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Someone Else’s Shoes - Chose Poorly or Chose Wisely?
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 1:42 pm
by Chose Poorly
Howdy y’all!
So I’ve decided to pull the trigger on some Alden Indy Boots to continue my gear journey. In an attempt to avoid shelling out the now exhorbitent price for a new pair, I thought I’d try finding a pair on the used market and was nearly successful, but not quite.
My first attempt was a pair on the Alden Modified Last which I found on eBay in a Size 11B. They were the same Brown Cromexcel leather as the 403 but are technically model 41146 because of the Modified Last, and are only sold by one retailer in the US. Unfortunately I
chose poorly and they were too narrow in the toe box.

Fortunately I was able to sell them pretty quickly, and actually at a bit of a profit.
So now for round two! I tried on a pair of 403s in a 10D at one of the only two remaining stores in Los Angeles that carries them, Avedon Boutique in Beverly Hills, and they were too short. I have a 10.5D and 11D on order to try on for size.
I also found this pair in Tobacco Chamois for sale online and was curious what everybody thinks of the color and oiled nubuck leather. Personally, I don’t love the big vibram lug soles as they drastically change the look of the boots, but the color is pretty nice. It almost feels like a matte version of Raiders brown… almost…
I was considering buying them and doing a resole in neocork, and feel like they could be an interesting alternative to 405s and 403s for screen accuracy after a bit of wear. They’ll just never quite have the same paying you get from a smooth tanned leather. But they kind of look pre-dusty.
Thoughts? Help me feel like I
chose wisely!
Re: Someone Else’s Shoes - Chose Poorly or Chose Wisely?
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 3:59 pm
by Michaelson
My Alden advise is sometimes accepted, but usually ignored, but since I was the individual who originally gathered all the Alden information in 2000 for Indy Diggs, before Indygear even began, I'll just tell you what I tell everyone else.......GET PROFESSIONALLY MEASURED!
All Alden Trubalance boots/shoes are orthopedic footwear, and were always advised to be measured by either a doctor or a shoe specialist who sells Alden boots. Guessing can either get 'close enough ', or just about cripple you.
You're going to get all kinds of advice 'size up' or 'size down', but they're all just guessing. Your foot is not like everyone else's, and that's why these shoes were created and prescribed by foot specialists/doctors due to the Trubalance system.
Now, do as you will. I've done my due diligence since this question has come up multiple times over the past umpteen years.
Regards! Michaelson
Re: Someone Else’s Shoes - Chose Poorly or Chose Wisely?
Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2021 4:32 pm
by Chose Poorly
Michaelson wrote:My Alden advise is sometimes accepted, but usually ignored, but since I was the individual who originally gathered all the Alden information in 2000 for Indy Diggs, before Indygear even began, I'll just tell you what I tell everyone else.......GET PROFESSIONALLY MEASURED!
All Alden Trubalance boots/shoes are orthopedic footwear, and were always advised to be measured by either a doctor or a shoe specialist who sells Alden boots. Guessing can either get 'close enough ', or just about cripple you.
You're going to get all kinds of advice 'size up' or 'size down', but they're all just guessing. Your foot is not like everyone else's, and that's why these shoes were created and prescribed by foot specialists/doctors due to the Trubalance system.
Now, do as you will. I've done my due diligence since this question has come up multiple times over the past umpteen years.
Regards! Michaelson
Thanks, Michaelson!
I have been professionally measured. The initial issue was that I was trying to save money and go with used boots, but pickings were slim.
Next step is going to be trying on a few different sizes when they come in. If the 10.5 or 11D are the right length but too wide, I might need a narrower width than a D. Based on how the 10D felt, I have a feeling the 10.5D is going to be right for me.
Was also curious on reactions to color options. I've never seen the Chamois ones before, and I also know some folks opt for Natural Chromexcel instead of Brown.
Re: Someone Else’s Shoes - Chose Poorly or Chose Wisely?
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 5:58 am
by Satipo
Michaelson's advice is spot on. I got my size measured in the SF Alden branch 18 years ago, and my boots were comfortable right out of the box, and still are.
Re: Someone Else’s Shoes - Chose Poorly or Chose Wisely?
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 10:51 am
by MaverickFerg
Also, you might consider joining some Alden groups on Facebook and getting an account on Styleforum (both have a very active sellers sections where you might be able to pick up some 'gently enjoyed' Indy Boots). In addition, Jim Pietryka (one of the admins of the Facebook group) owns an Alden retailer in North Carolina (Ealdwine) and has an uncanny ability to help people dial in their perfect size (in all of the lasts) just via a quick phone call or Messenger chat.
The Facebook group is called: Alden Shoes Enthusiasts (has over 7,500 members)
The Alden Buy/Sell/Trade thread on Styleforum: ... ad.645611/" onclick=";return false;
My personal favorite way to get "free" Indy boots: Use credit card points to get gift cards to J. Crew or Nordstrom - both of which occasionally have Alden Indy makeups. Just keep in mind that J. Crew Alden 405s are really more like your typical Alden 403 (Chromexel on Neocork)
Re: Someone Else’s Shoes - Chose Poorly or Chose Wisely?
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 11:57 am
by Chose Poorly
MaverickFerg wrote:Also, you might consider joining some Alden groups on Facebook and getting an account on Styleforum (both have a very active sellers sections where you might be able to pick up some 'gently enjoyed' Indy Boots). In addition, Jim Pietryka (one of the admins of the Facebook group) owns an Alden retailer in North Carolina (Ealdwine) and has an uncanny ability to help people dial in their perfect size (in all of the lasts) just via a quick phone call or Messenger chat.
The Facebook group is called: Alden Shoes Enthusiasts (has over 7,500 members)
The Alden Buy/Sell/Trade thread on Styleforum: ... ad.645611/" onclick=";return false;
My personal favorite way to get "free" Indy boots: Use credit card points to get gift cards to J. Crew or Nordstrom - both of which occasionally have Alden Indy makeups. Just keep in mind that J. Crew Alden 405s are really more like your typical Alden 403 (Chromexel on Neocork)
This is awesome advice, thanks! I’ve browsed Styleforum before but not registered. Now I’m registered and watching that thread which I’m sure will help.
And I joined the FB group as advised and reached out to Jim for some guidance. Really appreciate that tip!
To be clear to all weighing in here, I would absolutely love to go into an Alden retailer and have myself measured specifically for Aldens, but it’s not an option where I live. There are only two stores in the Los Angeles area that even carry Aldens at this point, and neither of them are the type of place that professionally measures your feet. One is a fancy Beverly Hills boutique with overpriced designer nonsense, and one is an overrated hipster store that is never open and never has anything in stock other than a seemingly endless variety of mustache wax. The best I can do is try on a few pairs until I find the ones that feel right, and even that requires the stores to order more stock. Thanks fully they’ve done so without requiring a deposit.
I have been professionally measured before, both by hand and on one of those fancy machines at Red Wing, and even that proved tricky with my odd feet. They measured me at a Brannock 11 bordering on wide, and suggested the Iron Rangers in a 10D which turned out to be too short and destroyed my toes. They let me exchange them and go up to a 10.5D which I wear almost every day and love. I’ve heard the Indys fit similarly to the Iron Rangers but are more comfortable and more ergonomically shaped. So 10.5D is my next step, but I’m looking forward to more studies advice from Jim.
Re: Someone Else’s Shoes - Chose Poorly or Chose Wisely?
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2021 7:46 pm
by Chose Poorly
So I chatted with Jim for a while this morning and also managed to find a new store in LA that carries Alden Indys! I tried on a 10.5D in the 403s and 405s today and went with the 403s. They feel great! Thanks again for the help, y’all!
Re: Someone Else’s Shoes - Chose Poorly or Chose Wisely?
Posted: Mon Aug 30, 2021 5:32 pm
by Chose Poorly
But wait, the saga is not over, as it never is with me. After a bit of wear, I've decided the 403s I bought at the top of the month feel too big after a bit of break in, and I'd rather not have to spend the rest of their life wearing thick socks (especially in So Cal!).
Jim has a pair in a 10.5C on their way out to me which hopefully do the trick, which means there should be a pair of 10.5D Indy 403s posted in the Bazaar later this week. Any interested parties should keep an eye out there, and of course, feel free to message me directly with any questions in the meantime.
Chose Poorly. Again.
Stay tuned.
Re: Someone Else’s Shoes - Chose Poorly or Chose Wisely?
Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2021 6:34 pm
by Chose Poorly
So far so good on the 10.5C pair I received from Jim at Ealdwine today.
Former pair is up in the Bazaar now. Fingers crossed I'm done shoe shopping for now!