Wested Horsehide Is Tremendous Value

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Wested Horsehide Is Tremendous Value

Post by Rob »

I was reading about horse hide over at Aero Leather in Scotland (I'll reproduce some of the text below), and it made me realise that an extra GBP10 for the horse version of THE jacket from Wested is just tremendous.

What do you leather connoisseurs think? I know that horse is the kind of thing that some vendors can go really over the top about ("This is horse! So of course you want to mortgage your house and sell your wife for one of these jackets!"), but for Wested to only charge an extra GBP10... it's almost the other end of the scale. It's crazy!

Wested really looks after us, I think!

Horsehide has many unique properties, it is immensely strong and durable even in the extreme conditions and, unlike other hides, horsehide is naturally waterproof.

The Front Quarter Chrome Tanned Horsehide used in the construction of Aero leather jackets was favoured by manufacturers during pre-war years after the introduction, in the 1950's, of a law prohibiting horses being slaughtered for leather, hides became a scarce commodity and therefore expensive, resulting in tanneries phasing out horsehide production in favour of the more readily available hides such as steer.

US Government restrictions dictate that the slaughter of equine for hides was not permitted and as such the sourcing of hides must be from animals that have died from natural causes. This makes horsehide very scarce and as a consequence rare, which makes for an expensive raw material.

After expensive research, Aero managed to source the only tannery based in the States still capable of producing this unique hide to the original specifications, although today quality hides suitable for this type of tanning are still very scarce and so availability is very limited due to the fact that all our chrome tanned leather is sourced from “natural death” horses with no slaughter involved.
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Post by Redbeard »

Well, here in germany horse meat is considered a speziality by SOME. Horse suasage is a favorite. That is defintley a thing I would never try...

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Post by Hemingway Jones »

I've had horse in Southern Italy. I was in a small town called, Matera. (They filmed "The Passion of the Christ" there.) I sat down to dinner and my friends were serving this sausage, which was good, but tasted a bit gamey. I asked what it was, and Gian Luca told me it was carne del cavallo. Oh well, you eat what you are served. At least it wasn't chilled monkey brain!
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Post by ob1al »

Tasted a bit gamey, LOL! :lol:

Hey, since we are on the subject, I lived in Zambia many moons ago and was once served Hippopotamus stew when out in the bush- can you believe that!? Tasted really good too, just like beef casserole! :shock:
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

That sure one-ups my Southern Italy story! Zambia, nice. I once ate the bait fish out of the stomach of a yellow fin tuna on a dare; does that count for anything????
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Post by ob1al »

Man, that's just gross. =; :wink:
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Five bucks is five bucks. :D
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Post by Bushman »

Monkey brains have a metallic taste. :wink:

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Post by jbbowers »

I ate roadkill once, that had been peeled off a car fender. I didn't know it at the time, though.

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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

You guys should visit Sweden... when autumn comes, a lot of us feast on crayfish. Nothing special about that, though... meanwhile, another sick, twisted group of the population feasts upon fermented and partially decayed herring... it's sold in dangerously inflated (due to fermentation) tin cans in August and is considered a national delicacy... :-&
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Man, you guys are making me hungry -- and I just ate lunch!!! :P


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Post by rick5150 »

Ummm, I think you guys drifted off topic a bit...
What do you leather connoisseurs think? I know that horse is the kind of thing that some vendors can go really over the top about ("This is horse! So of course you want to mortgage your house and sell your wife for one of these jackets!"), but for Wested to only charge an extra GBP10... it's almost the other end of the scale. It's crazy
I love horsehide, but I have no idea what weight hides Peter will be using and how it will drape. If it is too stiff, it will be a nice tough jacket, but not a nice Indy jacket. I trust Peter implicitly and know he will do right. A far as what he charges, Peter has always been more than generous with his pricing. He could easily charge more money for his jackets with his history. No surprise to me. Cheers to Peter and one for the horsehide as well. I can hardly wait for the first one to roll out from Wested.
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Didn't somebody just order a horsehide from Peter? I'm eagerly waiting for the review of this jacket. I love my goatskin, but if the horsehide drapes similarly to my current Wested, I'm sold! :wink:

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Post by Rob »

binkmeisterRick wrote:Didn't somebody just order a horsehide from Peter? I'm eagerly waiting for the review of this jacket. I love my goatskin, but if the horsehide drapes similarly to my current Wested, I'm sold! :wink:
Yes mate, I ordered a horsehide recently. It's why I was doing some extra reading on the leather :)
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

PICS! PICS! Oh... sorry, you don't have your jacket yet... :wink: bink
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Post by Rob »

Don't tease me :)

Meanwhile, congrats on your 1000 posts :)
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Post by IndianaFist »

O.K. this horse hide sounds great but how is it on the stength level?
1. Lamb (soft) 2. Cow hide (normal) 3. Goat (strong)
I was going to buy a goat but if horse is stronger I would go that way. Im murder on jackets. So I want something that will last. :D
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

I think this is the jacket for you, my friend:
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Post by IndyBlues »

Hey Fist, I hear that Horse is as strong as goat, if not more. I've been debating which to get next myself. I'm on the fence, Lamb, another goat, or the new horsehide. I need to see some pics of the horse, as soon as someone receives one.
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Post by Rob »

I think the general feeling here is that horse is pretty tough and around the same strength as goat. There has yet to be a COW person report on the horse yet (I might be the first in a few weeks time), so it's hard to say for sure.

I've also seen reports which say that, based on WWII era clothing, goat jackets have stood up a little better than horse. But I'd still rank them in a similar range, that's for sure.

Ultimately, what tipped me over the edge was the thought that most jackets of Indy's era would have been horse, so it seemed a cool nod to history to get one. Also, for a 10 pound premium, horse seemed too good to turn down anyway. Other vendors charge an arm and a leg for anything made from it.
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

You have to post pictures of that jacket as soon as you get it. I am eager to see how it drapes, its texture, and the color. I think it will be an awesome jacket.
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Post by Rob »

I will do. And please, call me Rob :)
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Post by Hemingway Jones »

Oops, sorry about that, Rob.
Best of luck with the jacket.
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Post by IndianaFist »

Trust me! If I had 900 dollars hanging around doing nothing I'd own that Kevlar coat. So I guess I'm forced to wait for the great Horse/Goat debate. Where's PETER!!!!!! If 2 jackets have already gone out where are the pictures???????? He took pictures of the shirt and pants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be ordering the set when it comes time (shirt/pants/jacket). Unless someone with a goat (48 long) plans to upgrade and wants to sell theres at a fare price :D
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Post by Indiana Blizzard »

I ate at McDonalds last week, almost killed me. =P~
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Post by binkmeisterRick »

Indiana Irwin wrote:Don't tease me :)

Meanwhile, congrats on your 1000 posts :)
Huh? Wha--? Hey, I didn't even notice!

At any rate, who wants to celebrate by buying me a Wested horsehide Raiders? :wink:

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Post by Indiana Texas-girl »

Anyone eaten at MacCheapers in Switzerland? If so, is that horse meat they serve? (My German teacher had told our class that some European countries will subsititute horse meat for beef in restaurants.)
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Post by Scandinavia Jones »

ITG wrote:
My German teacher had told our class that some European countries will subsititute horse meat for beef in restaurants
Ever since the initial mad cow-scare, the demand for horse meat has increased in some European countries.

Hmm... a Wested horsehide Raiders... interesting...
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Post by Rob »

How tempted are you? :)
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