POSSIBLY 'THE' BAG STRAP??? If not, close enough for me!

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POSSIBLY 'THE' BAG STRAP??? If not, close enough for me!

Post by Indiana Jerry »

This picks up where this thread left off:
"Possible origin of the bag strap found"
http://www.indygear.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=9875" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

In that thread, Ace pointed out this HK rifle sling on Tapco:
http://www.tapco.com/product_informatio" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; ... =&back=yes

Well, they cost $2 each, but shipping is $9, so I ordered 5, grand total ~$20 US. (I believe IndyBlues may have done the same.)

I'm glad I ordered a bunch - there is a bit of variation in color and finish, but I'll get to that. First and foremost, a pic - WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS LENGTH? (EDIT: The reason for the odd pose is I'm not done modifying this bag yet, so there is nowhere for the strap to latch on the back, I'm holding it where it would attach.)

Measuring out the whole length, minus the necessary fold of each end, I get 55" on this. So I didn't think it would be long enough, but gee, that looks good to me! They said they went as long as 84" but those were out of stock. (EDIT: In that pic I have the strap adjusted to be about 46" length, so the buckle still lands on my chest.)

Compare how these sit, and note that the HF shot is slightly upward looking, whereas I can't hold a camera that low:
(No, I wasn't trying to stand in front of that shower stall like it was the pillar in the Well Of Souls...but eerie (and yet ridiculous) contrast, don't you think? :wink:

Now, this is where it gets interesting. I've got close-ups for you.

First, the buckles are all consistent across the five I got. But the color is NOT, nor the finish. Some are glossier, some flat. Some have racing channels, some don't. Only two of them still had their leather keepers on them, and one was turned inside out. (IndyBlues - Did you get yours yet and did you find the same was true regarding the different colors/finishes?)
Note that these buckles are all 1" by 1 3/8". The straps are 1" wide. Some are a bit glossier than others here, but lying on the floor right now in normal light they all look about the same...like a ball of snakes...ew.

In the first pic in this post, the 'pose', I'm wearing the one that is the second from the right of those five - the one w/ the rumple in it, cause I was playing w/ the length.

The buckles are very consistent, though - look at the side view. They are all bowed the same way:

Last pic - these are the ends of the straps, so you can see the post stud. I thought some had ball head, and some a disc head, till I flipped them to show you the backs - and realized all the stud posts are the same, some are just in the other way - but all of these can be flipped:

So - actual old HK rifle slings, pre-distressed naturally - I have NO idea when they date from, but GEE THESE THINGS LOOK RIGHT TO ME. But I'm a newbie...I'm looking for the long-time sages who've done this before to weigh in and make an assessment.

For those who want them, the folks at TAPCO were SUPER nice. I tried to set up an account online and order, but the order went phantom on me, and so I called. The phone order process was SUPERSIMPLE - especially if you give them the product number. I even got to try their customer service, twice in parallel...by that I mean two different emails I sent regarding the phantom order went to their customer service and to their webmaster - but both ended up in their customer service queue, two separate women handled them both at speed, as though they were racing each other, both were friendly and took care of everything. I wasn't testing them, honest, and told them they were both working it so they wouldn't duplicate - but they were that good at it they just both tracked my order in the system to make sure I wasn't getting 10!

But I strongly suggest getting at least 5, so that you can have your pick. At $2 each, that is still 5 for $10, which is a BARGAIN. And minimum shipping is $9, so I personally can't handle over 80% of the charge being shipping alone, so that was my rationale. :wink: Figure w/ the rest you can have a spare or two, and still trade or forward the rest to other members.

Oh! And less than three days after I placed the order by phone - 3pm Tuesday to Noon Friday - I had them in the mail, US Priority Express. With an interesting catalog w/ a Marilyn Monroe look-alike brandishing an ENORMOUS Cobb FA50. (I had to look up the name of the model. The RIFLE model, that is.)

Commence firing. :wink: - J

P.S. I've got more pics, like the back of the strap where it is riveted to keep on the buckle, etc. If there is any interest I will post them to the thread as requested.

EDITED 9/05 to rehost pics on ImageShack.
Last edited by Indiana Jerry on Sun Sep 18, 2005 4:16 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Ace »

Im so glad thses slings worked out. They are as nice as i thought they would be. The buckle also looks pretty close to the original. cant wait to get mine.
Last edited by Ace on Sat Oct 23, 2004 7:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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I just noticed that the paper catalog I got lists these as $5. The web page says 'Was $10', but now $2. I don't know if they reduced them to move out the last of the stock, or if it is a temporary sale.

Just a heads-up, they may cost more later. Of course, they still won't be more than $10, it looks like.

Just a note, the pic on their site makes them look almost BLACK compared to the background, but it does say brown, the operator did confidently say they were brown, and you see that without asking for brown, I got five brown ones. So it's just a bad pic, color-wise.

The one in the pic on their site doesn't have a leather keeper, either, but they probably didn't use one with that for the pic since it seems like they can't guarantee it; only 2 of the 5 I got had it.

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Lord Clarence Mcdonald wrote:I've always thought these slings would make great straps, but they are just too short. They are always in cheaper than dirt, along with other rifle slings. But , all in all, rifle slings are just too short. IMO

Try one. This one hangs exactly where I want it on me, without even opening it up all the way. If I want a bit more room, I will live w/ putting the buckle lower, but that might just be me. ;)

The other thought I was having is I'm wondering if for this cheap I can rivet two together in the part of the loop that is 'underneath', so even though it would be in the front, it would be hidden. Alas, I have not experience joining strips of leather together...anyone?

But IMO, I'm maintaining this puppy works as is - for me, anyway.

Oh no!? Am I short? :shock: :lol: Well, I ain't all THAT tall, but I'm 5'8"-9", so maybe it won't work for someone taller. Maybe these only work up to a L, not an XL... :wink:
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Post by Trevelyan »

Thanks for the pics Jerry, and for the find Ace. I really like the way those look, especially the buckles. In fact, I like them so much that I copied you and bought 5. They'll work perfectly on the 3 bags I have that need straps, and these are a heck of a lot cheaper than making them on my own. And since they're not for my main bag, it doesn't matter if they're a little short.
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Post by Gater »

But I'm a newbie
I like the distressed straps, they have a good, weathered look to them. I just find humour in a guy with over 800 posts being reffered to as a 'newbie' :lol:
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Re: POSSIBLY 'THE' BAG STRAP??? If not, close enough for me

Post by Ace »

Measuring out the whole length, minus the necessary fold of each end, I get 55" on this. So I didn't think it would be long enough, but gee, that looks good to me! (EDIT: In that pic I have the strap adjusted to be about 46" length, so the buckle still lands on my chest.)
Hey Jerry
Look at this picture. Looks like Mr. Jones moved the buckle down to get more slack on the sling :wink:

http://www.theindyexperience.com/screen ... en/148.jpg

What do you think. Worth a try placing the buckle lower on your chest.
Last edited by Ace on Sat Oct 23, 2004 5:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Mac, you got me, I'm behind on my sewing. :wink:

I agree my 'hold it in place' method is suspect, but I couldn't wait to show these to you guys, that's why I jumped ahead - but that's also why I outed myself by pointing out the reason for the funny pose. I am holding the other folded end AGAINST the bag, though, so I can't help thinking I'm actually 'shorting' it and it will actually hang LOWER, but still, I've got my body turned funny, so we'll know better when I'm done sewing.

So no offense taken Mac, hope this reply doesn't sound cranky at all. I've got a big smile on my face :mrgreen:, as I appreciate any and all questions on this if it helps folks determine if this will work for them or not. Thanks for keeping me diligent - I'm gonna set aside time for sewing this wknd, in between soccer games, playdates, haircuts, etc. etc. etc. Boy, I should have all my Girl Scout Merit Badges by Monday. :lol:

Ace, good reference pic, thanks! Appreciate seeing we've got some leeway in the buckle placement...I have to go back and look a the Cairo street scenes, too.

Trev, you might have them as soon as Wednesday, or even Tue if they ship today. Let us know if you see the same sort of color/finish variation. IndyBlue, I'm dieing (dying?) to see what kind of batch you got, too.

There was this gold star sticker on the box that said 'shipped same day order placed'. It was a pre-printed one, too, so I think they REALLY push customer service. This is the friendliest and most efficient business I ever worked with, but I might have gotten lucky. I wish there was something else of theirs I wanted! :wink:

Oh, btw, for those of you looking for that racing groove, half the ones I got had a subdued groove. Like I said, wide variation. Like the suppliers for the leather straps kept changing based on what was available when or who got the contract.

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Post by IndyBlues »

I did receive mine, and they are of varying degrees of color and distress.
Overall, they are in great shape. The buckle looks pretty awesome as well. I'm going to look into lengthening them somehow as well, to see how it turns out.

Another option, would be to use the entire length of the strap, and just set the buckle in the middle of the chest, so it would "look" screen accurate. It won't be adjustable, tho. I don't know about you folks, but once my strap is set, I leave it alone.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Good point! Certainly the full 55" is more than enough for me.
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Post by Got Maul »

heck, for the price I am thinking about cutting one up and riveting it together...after all the joining point will be hidden behind the strapping (after the loop around the O ring)
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

That's what I was thinking as well. If you do, let me know, I'd like any pointers you can give me.

Thanks - J
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Okay, finished some hack sewing on my bag, so we get some natural hanging pics, not me holding it where it *might* go...and guess what?

For me the length is PERFECT! Hoo-hoo!

Check it out:

Guys, I'm never going any further. For me, this little cheap-enough isn't just close enough, it's the strap. Yeah, the buckle probably isn't THE buckle, but I'm convinced now that they used some sort of old rifle sling, whether a vintage or a repro, who knows, but maybe some old vintage could be out there w/ the right buckle somewhere.

But I'm keeping my straps...two at least for me, and the other three are spoken for.

P.S. This is still adjusted to only the 46" out of the entire 55" inches...and I ain't tiny. 5'8". On you taller gents, this may not work, though, but I agree w/ GM, we should be able to lengthen this in the unseen back part of the loop and bingo.

EDITED 9/05 to rehost pics on ImageShack.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Indiana Gater wrote:
But I'm a newbie
I just find humour in a guy with over 800 posts being reffered to as a 'newbie' :lol:
Heheh...I reserve the right to call myself the newbie for 60 days! ;)
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Post by Ace »

Fantastic Jerry. Looks great. I would like to see pics if you changed something on the sling, and how you did it. I guess it will work for the rest of us. Now Im also done looking for straps.

Nice job
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Oh, hey, no, thank YOU, Ace, for pointing them out! :D

All I did was buy, sew, pic, and post. None of that would be possible if you hadn't turned me on to them. :roll:

That's why I can't thank folks enough for going out on a limb and sharing something, never knowing if it will be latched onto or shot down!

Bravo, Ace! Image
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Post by Ace »

Thank you. Redbeard and German started all this Rifle Sling talking, I just found a place to get the stuff cheap. Thats what COW is all about. Sharing information and good prices on gear :-)
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Thank you, Redbeard and The German!
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Post by Redbeard »

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Post by Sheffield Jones »

I would also like to chime in with my thanks.I got my three slings yesterday,made the needed addition in length,added one slightly used MK-VII..... :shock: \:D/ I aggree with Indiana Jerry,In the search for THE strap I have reached the end of my quest.Again thanks to all who had a hand in this. :tup: :tup:
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Post by Redbeard »

This makes one more reason the main page needs an update.

No offense meant!

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Post by Vince_K »

how is everyone adding additional length to the shorter rifle straps? I'm very very interested but the length is the only thing holding me back.

thanks 8)
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Post by Sheffield Jones »

how is everyone adding additional length to the shorter rifle straps?
The straps are 55 in. long,I took strap A and cut it below the two rivets(1 in.)(Cutting off the Buckle),next I took strap B and cut it 12 in. on the buckle end,Now take the Buckle end of strap B (12 in.) and the rest of strap A (about 54 in.),put them cut end to cut end and sew them together(this is the hardest part,you need some heavy thread,and a fairly large needle,a thimble)When you've done this to your satisfaction I put just a dab of super glue in the seam.Once attached to my bag my seam is hidden just behind the front O-ring.
I hope this helps. :D
This is a really cheap way to obtain a good quality bag strap,at a fraction of the cost.(I bought three,used one to make the other two longer,and there you have it, two good straps for under $15.00)
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Sheffield Jones wrote:.(I bought three,used one to make the other two longer,and there you have it, two good straps for under $15.00)
And that's INCLUDING the $9 shipping!

Sheffield, how tall are you? Can you post a pic of you wearing the bag? I'm curious where it hangs on you.

Or did you just add the extra foot so the buckle would end up higher on your chest?

Thanks for the 'Amen' :wink: - J
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Post by Sheffield Jones »

I'm 5'11".
I did have my wife take a picture of me last night,but have no way of posting it.If you PM me your E-mail address I could send it to you,along with my other strap pictures.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Lord Clarence Mcdonald wrote:P.S. - That last pic , you look like the people in the new deodorant commercials, where they keep smelling their armpits ,'cause there deodorant smells so good (or something like that) :wink: M. :wink:
Hehehe - I thought so, too - I was going to put under it, "And yes, I AM sure!", but I wasn't sure if anyone would get the joke - good to know you are twisted the same way I am, Mac! :twisted:

I never did post the hook pic, did I? I was trying not to post too many above - should have added that one, though.

Here, the hook is looped through one end,
and the other end buttons shut on itself:

There is NO stitching in this strap, w/ the exception of the leather keeper if you're lucky enough to get one. Maybe that's why a lot of those are missing...stitches gave or rotted over time. Now, Sheff's has some brand NEW stitching, but he's got that hidden.

Thanks for keeping an eye on me! - J :wink:

EDITED 9/05 to rehost pics on ImageShack.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Shef's pic:
<img src="http://tinypic.com/f6vcp">
That looks perfect to me!

Sheffield, is that unmodified, or after you extended it? I look at this and your other pics and I really couldn't see where you did it!

P.S. Thanks for sharing! - J
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Post by Sheffield Jones »

It is after modification.
The stitch/seam is just behind the front O-ring.
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Post by Ace »

Looks great Sheffield. What a nice strap the slings make.
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Post by ob1al »

The thing I really like about this idea is, this becomes another piece of the Indy kit with some real history to it.

Well done!
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Post by namebrand »

Anyone bought extras that might want to sell one? I just want one so $9 shipping seems a bit much, and also I am in Canada so I dunno if it would be more. Just curious. :)

Actually now that I look, they don't ship to Canada I don't think.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Vince_K wrote:how is everyone adding additional length to the shorter rifle straps? I'm very very interested but the length is the only thing holding me back.

thanks 8)
Vince - I didn't add ANY length to mine. Not sure why they sit at about the same place on Shef and me, when he added a foot and I didn't. Guess I'm a bit more Hobbitish.

Namebrand - for one, price as listed, it's still gonna be 2+~3 for shipping from US, so you are still looking at at least $5 for one. If they really don't ship to CA, then I guess that's the bottom end, for someone turning them around flatrate. Right now mine are spoken for and I wasn't planning to pick up another batch, but I'll keep an eye on this...
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Post by Sheffield Jones »

Here is a link to a picture of the stitching on my two Sling/Straps.

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Post by Redbeard »

Wow, that really is good work! Looks great!

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

Agreed, that is great! If the back of those straps were darker, they'd even be hard to see in THOSE pics, much less just to the casual observer. There's the variation in the straps again, most of mine were fairly dark and worn on the back.
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Post by Trevelyan »

I was looking back through the archives today and found this.
http://www.indygear.com/forum/viewtopic ... c&start=50

If you scroll down to about the 10th post you'll see something familiar :wink: It's funny how short our memory is here at COW.
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Hahahah! That's hysterical, Trev...yeah, guess we all missed that in the search!
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Post by IndyBlues »

namebrand wrote:Anyone bought extras that might want to sell one? I just want one so $9 shipping seems a bit much, and also I am in Canada so I dunno if it would be more. Just curious. :)

Actually now that I look, they don't ship to Canada I don't think.
Just send you a PM.

If anyone else is interested, I have 2 of these left. I've ordered a Texas Jones bag strap, so I can sell these last 2. They will be $4 each plus shipping.
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Post by Indiana Jerry »

If there's interest in these from folks who are going to be at the QM, I could order another bunch to take w/ me. That's easy. It's the $3+ shipping out each $2 belt that makes me uneasy...seems like there's got to be a better way to get them to you!
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Post by RelicHunter »

Those bag straps/rifle slings are nice. :)

Does anyone know if the strap came with the original bag, or if it was added by the crew during production of Raiders?
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Post by Michaelson »

It was added. Regards. Michaelson
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Post by Swindiana »

Check out the bag section on the main site and you'll see a few shots of what the original strap looks like.

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Post by RelicHunter »

Swindiana wrote:Check out the bag section on the main site and you'll see a few shots of what the original strap looks like.
I like my leather one better. :D
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

I just got one of these Tapco slings/straps and I have to tell you that they are indeed cool straps. Mine has grooves on the front and it is wonderfully distressed from years of real use! I like the buckle, too. The entire strap may not be 100% spot on, but I can easily see this as a strap Indy would've really used. It an excellent choice for a close enough budget Indy as well as a good choice for anyone who wants a nice backup strap. It's the same width as my Kepplet strap, but it's thicker and feels like it'll handle more weight. Or, it makes a good rifle sling too, I hear. :wink:

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

The variation in these is almost comical, but realistic. W/ and w/o grooves, some shinier/almost-painted finishes, some of a more-raw-leather finish...but those buckles are pretty darn consistent on them. Actually, all the hardware on them is consistent on the five I got, and the DIMENSIONS of the leather, just the finishes of the leathers varied widely.

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Post by Indiana Jerry »

I've been getting asked about this quite a bit lately, so here's updated pics of this strap w/ a MKVII. (For comparison sakes, I took the same kind of silly pics in the same bathroom as a year ago...same shirt, too, although it's much more wrinkly now...ah, natural distressing. ;))

(I also edited most of the posts above to rehost the pic onto ImageShack...they'd pretty much all expired from tinypic.com.)

w/ MKVII, front and side view (sorta):
This would probably hang a half-inch higher if I removed the hook hardware from the strap and just threaded it through the O-ring on the MKVII. I kind of like that funky hook...but it would be more screen-accurate without. ;)

And for color comparison's sake (under full flash):
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Wanted - Rifle Sling Clip

Post by Alan Eardley »

Does anyone have a spare clip from a H&K/CETME rifle sling that they'd sell me?

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Post by Michaelson »

Man, you've been doing some serious digging in the old posts files, haven't you? :shock: :wink:

Drop Jerry a PM. He might still have his clips from his old straps, as he had quite a few of them at the time he wrote this string.

Regards! Michaelson
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Post by Erri »

Michaelson wrote:Man, you've been doing some serious digging in the old posts files, haven't you? :shock: :wink:
Funny enough I was just looking at this thread yesterday which I originally missed. Rather interesting although I didn't find anything on ebay
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Post by Farnham54 »


"I know what you're thinking, Tinkerbell." says Indiana Jerry. "I've been flying around this bathroom for FAR too long, but In all this commotion, I really can't remember Jerry walking in behind me. But since he's about 20 times my size, and he's got me by the wings--BY THE WINGS--You gotta ask yourself, do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, Tink?"

I'll have to pick me up one of those bag straps, I have a repro MkVii from Todds, but I don't like the stock strap (I think it may just need some breaking in). Are these still available form Tapco?

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