I won't make the images appear in this thread ('cause don't ya just hate waiting for a thread to load when it's full of pics?!?), but will provide links and a commentary below:
OK, the first image is simply the jacket lying on the ground. It looks quite dark here, but in all honesty, was looking a lot lighter (and redder) to the naked eye.
Here's a close-up to show the grain of the leather. As you can see, it's very very smooth in places. Take note of the collar, however. One side is heavily creased with hundreds of tiny lines (and, for that reason, the collar sits really well on that side), while the other side is the smoother leather, like the body of the jacket is made out of - and you can see that it doesn't sit as well at all.
No gussets here! Also a good image as you can see some red coming through the leather.
This is the two-tone arm I have previously spoken about. Note the really crinkly red leather stitched to the really smooth brown leather? It's not the same on the other side.
LET THERE BE LIGHT! You can really see the red coming through in this shot of the whole jacket. What I really like about this, is that every little bump the jacket gets, seems to bring up this naturally distressed red colour. You really need to see it in real life to appreciate it. I think it's going to distress well - and I'll even go out on a limb here and say that I think it will distress pretty easily, as well

Comments, please!