WTB - Real or Replica MKVII

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WTB - Real or Replica MKVII

Post by bowjunkie35 »

I'll buy your spare. :wink: Prefer a good price on a real (who doesn't) but will settle for a replica.
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Post by Rob »

Buy a real (used) one from Soldier of Fortune for 10 pounds.
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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

Rob, can you PM me that link?

What's ten pounds translate to? $654 Canadian dollars?
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Post by Rob »

It's OK to post openly:


Follow the menu:

British WWII > Equipment > Field Equipment

Then you'll see:

Box gas mask Bag Code: BE719 Price: £10.00


Remember, when you order, specify that you want a MKVII because otherwise they might send you a MKVI, or something, instead! And while you wait for it to deliver, investigate good soaking agents that don't **** the colour out of clothes. You will more than likely have to give the bag 1 - 3 soaks in such an agent to clean it up. Some of the bags coming out of SoF have been grotty! (But they clean up just fine) :)

And, BTW, £10.00 is about CAD$22

Hope this helps 8)
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Post by bowjunkie35 »

Thanks Rob!

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Post by Snakewhip_Sable »

Yes, thank you!

man, I'm on the road to authenticity...
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Post by Michaelson »

I'm going to move this to the general gear section, leaving a 'ghost' post here so more folks can read and post suggestions too. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Rob »

Well in Australia we have Napisan; you use it to soak nappies or other clothes with bad stains. I can't pretend to know what would be used o/s, so I have used a generic term here.

Incidentally, in defence of people who charge 100 bucks or more - they have often married the bag with a leather strap; the bag is often new; and there's no black stripe (although it's not uncommon for used SoF bags to have no black stripe, either).

Is it profiteering? Well, yes, it is -- but you honestly can't compare a used bag, possibly with a black stripe, to a mint bag with no stripe and a leather strap. So it's not as "bad" as it seems. Hope that helps.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

In the US I'd offer the suggestion of OxyClean. Great stuff...comes in big tubs of powder at Sam's Club...mix w/ a little water, and it takes ANYTHING organic out of my kids clothes, but leaves the dye in the fabric. Heck, it even works on the paint they get on them in school.

NOTE: I haven't used it on a MKVII, though. Has anybody?
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Post by Swindiana »

When it comes to OxyClean on a Mk VII, and the Akubra hats, Mr. Fisk is your man. ;)

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