'll post the patterns and instructions on how to make em.

I would like to get something that if works, we can all use if we like it. I have just seen a few posts on here about making pockets for the MKVII and such, and I thought it might help us all if we could design one that worked, but didn't force the few out there to actually mess up the bag.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Snakewhip_Sable wrote:Because of the deluge, I've been putting my movie camera in a big ziplock bag and putting that in the MKVII. Why not just do that? Also, there's the string that came with the bags (the one that goes around the disk) - you could threat that throughgrommets or somethign should you decide to put in removable canvas pcokets. If they fell out, they wouldn't fall too far.
That's what I have been doing, putting stuff in ziplocks...but it looks kind of lame to me..sure it works, but the "magic" of the MKVII is somewhat lost when you open it up and have to search through ziplocks.

My MKVII didn't have the string, but I get what you are saying. It would be cool to attach them in some way so if you ever fell and your MKVII went tumbling down a cliff, at least it would all hold together in some way. I looked that the grommets, but could only find gold...and I thought that might look too new.
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Post by Michaelson »

Great ideas. Keep em coming. I've been using ziplock bags all these years when in the field! Regards! Michaelson
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

What I would personally do, is attach the grommets to the bottom of the pouches, string a string through them, and then....(I hope this makes sense)...thread the string through the center seam (doesn't peirce the canvas, but goes through a space in the thread.) that way they are secured through the bottom with some slack.

Does that make any sense?

As for them taking up too much space. That is why I want to find a design that looks good, but isn't bulky. You see how the MKVII has thick edges, and everything is folded to give it more bulk...I want to avoid that.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

If anyone has more pics of british ammo pouches please post them. I am going to do a few drawings and you guys can see what you think.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Here are a few pics of some ideas.

This first pic is just to help explain what I am trying to do. As you can see by this paper test pouch, it would just slide into the top left pocket of the MKVII.


This second picture are some design ideas I had. Any thoughts?

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Post by Michaelson »

Stick with the single snap idea. It would be easier to handle one handed if you had to. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Texas Raider »

Why don't you just sew a flap with a snap onto each pocket of the MKVII? Then each compartment can be snapped shut individually. Just a thought.

have a nice day.
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Post by Nicht Storen »

Style A or B would look the best in my book.
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Post by rick5150 »

Style A or B would look the best in my book.
Now we are putting them in books too?!? :shock: :P
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Post by Forrestal »

I have been using military surplus pouches for things like my lensatic compass, mini binoculars, hobo tool, medical kit (Tylenol, sunscreen, Band-Aids, etc).

If you want to make draw string bags, a store called Hobby Lobby has different sizes of canvass bags to which eyelets can easily be added. I’ve used those too.

They also have muslin drawstring bags, which are ready to be used, and are handy as well.
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