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Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:33 am
by Masterfulks
Hi I recently purchased a Todd's Costume 10ft whip.

I'm wondering how thick the screen accurate or Morgan whips are. The Todd's whip was thinner and lighter than I expected. It's 5x cheaper so that's not so surprising.

I think the lightness makes it harder to crack, or maybe it's me. If this question is covered elsewhere sorry I missed it. Most online whip sellers don't seem to show weight or diameter. So if I order another one from somewhere I'd like to have a basis.

I'll try to take some pictures of the Todds whip if anyone is interested.

Re: Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:43 am
The recent batch of Todd whips I’ve seen are pretty accurate, not sure if you got something different, but the Raiders looks thinner than most think. As for the weight, yeah, Todd whips are lighter than most high quality whips, so you’ll have to put a bit more power into them.

Re: Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2023 11:45 am
by tomek9210

Properly made kangaroo Indy style bullwhip (kiphide core and lead loaded spike foundation, two plaited roohide bellies, two kiphide bolsters and roohide overlay) results in a fairly heavy whip.
I'd say it should weigh between 600 to even 1000 grams, depending on its length. My del Caprio 8 footer weighs almost 800 grams.

As for the diameters - it should measure around 20-22 mm at the bottom of the handle and up to 25 mm above the transition knot. Last inches should measure around 6-8 mm.

Re: Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:44 am
by bearbeast
Yeah, when you're just getting into whips the dimensions are confusing... Hard to find info on the diameter and so on...

My first whip was 25 mm in thickness even at the handle... Later I found out how much nicer a 19-20 mm whip feels and looks. :shock:

Tomek's hints are pretty good. Around 20 mm is the sweet spot, maybe slightly thicker at the transition, depending on which movie and movie scene you want.

And the CS whip is the thickest of all. Heavy one, I believe.


Re: Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:09 am
by bearbeast
Just stumbled on this pic in my downloads folder:


Maybe it helps a bit.

Re: Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 3:09 am
by tomek9210
That was a screen used Raiders bullwhip measured by one of the Indygear moderators.

Great point of reference for whipmakers!

Re: Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:20 am
by bearbeast
Yup, great diagram, I wish I had seen it before I started making whips! I think I did dig it up in a an older COW thread. :TOH:


Re: Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:42 pm
by Masterfulks
Thank you. I think it seems small compared to the couple of whips I had years ago. Certainly is lighter. Matching what’s on screen is the point though and it appears it does.

I’ll just have to get better at using it!

Re: Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 3:07 am
by bearbeast
Well, lighter whips are definitely harder to crack. You need to put some force into it compared to a heavy whip, where you almost only need to move it in the right way. :TOH:

Re: Whip thickness/diameter? Weight?

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2023 11:39 am
by IndianaJustin
I agree with Bear, but a heavy whip will probably wear on you sooner. Either way it's fun :whip: