distressing your gloves

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distressing your gloves

Post by mollet44 »

There is an excellent tutorial on distressing your wells lamonts on toddscostumes.com. Thanks for the tutorial Todd! :D
http://www.toddscostumes.com/indy/how_t ... gloves.htm
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Post by Michaelson »

Tutorials are great, but with this piece of gear, actual use is the best distresser. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Feraud »

I agree with Michaelson, everyday use is the best distresser. In my case, I went hunting/camping for a week and had my Wells Lamonts with me. A week in the New Mexico mountains worked wonders on 'em!
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Yep. Just wear 'em. I've used mine for gardening and all season long as my winter gloves. It does the trick quite nicely.

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Free glove-distressing service

Post by Mojave Jack »

I'll be more than happy to distress gloves for free! Here's my latest pair that were new about a month ago. Plus its guaranteed genuine archaeological dirt! (Actually most of the distressing on my gloves comes from changing tires out in the desert; about 19 ruined tires in the past 6 months!)


Look a lot like Todd's don't they?!


So send 'em to me and I'll distress 'em doing all things archaeological. I save money on gloves, and provide a service to my fellow gearheads! I know, it's a selfless act, but I am willing to make that sacrifice, since I now consider you all to be my friends.
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Post by Michaelson »

Watch Jack, folks. The next thing he'll offer to do is to wear your new Wested jacket and throw himself underneath a running truck! :shock: :wink: Regard! Michaelson
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Post by J_Weaver »

19 tires in 6 months! :shock: How did you manage that Jack? :?

As for the gloves, well...use the bloody things! A little hard work won't hurt you. :wink: :D
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Post by Mojave Jack »

J_Weaver wrote:19 tires in 6 months! :shock: How did you manage that Jack? :?
About 85% of our blowouts are side wall punctures from creosote bushes. The government, in its infinite wisdom, feels that radial tires with two-ply sidewalls are sufficient for offroad travel in the Mojave. Ha!

The other 15% is mainly from shrapnel from 53 years of blowing the heck out of this place, sharps rocks-particularly volcanic-, etc. Hence the wear and tear on gloves, as well. But hey, they get distressed really quickly! :wink:
Michaelson wrote:Watch Jack, folks. The next thing he'll offer to do is to wear your new Wested jacket and throw himself underneath a running truck! Regard! Michaelson
Hmm, hadn't thought of adding that service... 8) Anybody need their Wested distressed?! If my Jeep doesn't quit draining my bank account, that might be the only way I'll ever get to touch one!
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Post by J_Weaver »

Haha Jack! 2-ply side walls for offroad? :lol: Ah the good old governmet; I bet they give you "all terrain" tires too. :roll: :wink: :D
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Post by Mojave Jack »

J_Weaver wrote:Haha Jack! 2-ply side walls for offroad? :lol: Ah the good old governmet; I bet they give you "all terrain" tires too. :roll: :wink: :D
Nope, we have to "upgrade" to ATs! And then the best we can get is 6-ply! They won't let us buy our own, so we keep poppin' 'em and they keep replacin' 'em. Bear in mind we are also driving stock Blazers. I've bottomed ours out so many times the roof should be dented.
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Post by J_Weaver »


Man, I feel for you. You'd think that they would at least give you an old Jeep or something a little more suited for offroad. I guess you don't have to deal with much mud though, so your lucky there. :wink: :D
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

The first time I worked in the yard trimming bushes with my Indy gloves, I was surprised at how fast the distressing occured. The only problem is that one of them got distressed. The other hand was mainly used for holding the garbage sack open to put the leaves into. I had one fairly undistressed glove and one distressed one. (Yeah, I know I was probably a site bagging those branches and leaves. Yard work is not my forte.)
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Post by Erri »

Can i ask WHY distressing a good pair of gloves? Gloves are already very touchable by themselves. I think after a month of overuse (or 2 minutes checkng your car engine) they will look distressed.. anyway i think it's a shame for a good pair of gloves.
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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

The same reason as always - this being an Indiana Jones-gear forum, people want to make their stuff look like the actual things worn by HF on screen... this is optional, of course, and anyone wanting to wear pristine Indygear is entitled to his/her opinion too.
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Post by Erri »

Scandinavia Jones wrote:The same reason as always - this being an Indiana Jones-gear forum, people want to make their stuff look like the actual things worn by HF on screen... this is optional, of course, and anyone wanting to wear pristine Indygear is entitled to his/her opinion too.
I perfectly see your point, it was my personal opinion about gloves ... but anyway, poooooooooooor nice gloves ! ! !

Have a nice day :D
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How I distress my gloves

Post by webley420 »

I live in a small trailer and ever year befor the snow falls I will insulati my place with a boat load of hay bails. I put the hay bails all around my trailer to keep the cold out. Than in the Spring I go around and remove all the hay bails and I will burn them or throw them in the woods, but when I do this {and this is the point of my story}the hay bails are all covered in slime I dont know why but we are talken hared core Ghostbuster slime. So ya I got to were some gloves for the job {and buy the way the gloves I did the job with this yer were a gift from a COW member so you know thay look like Doc. Joneses gloves.} So when the work was done I went to the end of my driveway and wipe the slime of my gloves buy rubbing tham on the pavement of the maine road in front of my trailer.

It gets the slime off and it distresses my gloves nicely.
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Post by BendingOak »

I have my own way of distressing gloves. I take them down to my station and use them to roll hose , and after a couple of weeks this is what I get..................http://tinypic.com/view.html?pic=677ia1

Let me know what you think.
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Post by Mojave Jack »

Distressing through good, honest hard work! That's what I like to see!
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Post by Indiana »

Hah! You want to see distressing, you should see my dads work gloves! Ha!
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »

My gloves got some natural distressing today when I was helping bink move.
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Bufflehead Jones wrote:My gloves got some natural distressing today when I was helping bink move.
I hope he fed you. Knowing bink, he probably asked you to get the pizzas.
OK, I'm just kidding. That was very nice of you to help him out. That is a very big move and I am happy to hear that bink had some Indy friends there to soften the transition.
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Post by Bufflehead Jones »


Yes, bink fed me. I was prepared though, I made sure that I wore pants that had button closures on the pockets so that I could secure my wallet.
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Post by Michaelson »

You're lucky, Buff. He can get into button pockets while HE'S wearing gloves! That's why I have a zipper installed on one of my inside pockets when I get a new jacket. He hasn't figured that one out yet.... :? :wink: Regard! Michaelson
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Post by Ken »

Anyone notice to be screen accurate you should wear your gloves back to front and then do whatever you do to distress them - in Raiders the gloves seem darker on the outside/back than on the inside, a sure fire sign these were distressed artificially by wardrobe rather than already well used gloves.

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Post by conceited_ape »

Here's an option...
I just put the gloves on and rubbed my hands vigorously on my concrete garage floor. One minute later, you'd swear they'd been in the truck chase sequence! Then I just threw 'em in the washing machine on a normal cycle and viola! Screen accurate gloves! :P
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