Now, just a few public acknowledgements that I think are in order. This hat is not just my doing, but a team effort with numerous folks involved. The develoment of this hat are the efforts of myself, Rick5150, Marc, and Sharpetoys. Now, these guys may be saying, whaaatt? Let me explain. Rick has been working with me with the field tests and raising important questions in regards to felt, block shape, etc. He also is my field tester. His input has been invaluable.
Marc and I spent hours going over block shapes with scores of pics being swapped, and hours on the phone. I tweaked my original block shape, with input from Marc, who has a very good eye. If you don't like the block shape, blame Marc. It is his fault!!!

I could not have done any of without the help of Sharpetoys. My buddy. He spent hours on the phone, sourcing for me, and all that I had to do was to call after he set the groundwork. He also came up with the name "Adventurebilt" I liked it when I first heard it, as I wanted to make hats that could take the elements, and be of such a quality that you could reblock them many, many times without the felt self-destructing. He actually is the one responsible for me taking the step. He pushed me into it!!!!

I want to also mention Art Fawcett of Vintage Silhouettes, hatmaker and Charlie Swindall, who's reputation always precedes him.
Thanks to staff here at COW for allowing the advertising.
I just thought I should publically thanks these folks, so you know how this was a group effort. Now, if you don't like the hat, you guys know who to blame. Rick, Marc, Sharpetoys, Art and Charlie.

Now, I mentioned it in another post, but without the help of Skipbeau, Namebrand and Gulice, this site would still be just a thought bouncing around in my head. Thanks guys. You are the greatest. regards, Fedora