Amaziah Rimfire is correct. I can't tell if you are looking for Indy pistols based on price or performance but let me see if I can help.
First, don't discount the ability or performance of the single-shot revolver. I suggest checking out
Bob Munden. He was on TV for a while and I have seen him shoot out of the air with a Colt .45 single-action revolver 1/2 dollars, quaters, nickels and dimes. And, his fast draw is probably the quickest in the world and can shoot 3 shots from the single action faster than a .45 Automatic.
That being said, if you are looking for Indy revolvers based on price, you can usually find Smith & Wesson .38 S&W service revolvers starting at about $150USD. They may or may not be in good shape. They can often be found at gun shows.
If you are looking for an Indy revolver chambered in the .22lr cartridge, look for Smith & Wesson model 18-3. I found one for about $350USD and it has almost the exact same weight and frame size as the 1917.
Hope this helps,