I Watched Raiders and have to say (with all due respect) the loop is screen accurate.You see it all through the Temple at the beginning clearly.
It does,however,change size(Sometime making it look like it ain't there).
I have therefore decided to add one to my WPG Bag.
Does anyone have any screen captures showing the loop in the three movies??
Absolutely, I 100% agree. I just wish I knew ( and maybe someone does) which bag maker made the loop so big. I looked through all my MK VII's, and havent found one yet.
Would be interesting to hear your comment, re: the bag in the following two movies; not just Raiders.
I watched the other two movies today and The loop is there in them as well.In the Indian village,Elephant ride,Mine fight,Rope Bridge(except when it's the Mk-VI),in the castle,escape from the castle,Tank fight.It's there,sometimes small,but there.I have about wore out the pause & zoom on the DVD player.
I'll have to look closer; it's never stood out to me before. having said that, I note that you say it's small in some scenes - that would probably explain it