Indy 4

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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Indy 4

Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Ok, this may be a touchy subject for some reason I am unaware but, it seems, to me anyway that the adventurebilt is the hat of hats if you are going to get one...sure there are others, but it seems like Steve really, truly cares about the look of the hats.

So that got me thinking...

We all know that Indy 4 seems just around the corner, and we all know that they are probably going to need hats for this film...I hope I'm not speaking out of line, but has anyone thought of putting together a bag full of letters to George and Steven urging them where to go when the time comes to get some hats made?

Just a thought. :oops:
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Post by ob1al »

Good idea - I'm not sure Lucas, Spielberg or even Ford would care too much about the new hat (they'd leave that to the wardrobe dept. I imagine) but its possibly worth a go - it can't hurt anyway. :)
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Wardrobe Smordrobe....Lets write them too! Trust me, the wardrobe dept, would more than likely love to find a ready made hat instead of researching and trying to figure out the finer details of the hats.
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Post by J_Weaver »

Thats a good thought and it shows how much we all love Fedora's work but I don't think he would want to do it. Considering he is a one man operation working out of his home. But who knows? :D
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Thats, why I kinda hesitated...but they would probably contract him for a few hats (Harrison, Stunt people, ect) and I'm sure no one would mind getting thier orders a few months later than normal to give him the time to work on em...

But I can't speak for Steve, and I should probably shut my pie hole before I get everyone all worked up like a teen girl at a Neil Diamond concert! :P
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Post by J_Weaver »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:Thats, why I kinda hesitated...but they would probably contract him for a few hats (Harrison, Stunt people, ect) and I'm sure no one would mind getting thier orders a few months later than normal to give him the time to work on em...

But I can't speak for Steve, and I should probably shut my pie hole before I get everyone all worked up like a teen girl at a Neil Diamond concert! :P
Lol, yea. I can just see Steve as he reads this.--> ](*,)

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Post by Starman Jones »

Re Indy 4. I hesitate to post this., but I'm giving the production of a 4th Indy film about a 10% probability. The Indy story has been told. A story has a beginning, a middle, and an end, although Lucas doesn't tell one that way. We had ToD, ROTLA, and LC. Indy reconciled with his father. End of story. Ford will be 63, maybe 64 by the time production starts. I know makeup can do wonders, as can body doubles and stunt doubles. Personally, I don't want to see Geriatric Jones. It seems like Lucas, Spielberg, and Ford all have conflicting "projects". Ford has been known to walk away from a project, Lucas and Spielberg can coordinate their schedules if they are truly serious about shooting a 4th Indy film. Some of the trades are printing that production can't begin until summer 2006. A 4th Indy film is looking more and more like a ship that has already sailed.

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Post by Mattdeckard »

He can always pass the adventures onto his poodle skirt wearing daughter that he had with Marion.
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

He had a what now, with who now?
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Post by J_Weaver »

To tell you the truth I hope they don't make an Indy 4. :shock: Before you pummel me with rocks let me explain. They've made 3 excellent movies. I just don't see how they could make another movie as good as the previous 3. I don't want to see Indy fall flat on his face if you know what I mean. As much as I hate to say it Ford is not the same man that we saw in Raiders 24 years ago. Instead of being in his late 30's he's now in his eary 60's. And as we all know there is no one else in the world that could play Indy. So I say leave good enough alone.
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Post by J_Weaver »

crazylegsmurphy wrote:He had a what now, with who now?
Good gosh!! Did you see what their talking about at the bottom of the page in that link? :shock: Someone other than Ford playing Indy, Brad Pitt? :-& Their is no one alive that could play indy besides Ford. In fact I can only think of one other person that could have played Indy, Humphrey Bogart. Can't you just see Bogie walking into the Raven Bar and saying "Hello Marion." He's the only other man in history that could have pulled it off.
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Post by McFly »

Eh... as much of a Bogie fan as I am, I'd wager to say that the Indy character would have been much different, had Bogie played it. I like the Indy we have now.

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Post by IndyBlues »

Actually, the perfect man for the job, is no longer with us.
That's right, the young Indy himself, River Phoenix.
Phoenix looked like a young H.F., and he really had his smirk and mannerisms down to a science. He would have been ideal to take over the reigns, and he would have been welcomed by the fan community, for his obvious ties to the films.
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Post by J_Weaver »

Yea, both of you are right. Really nobody can play Indy besides Ford. He is the man that made the character. Although other actors could play Indy none of them could do it like Ford or as well for that matter. As all of know, the fedora and jacket don't look the same on anyone else. :D
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Post by Alabama Jones »

I'm conflicted about this but deep in my heart I know it probably shouldn't be made. And I don't think it will.

Ford's age side, we've already seen Indy reconcile with his father, search for and find the ultimate artifact, THE HOLY GRAIL, and ride off in to the sunset.

Think how painful it would be if a new Indy film turned out like the Star Wars prequels, disappointing to say the least.
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Post by Feraud »

I believe if Lucas and Co. come up with a good story, Indy IV will be great with Ford. Remember 'movie magic'? Movie studios can do wonders with very little. Between Spielberg, Lucas and Ford they have more than enough talent to work with.
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Post by Redinight »

Alabama Jones wrote:Think how painful it would be if a new Indy film turned out like the Star Wars prequels, disappointing to say the least.
------Please keep your opinions about Star Wars to yourself. I really, really, enjoy the stories of Anakin and how Palpatine came to create the Galactic Empire. I get tired of having people (even in SW threads) bash SW. Lets just stick to Indy here. I am not worried about Indy 4, if it is made I'm sure it will be good.

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Post by Alabama Jones »

Redinight wrote:
Alabama Jones wrote:Think how painful it would be if a new Indy film turned out like the Star Wars prequels, disappointing to say the least.
------Please keep your opinions about Star Wars to yourself. I really, really, enjoy the stories of Anakin and how Palpatine came to create the Galactic Empire. I get tired of having people (even in SW threads) bash SW. Lets just stick to Indy here. I am not worried about Indy 4, if it is made I'm sure it will be good.

Woah, simmer down buddy. I enjoy the prequels also (although they do not compare to the originals IMO) and did not intend to ignite a flamefest. I was talking about people who DO bash the prequels, and was merely commenting how I'd hate to see that happen with Indy films.

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Post by Shawnkara »

I'm in the camp to the left. I've always thought (and said, the result beingmuch stone throwing) that Indy4 is just a bad idea. Given Ford's age another film would have to be set much farther forward, like the late 40's or 50's. And that's still with a lot of make-up. But the world was just not the same place after WWII. Most of that sirit of adventure was gone and people were all too happy to settle into their suburbs and enjoy life being easy for a change. I really don't want to see an old Indy in a world he doesn't fit. Remember what became of Alan Grant in Jurassic Park III?

And I'm sorry to say that over the years Lucas and Speilberg have kinda lost their edge. That much was obvious in Last Crusade. Instead of a hard-nosed adventure yarn we were given a sappy, overly sentimental "buddy comedy". Indy didn't even need to be there. He was just there so Henry Sr. had someone to knock down every time he tripped.

The Star Wars films may be wrapping up but I think Lucas will have his plate full with SW for a very long time to come. There are talks now of a TV series that takes place after the fall of the Empire. And now we have the whole 3-D thing, which basically means years of revamping the films yet again. I know that Lucas, Ford and Speilberg still have a place in thier hearst for Indy. But I think their golas lie elsewhere. Remember that Indy was really nothing more than a rough idea tied to SW when Lucas was looking for a way to tell a serail adventure. Indy was really a left-over that kept nagging at him. They've done three and it kinda feels like it's out of their systems, so to speak. If they actually did it I'm afraid we would get an echo, an empty shell of what Indy is supposed to be.

I still say the best way is to replace Ford and do prequels. Don't get me wrong, I love Ford and he made Indy what he is today. He will ALWAYS be the template by which all others would be judged. Connery did that for Bond, but there have been many Bonds since. And I'm afraid you guys are wrong. There is still ONE MAN that could be Indy. LIEV SCHREIBER. You can see him in Scream 2 and 3 and The Sum of All Fears. Just watch him. Listen to his voice. Look at his face. Check his swagger and mannerisms. He's our best bet for a younger Indy.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Wasn't there a discussion about hats somewhere in this thread? :wink:

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Post by Shawnkara »

Sorry, Bink! I did kinda go off on a rant there. Thanks for putting me back on track :D Anyway, like I was saying, the fedoras in Star Wars...........
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Post by Glurrk »

Shawnkara wrote: Anyway, like I was saying, the fedoras in Star Wars...........
I understand Darth Fedora sports one mean Adventurebilt in Ep 3 this summer! :wink:
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Post by Shawnkara »

Would that be the one with the special red SITH ribbon? :lol:
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Post by Glurrk »

GOOD one, Shawkara! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I feel embarrased for people who try and pass off their own speculation as actual fact.

Once upon a time when I first started working with Aaron on “The Indy Experience” a woman I used to talk to on one of the Yahoo Movie chats tried to convince me that her and her boyfriend were going to be cast as Indy and Marrion in a prequel trilogy. When I asked her what Robin Gurland thought and what she was really like, she drew a blank…

Don’t ever try and snow someone with a familurarity of… who wears a fedora and who’s favorate past-time is ranting. If you don’t know who Mr. Lucas’s casting director was at that time, I highly doubt you would be cast.

BUT… In some circles, there’s been talk about either Hayden Christensen or Joaquin Phoenix playing Indiana Jones. The Hayden Christensen aspect seems to get more credibility when you think back to how much folks gushed over him on the DVD about what a good actor his was.

Either way, it’s all wishful thinking.

Now, if were up to me… who ever plays Jones should wear an Adventurebilt because of all the research that went into making them. I believe it would be foolish of them NOT to use Steve’s hats.

… and the extra’s should be wearing Akubra, all sorts of Akubra.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Maybe the bad guys could all wear Dorfmans, so we could tell them apart..."Don't trust him, Indy, he's a bad guy! Look at that taper!"

Back on track - unless someone can forward this suggestion on to GL/SS or someone who knows them, this really isn't going to go any further than this either, though, is it? (If such a person is reading this, please consider this a group 'PLEASE"! :))
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Post by crazylegsmurphy »

Hey you dirty topic taker overers! :D

Here is my take on Indy 4. I'm Nervous!

You see...ol' George Lucas has become, to put it lightly, INSANE with computer graphics! Now, I hate computer graphics! Nothing distracts me more than a character/location that is obviously CGI.

The thing with Indy is that they are "old world" movies using old school FX. When I watched the DVD's again a few weeks ago I was giddy as Nazi heads exploded, real stunt men fell off trucks and such.

In recent days it seems that movie makers (and the fans) are too lazy to create anything like they did in the old days. I can't even tell you how many times I have been on the set of some show, and listened to the 1st AD and Director say, "We'll get it in post" (meaning they will fix the problem in post production using computers/editing)

When I think of GL getting his grubby little CGI hands on an Indy movie it makes me groan. When I think of GL putting a "fart" joke in the middle of Indy because it seems that his new style of comedy, I want to jab a fork in my pancreas!

So, I personally think, that Ford could do it, Speilberg could do it, and you know, George might even write a decent script, but the first second I see a CGI Fedora floating down ala Forrest Gump Feather style, is the second I walk out of that theater.
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Post by Shawnkara »

I have to totally agree with Crazylegs there. CGI was meant to be an ADDITIONAL tool. Now it's an excuse unto itself for making movies. As for the fart joke, the only regret I have is that the thing didn't just back its butt up and @#$% on Jar-Jar. And why not? Jar-Jar crapped on the movie. It's only fair.
We will NEVER see a "quick and dirty" Indy movie ever again. Even LC was showing signs of being over produced.

Indy 4 (if made) will take place in the 50's with an old Indy running from CGI aliens at Roswell.
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Post by Captain D »

I think it would be cool to show a younger Indy (not a young college aged Indy) but have Indy with a haircut, lol, and showing how he landed his first teaching position at the college with a younger Marcus Brody (since Denholm Elliot has passed away) as his mentor. That way it helps us to remember those who passed away from the original films....Also, I think it would be kinda interesting to see a younger Indy & Marion to see what caused their break-up...

As far as who would be the better younger Indy, I wasn't really too impressed with neither (River Phoenix or Sean P. Flannery). I once saw a documentary on HF on the A & E channel, and the pics they've shown of him younger didn't look anything like Phoenix or Flannery when he was that age. But, if I had to choose between the two as a "favorite" I would have to choose Phoenix, simply because his acting seemed to be more colorful and realistic than Flannery's. Just my 0.2 cents, on it, not trying to knock anyone over....If I stepped on anyone's toes, I apologize.

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Post by Renderking Fisk »

For a change of pace... Indiana Jones will be CGI and Ahmed Best will play his sidekick for real in front of the camera.

… Oh – and Anthony Daniels picks up the roll of Marcus Broady with no explantion about the age diffrence.
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Post by Pyroxene »

This thread belongs over at Lao Che's Table. Please try to stick to fedoras and hats and such here....

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Post by Mulceber »

For a change of pace... Indiana Jones will be CGI and Ahmed Best will play his sidekick for real in front of the camera.

… Oh – and Anthony Daniels picks up the roll of Marcus Broady with no explantion about the age diffrence.
Now THAT'S an Indy movie :roll: Though to be fair, Anthony Daniels would be good at playing a worry-wart Marcus. :junior: -IJ
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Post by Dakota Ellison »

You have to remember that HJ did 45 hats for Raiders, and that movie had men wearing fedoras at a minimum. What if the movie called for scenes in the city circa 1955. That figure could easily rise, though people in the background could wear those cheap plastic hats like they used on Seabiscuit. If they just hired Fedora to do Ford's fedoras, that would be a wonderful thing, I think.
I can imagine a scene where Indy takes off his low crowned 50's fedora and grabs that old brown one off his hatrack (and that old beat up leather jacket) and goes back in action after a period of semi-retirement.
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Post by Fedora »

I can imagine a scene where Indy takes off his low crowned 50's fedora and grabs that old brown one off his hatrack (and that old beat up leather jacket) and goes back in action after a period of semi-retirement.

We think alike Dakota. I have imagined that countless times. :D The film starts out with him wearing a dorky 50's fedora. As the adventure calls, he grabs the trusty brown fedora and kicks some serious booty. Fedora
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Pyroxene wrote:This thread belongs over at Lao Che's Table. Please try to stick to fedoras and hats and such here....

I think the thread title had something to do w/ it...CrazyLegs, I'd suggest editing your first post just to change the title to something like 'Could Indy 4 Use AB hats?' :)

That ought to cut down on us dirty topic taker overs... ;)

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Post by Shawnkara »

I've always been a pirate, and I always will be :wink:
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Post by Shiva »

To bring thsi thread back to topic it is obvious to me who the best hat suppliers should be for a new movie. Our own Fedora would be required to do Indies personal hats with an Adventurebilt and Art Fawcett should do the hats for the rest of the cast as he is well experienced with providing hats for the motion picture industry (I actually tried on the actual Fedora from "Seabiscuit" at Arts shop today).
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