The more things change...

In-depth discussion of the Fedora of Indiana Jones and all other hats appearing in the Indiana Jones movies

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The more things change...

Post by IndyFrench »

...the more they stay the same.

Hey everyone. Long time no see. Yeah, grad school's been keeping me busy. Was just reading up on the latest discussions about HJs versus Adventurebilts. This is a new debate for me. A few of you guys around here - Sergei, Fedora, and Renderking, will remember the days when the HJ had but one source in UK and was impossible to get a hold of.

Then, the HJ was never discussed and the main topics of the day were Akubra Federation, Peter Bros, and Optimo.

Well, I gotta tell you all. I'm a gear veteran who's been through SEVEN fedoras in my time, including Peter Bros and Stetsons, and for the last two and a half years, I have owned an Akubra Federation. Two years ago at the Queen Mary, it was deemed the softest Fed anyone had ever seen. I can do things with the Fed comparable to the Optimo, even bash the reverse side with my fingers and wear it backwards and it holds its finger-bashed shape!

Course, people also said my PB was the softest PB anyone had seen. Why? Because I wear them - often and in any weather. The Akubra is the only one that has never shrunk, tapered, or faded. I've worn it in the heat and dust of Death Valley, the blizzards of Syracuse, NY, the torrential rains of Georgia, and of course the humid heat of the South. It's even been hit with a good dose of salt water on one occasion.

I have travelled all over Europe and the United States, camped and hiked all over, and I could not find a truly durable and Indy-style fedora until the Akubra came along. It even gives me my much desired Cairo look after a few years of weathering.

I don't know if Renderking still touts his torch for the Fed, like he did back in the day, but Render', if you still do I want you to know that I am right up there with you.

Remember the Federation! May its glory never die!
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

Hey, Frenchy… long time… no see!

When have I ever stopped being a huge Akubra Federation fan? I’m still wearing my deluxe on everyday that ends in “Y”… It’s the fedora to get if you want to shape your own and make “The Look” your own.

It looks better the more it’s abused.
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Post by West »

Long time French! I gotta admit I thought you went the way of the dodo, but here you are! I've owned a few fedoras myself over the years and the Akubra federation was one of the many I've owned. The great thing about the Federation was the fact that you got this "blank slate" which you could mold and shape into whatever you wanted. It's a great hat and I've talked to several hatters in AZ over the years that have said that you would have to pay twice as much for the same quality hat in the US.

I have to admit, though, that recently the pull of a 100% beaver hat for such a great price was just too appealing for me and I ordered and received an Adventurebilt fedora. Fedora really did outdo himself and this is one great hat.
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Post by Sergei »

Long time no hear Mr. French!!! I do wear my Fed Deluxe when I go camping. The felt is a workhorse. I have not seen tapering, discoloring, fading, etc. The regular Fed, I have seen the felt turn a greenish tone. However, one of my complaints is that the brims come in only one standard width. Due to my face and body proportions, I have determined that a 3 inch brim looks better on me. The stock Fed almost looks like a Sinatra hat on me. Besides, the larger brims give me more sun and bushwacking protection from the face to the back of the neck. But I agree, dollar for dollar Akubra does make some awesome hats for the true cattle rancher, or outdoorsman that wants maximum life out their gear without the high maintenance.

Glad to see the "vets" are coming back.

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Post by Ken »

Glad to see you're back!! Make sure to call in here more often now!

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