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Please allow me to introduce myself..

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 2:27 am
by China Jim
I figured I would pop in and crack off with an introduction since I have been away for a long time once this is posted you will know me as China Jim, not my professional name but it will serve right now. I have a keen interest in Asian history and archeology so I got the moniker while sailing in that part of the world during my Pre college Navy days. But I did come here to talk about whips now unlike some of the page members I learned the whip from a book on Filipino whip combat but lost this beautiful book when much of my personal gear was destroyed by a shiftless landlord who promised to store what I could not take on my immigration trip to Japan. Now I understand that Harrison and many others involved in the usage of the whip use the Delongis method or a variation thereof. I being China Jim took a more oriental view I have obtained a DVD copy of the Shaolin /Shepherds whip or muyang bian system which was developed during the Yuan dynasty under Kublai Kahn. My whips body is 6.5 feet from the cracker to the handle, the handle is 8 inches long and solid medal with a ball bearing counterbalance in the butt. No wrist loop constructed of black and brown high-tension paracord I requested a combat whip and my whip maker excelled himself and worked within my budget retired contract teachers don't get a lot of a stipend so I have to make do with what I have. Would like to post an image from my files but the insert image is all I see so a bit of info would be appreciated. Well as some of my students used to say Mr. C you are prattling again so I bid you all a hearty adieu and will await my fellows' :whip: replies.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself..

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 3:36 am
by tomek9210
Hi, welcome!

You have to host the image at a hosting site like imgur etc. Then you have to paste the link here using "Image", we do it the old school way here :lol:

I can't wait to see your whip. There are FB groups focused on whip combat, you need to definitely check them out.

Re: Please allow me to introduce myself..

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 7:15 am
by bearbeast
Hello, and welcome! Great to have a new member here and see new posts.

Regarding image hosting, Tomek is right, Imgur is great for that.
