COW Has A New World Record Holder....

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COW Has A New World Record Holder....

Post by midwestwhips »

Well, everyone it's not official yet, but....

Our own Chris Camp just set the new world record for the most cracks in a minute. Previously held by Mr. Robert Dante at 203 cracks in 60 seconds.

On Saturday, August 21st, at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield Chris Camp made three attempts at beating the World Record.

The first attempt he achieved 209 cracks beating the record by 6 cracks.

The second attempt he achieved 202 cracks, just missing the record by a couple of cracks.

The third attempt he achieved 212 cracks, beating the record by 9 cracks, and came that much closer to 4 cracks a second!!!

The really amazing part is that he did this after performing all day before and after his three attempts on the record, and after performing at the fair for the past 9 days straight, all day long. And he's got another day of performing to go.

Just cracking continuously for one minute is tireing enough, let alone doing it three times within 3 hours or so, while performing on top of that!

Let's get a hand in for Chris, and hope this helps get alot of publicity for whipcrackers everywhere. It'll be great to have that go right along with the recent newspaper articles.

This is excellent, keep it up everybody, and WAY TO GO CHRIS!!!


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Post by Mulceber »

how do you count cracks when the guys doing like 4 a second? Great job Chris! :junior: -IJ
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Post by Rob »

Crikey, it would be almost like on continuous noise!
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Post by Kentucky Mason »

Congrats Chris...

Now frisk him for firecrackers-jk ;)
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Post by McFly »

Kentucky Mason wrote:Now frisk him for firecrackers-jk ;)
Yeah, seriously... that's amazing!! My record is like... 10... :-s :oops:

Congratulations, Chris! Excellent job!! Fantastic!

How do you do that without killing yourself?!

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Post by Mike »

That's awesome!! Please post some of the reviews as they come out too!

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Post by midwestwhips »

I don't know the specifics, but for this world record it has to be done with a whip that is made the same, and has the same measurements as the one that Dante used to start the record.

The whip that chris used was one of a beautiful pair of Joe Strain 6 foot bullwhips, 12 plait, with either 10 or 12 inch handles. There is a nice irregular herringbone plait on the handle, and the color is a beautiful saddle tan or whiskey(I forget which).

Maybe Chris can post a picture of the whips, they crack like a dream!

As for publicity, I know there are atleast a couple newspaper articles that should be coming out today or in the next week.

If I see anything I'll post it!


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Post by jjkillin »

](*,) I was just in Springfield yesterday!! I wish I would've been there!
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Post by Mulceber »

Crikey, it would be almost like on continuous noise!
Rob, is "Crikey" a word that all Australians say or is it just a Steve Irwin thing? :junior: -IJ
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Post by midwestwhips »

jjkillin wrote:](*,) I was just in Springfield yesterday!! I wish I would've been there!

I was up there from St. Louis also! What part of St. Louis are you in?


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Post by Indycire »

Congrats Chris breaking a world record! When was the last record set by Dante? Is this a Guiness Book of World Records entry?
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Post by thefish »

They probably use the same type of digital counter device they use to measure the number of rounds per second automatic weapons throw.

I got to see one of these in action at a machine gun shoot in Louisville, KY. It's held near the gun and counts the number in spikes in an audio sample. Considering the nature of the bullwhip, this is my guess.

Paul? Were you there? How's it done?
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Good onya Chris!

Post by Janine Fraser »

Good onya Chris! \:D/ Ways to go mate on the cracking record. :whip: Bet your arms were heavy as by the time you finished! Hope you really enjoyed it anyways Chris.

Thanks Paul for posting the info too mate. Its nice to hear about all the whipcracking things that are going on around the traps these days hey!

Hoo Roo

Janine Fraser

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Post by Mola Ram »

Wow thats cool!

Ive been trying and my best is 156 per 60 sectonds.'

I got very tired. :o

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Post by jjkillin »

midwestwhips wrote:
jjkillin wrote:](*,) I was just in Springfield yesterday!! I wish I would've been there!

I was up there from St. Louis also! What part of St. Louis are you in?
Paul, I was up in Springfield for a little while because I was helping my friend move into the dorm at Western IL. at Macomb (where the Rams practice). I'm originally from Spanish Lake in North Co. but I currently reside in St. Charles. I went to high school (important StL info!) at St. Louis Univ. High School on Oakland Ave.

But I'm only in town for a few more weeks until I move up to the University of Chicago.

As we were driving to Macomb I kept hearing about the State Fair on the radio and now I really wish I would've went!
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Post by midwestwhips »

I'm not sure how long Dante has had the record but it has been close to a year I believe.

Dan-Actaully, believe it or not, we used a clicker thing. you know, one of those things, the counters, you click it and it counts, um...I don't know what it's called. Hhahahahah. It was also video taped, to double check.

You would be surprised, but it is possible to count. At the Ohio WWAC convention there was a contest(just for fun, no official Guiness records) of the most cracks in a minute. All we had there was three or four people counting to make sure it was consistant. And it seemed to me that it was pretty accurate.

To brag for a minute, I got 183 cracks at that one.

Janine-No worries, Good to see you, mate!!! \:D/


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Post by midwestwhips »

jjkillin wrote:
Paul, I was up in Springfield for a little while because I was helping my friend move into the dorm at Western IL. at Macomb (where the Rams practice). I'm originally from Spanish Lake in North Co. but I currently reside in St. Charles. I went to high school (important StL info!) at St. Louis Univ. High School on Oakland Ave.

But I'm only in town for a few more weeks until I move up to the University of Chicago.

As we were driving to Macomb I kept hearing about the State Fair on the radio and now I really wish I would've went!

Yeah, it's too bad you couldn't make it, that place is huge!!! In one of the Arenas they had Monster Trucks there!!! Crazy! Chris has been there all this past week doing shows, today is his last day there.

It is amazing that where you went to highschool is an important thing in St. Louis. I went to Rockwood Summit High School in Fenton.

St. Charles, are you at Lindenwood University?

We have to meet up before you leave for Chicago!!! You will be the second st. louis-an that has moved away this year. I'm starting to feel all alone :(

St. Charles is only about 15-20 minutes away! Give me a buzz.


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Post by Minnesota Jones »

I tip my fedora to you my friend! Well done!

I had the great privilage of meeting Chris (aka Canasta) on our roadtrip this last June. Here's a couple pics of ol' Chris with his two "firewhips" :shock:

Trust me, this boy knows how to crack! :wink:

Again, well done!


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Post by Canasta »

Hey guys!
Thanks so much for the kind words. Sorry it has taken me a bit longer to post than I had hoped but I was on the road today after ten great days at the Illinois State Fair.
I am in the midst of typing up the story for you and hope to have it completed tomorrow which will include the specs and hopefully photos of the wonderful pair of whips made by Joe.

I did just want this evening to say thanks very much. It means a lot to me that you all have an interest. I really must thank (and I have) Robert Dante who set the original record last September. Without his first effort I would not have dreamed up this attempt. I do expect him to beat it ... but only so I can beat it again.
Another BIG THANKS to our own Paul Nolan who more than surprised me by showing up to the event. We had a really fabulous time that I wish you all could have been a part of. He's really great at letting me try tricks with him that I have never tried before. (like cutting targets from between his knees while facing me. He even let me do a trick that "Mark the Whip" did to me one time. You have the "victim" hold a target straight out behind their head and cut it while facing them. I'm still not sure how it works, but it's one heck of a trick. THANKS PAUL for coming, for posting, and being you.
You are a great friend.

More to come.!!

Chris Camp - AKA Canasta
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Post by Sergei »

Chris amazing! Congrats. I can not fathom cracking that fast for so long. I can only think that prolong practice like that has got to hurt.

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Post by BullWhipBorton »

Congratulations Chris! I’ve been reading about it on the WE List, That’s an amazing accomplishment. Looking forward to hearing more details.

All the Best

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