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Bapty vrs Stembridge diagram

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:35 pm
by prettybigguy
I remember seeing a diagram that someone posted a while back that pictured both the Bapty and Stembridge versions of Indy's S&W 1917. One of the things I remember is that it was all written in French. Can this be re-posted? I want to print it out and give to someone who keeping his eyes peeled for one of these pistols. Thanks!

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:55 pm
by RonC
Here's the thread in which it is located: ... 75&start=0

Just scroll down the first page and you will see it.


Re: Bapty vrs Stembridge diagram

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:58 pm
by Sergei
prettybigguy wrote:I remember seeing a diagram that someone posted a while back that pictured both the Bapty and Stembridge versions of Indy's S&W 1917. One of the things I remember is that it was all written in French. Can this be re-posted? I want to print it out and give to someone who keeping his eyes peeled for one of these pistols. Thanks!
Hey PBG it was Graal that posted the diagram. Here is the thread: ... 17+diagram

You might want to read the whole thread. There was some slight inaccuracies in the diagram. Slight...


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:01 pm
by Sergei
Oops. Sorry Ronc. OUr responses crossed lke ships passing through the night. Sorry about that.


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:01 pm
by RonC
Hello, Sergei! Don't want to hijack this thread, but I'm getting my S&W modified to have a "Stembridge" look as we speak. I'll post some photos when it's finished. No problem, my friend...yours has much more detail.


Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:28 pm
by prettybigguy
Gentlemen, you have my thanks!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 7:44 pm
by schwammy
Who among us, I wonder aloud, has both the computer savvy and the French-speaking skills to create a translated diagram in English?

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 7:55 pm
by Sergei
schwammy wrote:Who among us, I wonder aloud, has both the computer savvy and the French-speaking skills to create a translated diagram in English?
We'll have our "top men" working on it!

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 8:51 pm
by Indiana Weasel
give me a couple of minutes and some time in photoshop

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:07 pm
by Dalexs
Yes.. our "top men..." ok, well i gave it a go anyways!

(I left out the obvious ones..)

Varientes des deux Smith & wesson modifies des
Adventuriers de l'Arche Perdue

Giudon demi-lune
sur embout
qui coiffe le canon

Canons d'origine racourcis

Guidon rapporté soudé sur le canon

Plaquettes de crosse
en ébonite moire quadrillée

Logo doré Smith & Wesson
marqueté dans
les plaquettes
de crosse

Translates to...
(According to

Varientes of both Smith & wesson modify of Adventuriers of the Lost Arch

Giudon half-moon on end which caps the gun

Guns of origin racourcis

Brought back handlebar welded onto the gun

Plates of ebonite squared moire stick

Logo gilded Smith & Wesson inlaid in the plates of stick

(for what its worth!)


Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:17 pm
by Indiana Weasel
Et le voila (man Dalexs already beat me to the text though)

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:19 pm
by Dalexs
Believe me.. you did a much better job atthe translation then I did!
I just relied on the internet and some quick typing. And you can see how well THAT worked!


Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:33 pm
by Indiana Weasel
well my french might get me moving up bit up in your neighborhood, one of the universities that hasn't rejected me(yet) is in Boston. Well, er ,... Cambridge. But that's close enough

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 9:42 pm
by Sergei
You are "top man" Indiana Weasel. :lol: Well, done. Well, done.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 11:49 pm
by Pyroxene
Nice job.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:07 am
by Lee Keppler
The shape of the "Stembridge" gun's front sight in the French diagram is WRONG. Check the photo in Indygear(I took it on my coffee table in 1985) for the proper shape. Also the "band" is just where they never re-blued it after silver soldiering on the sight. No band was added.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:24 am
by Pyroxene

Were the grips walnut grips that just blackened? Or, were they black plastic?

Just wondering

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:44 am
by Lee Keppler
VERY well oiled walnut, checkered, diamond, no medallion. The gun is an early 1917 Commercial so the grips are correct. Also the left grip has a piece missing off the forward edge, but please don't ruin a collectable set of stocks duplicating this.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 10:11 am
by RonC
Lee, GREAT infromation! Thanks for the "first-hand" info! I've been attempting to locate a pair of these "non-medallion" commercial grips for quite some time. They are much more rare (at least here in Texas) than the gold medallion grips.


Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 6:33 pm
by schwammy
Way to go, Weasel! What a resourceful bunch, I tell ya. If this crowd were alive during World War II, the government could have put us on the Manhattan Project, I swear. Now, Sergei, are the inaccuracies you speak of the same ones that Lee has pointed out? Also, which one is the Stembridge? And what does that name refer to? Also, and I'm sure this has already been explained, but why two guns?

(Can you tell I don't hang out in the guns & ammo section very often?)

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 8:20 pm
by Sergei
Yeah Schwammy like I said, the "French" diagram has some inaccuracies. Hint: Indian Weasel could you fix it?

The diagram errors are:
1) The Bapty (.455) gun was cut from a 6 1/2" to a 4" barrel. So the diagram incorrectly shows the original size of the barrel to be too short.
2) The Stembridge (.45) gun was from a 5 1/2" to a 4" barrel.
3) The diagram incorrectly states .445. It's actually a .455 Eley.
4) The Bapty (.455) Eley was the UK version, hence the calibre .455. Only the commercial version of the S&W denoted the S&W trademark and on the "left" side.
5) As Lee mentioned the semi-circular site on the .455, Bapty gun is too broad in the diagram. The proper dimension is noted on the main Indygear site.

Lastly to anwer your question on why they called it the Stembridge gun. For the same reason they called the Bapty the Bapty. The UK gun, Bapty was rented from Bapty. That was the gun used for all the scenes except two. The Stempbridge gun was used in the hand it to Belloq scene and the suitcase toss scene. The Stempbridge gun was rented from Syd Stembridge in LA (area). This is the gun that Lee actually took out and shot on the range.


Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 9:01 pm
by Indiana Weasel
will work on it, but it might take a bit, right now my brain is a bit too fried from work... might be able to post it up before the weekend.