How was Halloween?

From falls & poppers to plaiting & cracking technique, this section is dedicated in memory of Sergei, IndyGear Staff Member and Whip Guru. Always remember to keep "Celebratin' Life!"

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How was Halloween?

Post by winrichwhips »

I know I sold a few whips to costumers for Halloween. I was wondering if any of you out there dressed up as Indy for Halloween and if so, how did it go? Did anybody scare anyone with his/her bullwhip?

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Post by Mola Ram »

not yet,
im currently repairing my black indy bullwhip as i type this,
hopefully i can get it done by 6:00.
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Post by Renderking Fisk »

I totally forgot it was Halloween until tonight...
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Hi, Adam! Even though I had my IOAB whip long before Halloween, I took it with me as part of my Indy costume to the parties I went to. I had a lot of compliments from people.

"WOW! A real whip!"
"How cool!"
"Man, that thing looks great!"

I even talked with someone who owns a Strain whp and he was impressed with mine. It's a good whip! :wink:


Post by whipwarrior »

Kind of stunk. There isn't a lot of Halloween events where I live (except at the mall, which was LAST night, and I had to work). I spent about forty minutes handing out candy to trick-or-treaters with my girlfriend at my parents house until they returned. One of her co-workers brought her kids by, and she exclaimed "That's my man!" when I stepped outside in full gear. That was the most notable thing that happened to me this Halloween. Maybe next year will be better.
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Post by Kentucky Blues »

Pretty good, most people knew who I was, and one guy came up just to check out my gear. I also got a few cowboy remarks :? Well, I got pics...but no place to post them :cry: Maybe someday I'll be able to post them.

Regards, Daryl.
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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

I had a few kiddos come by. One 9/10 year old kid said, Hey You're Indiana Jones....

And then a whole hord of teenagers showed up. They were like Hey Indiana JOnes! and one of the boys said he played the video game and that it was easy. They asked if I had the whip and I swiveled my hip around the door to reveal the whip. That was about the extent of my gear wear on Halloween. I was just glad that modern day kids recognize and are familiar with Indy so that he can continue to be an American (fictional) icon.
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Post by Trevelyan »

Indiana Texas-girl wrote:. I was just glad that modern day kids recognize and are familiar with Indy so that he can continue to be an American (fictional) icon.
That's so true. Indy's staying power is amazing. As for me, I was flying all night, making this was the second year in a row I was on an airplane for all night of Halloween. I did have a great time at a party Friday though. I was Snake Plissken, and the best costumes I remember were Kuato (from Total Recall), and three girls were dressed up as Alvin, Simon and Theodore. The Simon had these funny glasses on so I kept calling her Harry Potter all night, which I'm sure was very annoying but never stopped being funny to me :roll:
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Adam - It went GREAT. Your whip lent some real class to the rest of my close-enoughs - it was the only thing that felt nearly accurate. :)

Had a lot of fun, but resisted the urge to crack the whip in front of 'the straights', although it did get out of hand once...take a peek over here at this thread, rather than repeat myself: ... highlight=

Needless to say, the whip garnered as much attention by itself as I got altogether by dressing up this year.

Thanks again for a great whip! - J

P.S. So to get it out of my system, I spent some time Saturday afternoon working several great rifle-cracks out of it that I heard echo and rebound down through my suburban neighborhood. Whee!
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Post by ob1al »

Hee hee - we had lots of fun here - took my kids out trick or treating.

However, I wasn't Indy this year! :shock:

I was Darth Vader!
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Post by Gater »

sigh* Usually I would have gone to the Heroes & Villains Party put on by the Comic Shoppe on Saturday, but this year, I was too behind in setting up my garage for last night, so I couldn't make an Indy appearance.

Maybe next year? [-o<
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Post by Jack Flanders »

Kentucky Blues wrote:I also got a few cowboy remarks.
I went out with the kids and had a good time- actually an amazing time. Adults knew who I was, had one cowboy remark...from a kid. I only have a few pieces of gear, but decided to fake the rest. And let me tell you, my new motto is: you can fool most of the people...all of the time. I'd be fingered as a cheat if I went trick-or-treating in a neighborhood full of gear members, luckily we're scattered all over the map. I decided that I just couldn't take off my gear when I brought the kids back home so I bothered two friends before bothering my parents, everyone said it looked amazing. One time someone said that the perfect cartoon character is identifiable in his silhouette, Indy is pretty cartoony and he is very identifiable by his shadow- I was reminded of this when I saw my shadow last night. Unless you haven't seen the movies, it's unmistakable.
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Post by Kris »

Oh yes, I can't stop looking at my shadows when wearing hte hear, its soooo Indy :lol:
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Post by Michaelson »

Even when in gear, the only recognition I usually get around my neck of the woods is 'you're the old guy who drives that old Plymouth, aren't you?' :roll: I guess they think I'm dressing up to match the car! :wink: Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Indiana Croft »

The one party i went to was perty cool I of course was Indy.
Had lot's of complaments on the gear and of course on the whip. One of the ladys there was telling me of her nephew who's into Indy so I of course turned her onto So there maybe a new member soon.

Heres at pic ... party.html

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Post by Canyon »

Hey Croft. You look great! :D
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Post by Indiana Croft »

Thanks Canyon. It's alway fun to do the dress up for halloween, but like I tell my co-workers, I dress this way all the time (minus the whip, holster and MKVII) I wear a tan shirt most times and I wear my Fedora every day along with my Wested and my Aldens.
Heck today at work a woman gave me a nice complament about my hat even before she found out it was mine.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Jack Flanders wrote:I'd be fingered as a cheat if I went trick-or-treating in a neighborhood full of gear members, luckily we're scattered all over the map.
Hehehehe...but that would be funny if it did happen...

'< Bing-bong >
"Trick or treat!"
"Uh...aren't you Michaelson?" :wink:
ob1al wrote:I was Darth Vader!
Is your son sick of you dramatically saying, " your father!" ?
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