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"That's a nice jacket..."

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 4:57 pm
by Rob
You know, folks, I own a lot of nice clothes. From jackets to shirts... from trousers to footwear. But never, ever, do I think I've had people say as many nice, unsolicited things about my clothes as they do about the Wested.

I'll just be standing at the lift at work and someone will walk past and their first comment will be about the jacket. And yet, none of it is Indy related. No one I know has actually identified it as Indy Gear.

Does anyone else find this?

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:01 pm
by Michaelson
I get it occasionally with fedoras, but can't remember it ever happening with a jacket. Good deal! Sounds like you have a winner there, my friend! Regards.Michaelson

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:04 pm
by Mulceber
I don't, but then I don't have a Wested yet. Maybe I'll start getting those comments once my Wested arrives [-o< :junior: -IJ

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:28 pm
by Mr. Das
When I first wore my Wested to work, everyone wanted to try it on. Nothing but postive complements.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 7:14 pm
by Band Director Jones
That's great! When I got my first Wested and I told people what it was and the significance of it, some actually said my older, department store, A2 knock-off jacket looked better and more Indy-like. :roll:

Now my fedoras get complements all the time.

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:13 pm
by Captain D
Yea, lol, same here!

I was in Florida last February visiting Mickey Mouse, and of course the Indy stunt show :wink: , and I took along one of my Wested Goatskins along for the trip since it was perfect "jacket weather."

During the trip somewhere, we got out of some boat, and just as I was stepping off, the female Captain began feeling my arms, lol! I thought, since I work out at the gym that she was impressed by my arms, but she loved petting my jacket! So, I suppose I can take that as a compliment! :wink:

She didn't know that it was an "Indy jacket," but she really liked the style of the jacket and the softness of the Goatskin.

Kind Regards,
Captain D

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:12 am
by Flattery
Today is the first day I've had my Wested Raiders jacket. It was a bit cool today, so I wore it while running a few errands. Within two hours of having opened the box it arrived in, I received three compliments from passers by. :D

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:18 am
by Rob
Yup, it's pretty great alright :)

I feel a million bucks when I get into a lift here and there's some guy in there with one of those awful, paper-thin, dehydrated-looking black 3/4 jackets that you see every second person wearing.

I just stand there thinking, "Heh..." :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:47 am
by Striver
I reckon no-one knows I wear an "Indy Jacket". Sadly I have a "colleague" who too frequently for it to be funny is want to remark "Watch out! Here comes Top Gun!" Sigh...


Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:58 am
by Neolithic
Striver wrote:Sadly I have a "colleague" who too frequently for it to be funny is want to remark "Watch out! Here comes Top Gun!" Sigh...

He's just jealous- I bet you.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 7:15 am
by Swindiana
I just get looks when I wear my jacket. Hopefully because it's a darned nice one. ;) Then again, I don't often expect us Swedes opening our mouth just for the fun of it. :roll: I mean, it's rare, but it has happened once or twice.
I got my GF a pair of shoes for her birthday and she got a compliment from an older unknown lady on how nice they were... I think that is pretty good credit for both me and my lady here in Sweden. :)


Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 8:46 am
by Renderking Fisk
A few months ago before the hot weather, I'm sitting in my chiropractor office. I'm wearing British khaki pants, T-shirt, Wested Jacket, brown socks and shoes and of course "The Best Fedora I've worn In Over 20 Years©," The Akubra Federation Deluxe.

A voluptuous blond sits next to me and just starts talking to me. Just starts talking. She stammers a bit at first but then she’s more at ease with talking.

… Few minutes later my pregnant wife comes out of the bathroom with my two year old Coppertop. The color leaves this woman’s face when I introduce the two.

Few weeks later, I’m at the post office with a similar outfit as before sans the jacket. There’s a woman wearing a bikini top and a pair of cut off shorts and she’s got the eye of all the other men there. I’m doing my business and she looks at me, up and down like a piece of meat then licks her lips and winks. I nod… give me boy-scout salute and head out not looking for trouble.

I’m no stud. This is a rare thing for me. I can strike up a conversation with just about anyone but it wasn’t until recently that girls have been striking up conversations with me. I will say though that “The Look” does something’s to some women.

Full disclosure, I have been working out and getting regular adjustments from my Chiropractor. That MIGHT have something to do with it. Being in shape and wearing the gear could be an unfair advantage.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 9:16 am
by Flattery
Same thing's been happening to me lately since I got my fedora. My girlfriend couldn't be happier with it, and the same goes for random women on the street. Of course, where I live, no one sees fedoras or any Indy-style jacket (be it a Wested, A-2, or another), so it's fair to assume that that's part of the attention.

Just wearing my new Wested to work this morning... yeah, I turned some heads. What a gorgeous jacket. *drools* :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:23 pm
by Indianafred
Yea isnt it an awsome jacket?

I too wear it to work occasionally, but has never told anyone of my colleague s of its origin nor its significans for me. I leave it for themselves to eventually find out.
Cause the design is uniqe in many ways, the wested has its very own style.

Yea, i must admit that i gotten i couple of looks from some girls....and wich guy can say NO to that?


Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:34 pm
by Michaelson
Ah, well, I'm at a different stage of life then, Ren. Not TO many years ago, I was at our local skating rink waiting for the daughters, when along came a couple little girls (probably 7 or so) on skates, working their way down the side of the rink where I was sitting. They were using the wall, chairs, anything they could get hold of to keep their balance. When they got to me (and I was sitting there in all my IJ glory...jacket, Aldens and fedora), and without even slowing down, used my knee, shoe and arm to continue their move toward the concession stand. Just as they were pass me, the second little girl glanced back at me, and asked the first girl, "Do you know that man?"
The first girl said, "No. He's just somebodies dad."
Well, uh, ok. At least they noticed me. :(
Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 12:52 pm
by Flattery
Yea, i must admit that i gotten i couple of looks from some girls....and wich guy can say NO to that?
A wife or girlfriend :lol:

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 1:02 pm
by binkmeisterRick
:lol: :lol: :lol: Only you, Michaelson, only you. :wink:


Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:09 pm
by WConly
I think my most memorable occassion wearing PBB Fedora and Wested Goat was at a carpet store in Kansas City. A sales clerk (I would say she was in her late twenty's) asked me if I was a big Bob Dylan fan ...this kind of threw me a back and I responded with ..."yeah, I like Bob Dylan ...why do you ask?" ...she said ...."..the look ...the hat, the leather coat ...and you obviously don't shave very often...reminds me of Dylan." Go figure! I guess that perception is - reality. W>

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:15 pm
by Flattery
You should've slurred your speech. That would've been a riot.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:32 pm
by binkmeisterRick
"Heeeeeey... I'd liiiiike to buy some caaaarpet."

:lol: bink

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:37 pm
by Flattery
Oh yeah -- just got another compliment on the jacket. Alll-riiiight.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:39 pm
by Indiana Jess
Michaelson wrote: ... "No. He's just somebodies dad." ...
Well at least they didn't say 'grampa'. :wink:

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:44 pm
by Michaelson
Like I said, it was a couple of years ago. WIth all the white hairs now in my moustache, I'm sure that's the direction it would have probably gone! :roll: :wink: Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 3:48 pm
by whipwarrior
A few years ago, I had one guy actually approach me to ask where I got my jacket (my first Wested), and I've received many online compliments on my second (and sometimes curious / dirty looks from people in real life who don't appreciate distressed leather). It's a strange, cruel world. :?

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:16 pm
by Flattery
The more antiquarian the better, in my opinion. Except when it comes to medical science, of course.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:24 pm
by Mola Ram
Is that because the parts that arent sanded look like
leather on a new jacket? So it looks like it was done on
purpose? or, the people of today buy a new jacket when
the old one shows wear at all.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:33 pm
by Flattery
I think antiquarian/distressed looks are really becoming very aesthetically pleasing to people. Consider the "new" jeans you can buy at Abercrombie that already have rips and holes in them.

As to whether the distressing looks fake -- it depends on what techniques are used. Personally, if I were wearing a pre-distressed jacket and someone gave me a dirty look, I wouldn't care. Their opinion on the street doesn't figure into my self esteem or how I carry myself. Seeing as how some people here dress as a fictional character on a daily (or close) basis, I wouldn't think they'd care about what others thought about them.

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:42 pm
by Michaelson
Whew, glad you clarified that, Flattery. When you said 'antiquarian' in that last post, I didn't know if you were addressing that toward whipwarrior's jacket, or me! :shock: :wink: Regards. Michaelson

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2004 4:48 pm
by Flattery