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Indy's side straps

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:42 am
by Striver
Dear All,

OK dedicated Indy fans answer me this one please. I bought my Wested goat only because I love the style.... not primarily because I'm an Indy fan... (no, please.. don't kick me out.....!).

Well last Wednesday my wife told me that Raiders was being shown on the BBC in the UK and "as you've got the jacket you'd better put it on and watch it!" So we did - wife, young daughter and I.

Of course I studied all shots of the jacket - and here's my question - I thought the side straps seemed to face backwards.. they face forwards on my jacket, though I've always thought this isn't logical re. snagging them on things (yes, I know you can reverse 'em back through the rings). So what's the reality - Indy's face forwards or backwards?

By the way, UK Indy fans, I think the other 2 films are being shown tomorrow evening (8 Sept) and the following Wednesday!!



Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 11:53 am
by Michaelson
Mine have always been forward, and are just easier to adjust than rear facing staps. That's just my opinion, though. Regards. Michaelson

I've seen 'em both ways

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2004 8:01 pm
by Indydawg
Although, only facing forward on the Westeds. US Wings has some jackets that have the straps pulling backwards. I had one, a VIP jacket, and thought it odd, so I sent it back for a different jacket.

Anyway...I think what you saw must have been the straps being threaded back through the strap keepers on the jacket instead of them actually pulling to the back. I know several people that do that with their straps because they just don't like all that excess leather flapping around, and it's a bit neater.

So...that's probably what you saw, as I've never seen a Wested with the straps pulling backwards.

Although, that doesn't mean it wasn't done. Those stunt jackets had some abuse, so they might have had to sew the straps back on or something and done it backwards?...

So...enough of my pointless rambling. I'll go back to reading useless drivel about the writing processes of 12th graders.

Later y'all!