Where can I find the MKVII Bag?

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Indiana Jarmyr
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Where can I find the MKVII Bag?

Post by Indiana Jarmyr »

Hello everyone

I am looking for the MKVII bag or something similar, and as I live in Sweden I would prefer to buy it from somewhere in Europe. I have searched for it in the "Sentimental Journey" website, but I can't seem to find it.

It doesn't have to be the original bag, but a replica, if it is well made, will work just as good. The important thing is that it doesn't fall apart when I use it.

Can anyone help me out?
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Post by Rob »

In terms of replicas, we all like the What Price Glory Bag, which can be bought from the US. The postage isn't that bad for you in Europe.

See here: www.whatpriceglory.com/mkviibag.html

And here: www.toddscostumes.com

And NB: We naturally recommend replacing the leather strap on these with a better quality strap - from Noel Howard (who is in Europe) or Todds Costumes or Lee Keppler in the States.
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Post by Fedora jr. »

Noel Howard makes a bag too doesn't he? You'd just have to wait for him to get his computer back up to get one. You knows though? With NH coming back, Peter may start making and offering bags.

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Post by Indiana Jarmyr »

When can I expect Noel Howard to be back in business?

And is there any difference between the What price glory bag and Todd’s costumes bag? Or is it perhaps the same bag?
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Post by Fedora jr. »

NH's computer should be up in another week or two. I don't know when he'll start offering products though.

I'm not an expert, so don't quote me on this. I think that the WPG bag, is a surplus bag, and the Todd's costumes bag is a costume bag. Once again, I'm not an expert, so don't quote me on it. Maybe some people who are smarter than I am, could give some second opinions.

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Post by Rob »

Todd's bag is the WPG bag.

Re: Noel's bag with a good strap, expect to play £37.50 or US$60.00-plus. The reason I say this is because this is the old price list cost, and Noel has recently told Ob1Al that his new prices will be a little higher.
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Indiana Jarmyr
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Post by Indiana Jarmyr »

Alright. As I am not in a hurry, I think I'll just wait for Noel.
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Post by Minnesota Jones »

Actually, Noel was making bag straps w/buckles, and adding those to existing original MK VII's he had. I don't know if he still has bags or not. Or whether he'll still be making the leather products (straps, holsters) again or not. But when I ordered my MK VII from him over 2 years ago, he had just ran outta new bags, but the used one I rec'd sure looked like new to me.... but again, not sure what his current supply is still...
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Post by Michaelson »

Touch bases with our own Swindiana. He seems to be able to find them over there in your neck of the woods, and he's located in Sweden too!! Regards. Michaelson
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Post by ob1al »

Noel will indeed / is offering MKVII's with leather straps / buckles - I know he is currently sourcing his new suppliers but from what he's told me, folks are free to contact him now with orders.

Like Fed JR said, his computer is currently in dock, but should be up and running again this weekend hopefully. Bear in mind he probably has 300+ backlogged emails to trawl through due to his being offline for a while.

For the record, Noel will also be offering holsters, gunbelts, LC ties, pants, shirts, webbing belts (Raiders and LC style) and all the other items he has always made for us.

As I understand it, Noel has always sourced original government surplus MKVII's and added hid custom Indy straps to them. He charges slightly more for a minty bag, less for a well used bag. :wink:
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Post by Indiana Jarmyr »

He charges slightly more for a minty bag, less for a well used bag.
Well, of course I eventually want my bag to look used, the only question is if I should be lazy and get an old one, or if I should do the dirty work myself.:-)
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Post by Swindiana »

Dirty work done. ;) Funny work still continues.

PM sent. You should be able to bone out a bag from any of these sources sent buddy.

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Post by Indycire »

To give you an idea, i have tried a few of those sources look at : http://www.indygear.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8659
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Post by Indiana Jarmyr »

Thanks everyone.
I'll inform you later when I have checked with the retailers.
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