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New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:17 pm
by whiskyman
So after wearing my old Steele and Jones hat on many adventures, I decided it was time to get a new hat. My old one is very faded and has shrunk to the point of being uncomfortable - although at least it never blows off my head! It no longer has quite the Raiders vibe I like.
As much as i would have liked to get a custom hat, I have currently neither the funds nor the patience - and also wanting to avoid ordering from outside the EU for customs reasons, Advintage was a no-brainer. Plus I've had dealings with Thomas from way back when he was offering HJs through his Replix prop store and he's a very nice guy.
So - the hat arrived today. Very well packaged with some nice little details and even a free yoyo! I've always bought all my hats open crowned and this was no exception.
The felt is very nice (Sable 23) - a fair bit thinner than my S&J - and took a dry bash within a couple of minutes. It's very well proportioned and shaped for a Raiders hat - especially considering it is a factory hat. The price is also very reasonable. It's very nice to have a well fitting hat again!!!
For the moment I will be keeping this one nice and the S&J will be the one I take out on adventures or in the harsher elements - but I know that before long I will want to take a more Raiders looking lid on my travels.
Enough gabbing - here are some pics. Please excuse the bathroom selfies - there's nobody around to take better pics of me wearing it at the moment (I should have cleaned the mirror)





Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 2:48 pm
by bearbeast
Gorgeous hat, it really suits you, I think you nailed the size. :clap:

I got a new Harrison last year too, really love it. Love my older one as well, but it's seen better days....

I also really like the shot with the whip and jacket.


Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 3:08 pm
by whiskyman
Thanks Bear- I'm also impressed with the quality and Indyness of the Harrison. Goodness knows I've owned pretty much everything offered over the past 20 years - I would certainly recommend this hat and from what I've seen, Thomas can style them very well. if you don't want to do it yourself. As accurate as a custom hat - well, no - but very very close for a factory hat. I don't know how long it'll keep it's shape - that remains to be seen. My S&J has been though #### and back and has kept its shape pretty well considering its been in deserts, rainstorms, baggage compartments and generally not looked after!

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:16 pm
by bearbeast
I think the Harrison's felt is rather soft compared to other hats, so it will not last two decades without a reblock. But I'll take the small modifications to shape and aspect as the normal life of a hat. The important thing is it stays together and you can definitely still use it.

I've treated my first Harrison the same as you treated your S&J, that's why I was saying it's seen better days. I got it soaked, I sat on it, the ribbon has sun damage, but it's still recognizable as an Indy hat. :rolling:

I think you'll love yours and it will serve you very well. :TOH:

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 4:57 pm
by imagine671
@whiskeyman That’s a very good looking hat indeed. It’s incredible how accurate a factory hat can look. Hope you enjoy it. Mine’s due soon, so looking forward to swapping notes.

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2024 8:06 pm
by Indiana Croft
That sweet looking for a factory.correct me if I’m wrong, you bought this open crown.
Nice job with the crease as you’ve done in the past.

Croft :mrgreen:

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 9:20 am
by Indiana Jon
Lookin' good. Nice job on the bash.

I'm no expert (my only other lid is a Fed IV), but I really like the felt weight on the Harrisons. My Raiders is a little under a year old now and it seems to have just the right amount of screen accurate "flop". As for longevity, time will tell. I don't expect much from a factory hat, but I'm a fan of Thomas's work. Just received my second Harrison from him last week (TOD, bridge scene). Just haven't gotten around to taking pics yet.

Anyway, congrats on your new lid. Wear it in good health. :TOH:

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 10:39 am
by Howard Weinstein
I currently have 3 Harrisons (+ an AdVintage beaver custom gray Crystal Skull train hat...and 15 or so mostly Akubra western hats) in rotation, so I may never wear any of them out.

And while we have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to high-quality options for Indy fedoras these days, when you stack up quality, color and blocking choices, service and price, I think it's tough to beat the AdVintage Harrison. May you have many adventures with your newest addition.

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 11:48 am
by WConly
That hat really looks good on you! Good choice! Very Indy! W>

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 12:54 pm
by whiskyman
Thanks for all the positive comments. I took down the bathroom mirror pics and instead offer you these outdoor shots. As you can see the felt is quite a warm brown - especially in direct sunlight.
What I particularly like about the Harrison is the almost flat flanged brim, which I think works especially well in Raiders hat.






Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 1:20 pm
by Charybdis
Dude, that looks awesome!

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2024 2:46 pm
by Tremolo
That’s a fantastic looking hat and your bashing job just nailed it! The new Sable 23 colour is looking lovely, especially in the outdoor pictures and even more important it looks perfect on you.
This shows how good todays Indy hat choices really are!

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2024 3:37 pm
by NorthernRaider
Great pics, and great looking hat! Nice job with the bash.

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:56 pm
by micsteam
Nailed it !! Looks fantastic !! :TOH:

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 7:26 am
by Canyon
Yes! Looks absolutely gorgeous! :mrgreen:

Re: New Hat Day! Advintage Harrison

Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2024 8:23 pm
by Indyguy83
Nothing like a new hat. It looks very nice