Hey Folks: I'd just thought I'd share the arrival of an appropriate looking bag strap for my WPG. About 6 weeks ago I brought the project to a local apolstry shop (Called Gails Stitches) to see if we could work on a decent looking strap. Well, on the second try it's come back looking pretty good! . I had it made to the 65" length (which could be a bit short) but good enough.
She cut it from a slightly uneven thickness side of (perfect coloured) cow hide. At first I wasn't sure about that but then I noticed how secure the (Tandy Buckle) stayed in place. She also did the edging grooves which makes it look quite the finished product. All for less than $35 Canadian! We intend to keep working at it and have noticed that Tandy sells 1" (double sided) horse reigns at 72"'s. So...There may be a better way yet to make a nice looking bag strap quite easily.
Has anyone else gone this route?
I'll stop off on my way to the airport tonight to grab the Digital.
Warm Regards
Kilgour Trout
My kids think its great that Daddy has an Indy Bag to play with or should I say for them to play with The boy just wish he'd get a whip, so they could round up their 3 year old Sister!
Hey Skip: I'm going to order in a sample rein to see how it looks but the issue always comes back to a decent buckle! . What were you able to come up with my friend? Did you manage to get one of those really nice Brit offerings from a few months ago? If it didn't cost 10 times more to ship to Canada as buy, I would have bought one.
I was also curious if you ran into any (rein stain?), Mine is coloured on the other side though not polished so I'll be looking into ways to deter colour bleed.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hey Scandi!! Don't fall asleep under that Convair Cargo plane My Friend! Best way to stay awake is to "not wear the cozy long johns or as I call them "Nipigon Nylons", the excruciating pain of cold has a unique way of keeping one awake eh!
How's the weather been? We had a -20 snap but it back up to a balmy -10C.
Haven't seen a Convair at ESSA/ARN ever... did work with some oil-sputtering Big Dougs and Electras a few years ago.
We have a soothing -5C and light snow at the moment... I'll be indoors tomorrow, working for airport security, so long johns won't be a worn item...
Those long johns are nice to have though... especially when waiting for the F/C to finish his pre-start checklist and requesting startup while standing on the tarmac in vertical snow and gale force winds... some times those guys have been so slow with the lists that icicles actually formed on my fleece jacket and safety vest before I could give them the startup sign...
Got Maul put me on to it. Not very accurate, but it's nickle plated brass & really solid. I'm after hardwearing, useable Indy Gear, rather than more replica props. Got enough of those The size of it being 7/8 of an inch should mean it holds the strap nice & tight
As for colour bleed, well I haven't got the strap wet yet, but then I polish my straps, belts & stuff with shoe polish, so the problem is more getting all the excess polish off, so it doesn't rub off on my cloths too much
Hey TexasJ: Thanks for posting on this. I actually emailed you about 3-4 weeks ago regarding the buckle via the site but I think it was under construction. I wanted to know about the buckle but ended up with a Tandy deal. I really like the look of your strap, you can see the detail and quality. Very nice work indeed .
Congrats, I'll eventually look at a new buckle (as funds permit)
I have the Texas Action Gear strap and buckle and it's great. The buckle looks really accurate and there's an option to get the strap in either 65" or 72" (which I got 'cause I'm tall)
skywlkrinc wrote: there's an option to get the strap in either 65" or 72" (which I got 'cause I'm tall)
Would a 72" strap be adjustable to a shorter guy? Or is it best to get the proper length to start with?
This horse reign strap seems like a really attainable thing, since I live in Calgary: A place where you can walk into a store and buy a (cheap) bullwhip off the rack.
Both of these straps will work and adjust to just about any size person. However, to get the better buckle placement across the chest, a 72" is ideal for those taller than 6', and the 65" for those below.
As far as bleeding, I coat the underside of my straps with a special sealer to ensure no bleeding, even after getting wet. I have been out in the rain with my strap and it was fine. Trouble is, as soon as you add brown shoe polish or something like that, it will sit on top of the sealer and come off on a shirt. Does that make sense?
Also, for the more stocky people under 6' a 72" strap is going to ensure the buckle sits in the right place.
See, I know this because I'm stocky and over 6' so evenwith the longer strap, the buckle sits lower than it should, in order to allow enough length for the bag to hang at the right height.
Sounds like this should be a measurable thing on everybody...say, left hip beltloop, up over the right shoulder, back to same beltloop, then back up to where the buckle should ride (approx at sternum?)?
If someone's got the ability to make them custom, or at least provide a 7-foot strap ( ) then anyone can cut it to custom length.