After a 3, yes, 3 month wait, I have finally recieved my PB P1 Last Crusade Venice dock scene fedora. Trouble is, it feels like a Kevlar helmet! I know they're stiff but come on ...
Any ideas on how to soften it that don't involve sitting on it or throwing it in a dryer?
Wear it in the rain every chance you get. It will soften up with each soaking as the water is diluting the felt stiffiner. Always allow the hat to dry naturally at room temp after it's been wet, but I'm sure you already know that. Regards. Michaelson
With my fed I used steam to shape it and it made is very soft and flexable but after about a minute it went back to being hard but maybe with a PB it's different...I don't know. I'd just try it, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt it...just remember if is does get wet to always set on the crown otherwise it's off to taper city...
Chamorro wrote:After a 3, yes, 3 month wait, I have finally recieved my PB P1 Last Crusade Venice dock scene fedora. Trouble is, it feels like a Kevlar helmet! I know they're stiff but come on ...
Any ideas on how to soften it that don't involve sitting on it or throwing it in a dryer?
Call Joe to see if he has any ideas. If it was me, I would hate to do something that he couldn't fix down the road.
When I got my PB I wore it in the rain and kept curling the sides and brim over and over.Then I reshaped it then let it dry.Its loose now but still a little stiff.I have even steped on it,had a bunch of tools fall on it,covered in dirt and the hole nine yards worth of wear and tear on it.Its still a nice looking hat the toughfest Iv seen yet.